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Malaysia/ Barn döda efter flykt från förvar
Över 500 rohingyer flydde från ett migrationsförvar i Malaysia under natten till onsdag. Sex personer dödades under flykten.
Det var vid klockan 04.30 lokal tid som ett upplopp startade i ett förvar i norra Malaysia. De 23 vakter som jobbade där kunde inte kontrollera situationen och enligt landets migrationsmyndighet flydde 528 rohingyer efter att ha brutit upp en skyddsdörr.
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Libyen/ 541 people arrested by the Libyan authorities - back to detention and abuse?
On April 24, Libyan police arrested 541 people on the move in the city of Misurata, east of the capital Tripoli, according to the media.
As reported by the director of the centre, Abdussalam Alewan, the arrested people, whose nationalities are unknown, have been taken to the Tariq al-Matar detention centre in Tripoli, where they will remain until deported to their countries. More on this here, but we didn't hear about this in western headlines.
And the ones who do, face danger and prosecution, mentions Sally Hayden, journalist and author of 'My First Time, We Drowned: Seeking Refuge on the World's Deadliest Migration Route', in an article on Open Democracy.
"I was placed under a year-long criminal investigation myself by German prosecutors, and received death threats and security warnings from government intelligence agencies", she states.
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Ukraina/ As the war rages, so does the racism and violent discrimination
A joint investigation led by Lighthouse Reports reveals that the so called migrant detention centre Volyn near Lutsk in Ukraine continued to hold an unconfirmed number of people despite the war and Russia's invasion.
The centre operates thanks to the EU which had allocated 1.7 million euros ($1.8m) for the securitisation of this centre in 2009.
As the LR reports, "the camp got EU support to confine asylum seekers, many of them pushed back from the EU. Voyln is a migrant prison still in operation even now, in the midst of a war, that detains undocumented people for up to 18 months.
A joint investigation led by Lighthouse Reports reveals that the so called migrant detention centre Volyn near Lutsk in Ukraine continued to hold an unconfirmed number of people despite the war and Russia's invasion.
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Turkiet/ AYS Special from Turkey: Deportations to Syria
Over the past months, we have received increasing reports of collective deportations of Syrian people on the move - both documented and undocumented - from different locations in Turkey to Syria. While this practice has been observed for some time, numbers seem to have increased sharply in the recent months.
According to the latest figures provided by Interior Minister Süleyman Soylu, Turkey is home to a total of 4,038,857 people on the move from around the world. More than 3.5 million people fled the Syrian conflict over the past decade. Turkey is a signatory of the 1951 Refugee Convention, but this only applies to people from European countries.
In April 2013, Turkey adopted the Law on Foreigners and International Protection (LFIP), which establishes a dedicated legal framework for asylum in Turkey and affirms Turkey's obligations towards all persons in need of international protection, regardless of country of origin. The law created the Directorate General of Migration Management (DGMM) as the agency responsible for migration and asylum, which conducts the status determination procedure. Toward the end of 2018 DGMM took over all tasks relating to international protection, while UNHCR and its implementing partner, the Association for Solidarity with Asylum Seekers and Migrants (SGDD-ASAM), were phased out of registering international protection applicants.
The LFIP provides three types of international protection status in accordance with Turkey's "geographical limitation" policy on the 1951 Refugee Convention, plus one temporary status, created especially for people arriving from Syria.
1 Persons who fall within the refugee definition of the 1951 Convention and come from a "European country of origin" qualify for refugee status under LFIP, in full acknowledgment of Turkey's obligations under the 1951 Convention.
2 Persons who fall within the refugee definition of the 1951 Convention but come from a so-called 'non-European country of origin', are instead offered conditional refugee status.
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Belarus/ Tusentals har flugits hem från Belarus gräns
Irak har flugit hem nästan 4?000 av sina medborgare som suttit fast vid gränsen mellan Belarus och EU.
Beskedet kommer i svallvågorna av hård kritik från FN och EU mot Belarus grannländer för att de stoppat migranter som försökt korsa gränsen.
Sedan den 18 november har Iraks regering organiserat tio flyg från Bagdad till Vitryssland för att repatriera sina medborgare.
- Vi har kunnat repatriera omkring 4?000 irakier som suttit fast vid Belarus gräns mot Polen, Litauen och Lettland, säger Iraks utrikesminister Fuad Hussein på en presskonferens i Bagdad med sin litauiska motsvarighet Gabrielius Landsbergis.
Utrikesdepartementet talesperson Ahmed al-Sahaf uppgav efter presskonferensen att 3?817 irakiska migranter har repatrierats från Vitryssland och 112 från Litauen.
Hård kritik
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Tunisien/ Tunisian officials abandon migrants in the desert at the Libyan border
Tunisian human rights organisations have been sharing footage of Tunisian officials transporting a group of migrants to the border with Libya on September 27 and abandoning them in the desert. The group, which was intercepted trying to reach Europe by boat, was made up of about a hundred men, women and children, including at least three pregnant women. We spoke to one man who described how the group was left stranded.
Our Observer Eric (not his real name) was one of the migrants with the group. He told us what happened after they were arrested on the boat, as they were trying to reach Italy.
"After they arrested us on the boats, they released the Tunisians and put the people from Sub-Saharan Africa in detention. Then, the next day, they made us get into buses, without telling us where we were going. The group included children as well as pregnant women and elderly women. After driving for five hours, they broke us into three groups and then loaded us into pickups bound for the desert."
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Libyen/ 4000 migranter frihetsberövade i Libyen
Omkring 4 000 migranter har frihetsberövats vid ett tillslag i den libyska staden Gargaresh på lördagen. Enligt FN sköts dessutom en person ihjäl och ytterligare 15 skadades, varav två allvarligt.
Gargaresh, ett känt nav för migranter och flyktingar, ligger cirka 12 kilometer väster om huvudstaden Tripoli. Flera räder har tidigare genomförts i staden, men den här beskrivs som den hittills största. Myndigheterna beskriver det som en insats mot människosmuggling och narkotikahandel
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AYS 21-10-03: Horrific detention conditions for people rounded-up in Libya (Extern länk)
Libyen/ Libya's migrant roundup reaches 4,000 amid major crackdown
A major crackdown in western Libya has resulted in the detention of at least 4,000 migrants, including hundreds of women and children, officials said Saturday. The U.N. said at least one young migrant was shot dead and 15 others injured, including two in serious conditions, in the crackdown.
The raids took place Friday in the western town of Gargaresh as part of what authorities described as a security campaign against illegal migration and drug trafficking. The Interior Ministry, which led the crackdown, made no mention of any traffickers or smugglers being arrested.
Officials said Friday that 500 illegal migrants had been detained but on Saturday reported that number had reached 4,000.
Gargaresh, a known hub for migrants and refugees, is about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) west of Tripoli, the Libyan capital. The town has seen several waves of raids on migrants over the years, but the latest one was described by activists as the fiercest so far.
Since the 2011 NATO-backed uprising that ousted and killed longtime dictator Moammar Gadhafi, Libya has emerged as the dominant transit point for migrants fleeing war and poverty in Africa and the Middle East, hoping for a better life in Europe. Human traffickers have benefited from the chaos in the oil-rich nation and smuggled migrants through the country's lengthy border with six nations. They then pack desperate migrants into ill-equipped rubber boats in risky voyages through the perilous Central Mediterranean Sea route.
The detained were gathered in a facility in Tripoli called the Collection and Return Center, said police Col. Nouri al-Grettli, head of the center.
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USA/ The unnecessary cruelty of America's immigration system
One day in the spring of 2019, a young Honduran man in a detention center in Ferriday, La., began to feel strange. He'd recently heard from his lawyers that his request to be released on humanitarian parole while his asylum case was pending had been denied. As he swayed on his feet, his skin breaking out into hives, he suspected that the stress of facing more time in a prison cell had brought on a panic attack.
Then his symptoms intensified. His throat closed up, and he could barely catch his breath. His roommate tried to soothe him, but M., whom I am identifying only by his first initial because of death threats he has received in Honduras, lost consciousness and was taken to the local rural hospital, where he received treatment for anaphylactic shock. Over the next several months, he would go into shock twice more. The doctors never isolated the cause.
M.'s lawyers helped him file for parole yet again. "He needs a full medical evaluation and physical therapy to fully recover from his injuries," they wrote; his release was "the only humanitarian course of action." But an immigration officer rejected the request, calling M. a flight risk even though he had no criminal record and a friend willing to sponsor his release, assuming the responsibility for getting him to court.
Right now, more than 25,000 immigrants are imprisoned in U.S. detention facilities, with thousands more waiting in Mexico for the chance to cross - at which point most will be summarily locked up. It's a policy of deterrence by detention: to make life so unpleasant that immigrants opt to go home on their own accord, or never come at all.
I've interviewed hundreds of people like M. who have spent months or even years in the grips of America's detention system while they fight their court cases, baffled as to how they can remain locked up for so long. International law considers detention a measure of last resort, and America's own policies reserve it for people who are either a danger to public safety or a significant flight risk.
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Kina/ China restarts forced returns of refugees to North Korea
For months, North Koreans living in South Korea who have relatives detained in China have been imploring government officials, foreign diplomats, United Nations agencies, and others for help. They hope international pressure can dissuade Chinese authorities from forcibly returning their relatives and other refugees to North Korea.
Concerns among relatives spiked last week when Chinese authorities forcibly returned nearly 50 North Korean refugees who now face torture, imprisonment, sexual violence, and forced labor. The North Korean government reopened its borders on July 14 after closing them in early 2020 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, increasing the risk of forced repatriation. The families' fears have grown as North Korean authorities are reportedly inflicting more severe punishments on anybody trying to escape the country.
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Syrien/ Svenska IS-kvinnor utvisas från Syrien
Det kurdiska självstyret i nordöstra Syrien har nu meddelat svenska UD om att de ska utvisa flera svenska kvinnor som sitter i lägren för IS-fångar.
Det säger självstyrets representant i Sverige Shiyar Ali till Ekot.
"Vi har meddelat både Sverige och andra länder om en process som har pågått länge. Vi har några vi inte har tillräckligt med bevis mot, och då har vi sagt att vi ska utvisa dem".
Det var under ett möte i slutet av förra veckan som det kurdiska självstyret meddelade svenska UD att de ska utvisa ett antal svenska kvinnor som sitter i läger för IS-fångar i nordöstra Syrien. Kurderna har en pågående process med att utreda och lagföra kvinnorna för brottsmisstankar som handlar om samröre med IS. Men nu säger Shiyar Ali att det är ett antal svenska kvinnor de inte har tillräckliga bevis för att döma, och de kommer man nu utvisa de kommande månaderna, säger han:
- Det är så snart som möjligt. De som vi är klara med att utreda ska utvisas. Och det hoppas vi ska börja ske under tidig höst.
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Uppföljning i Studio Ett (Extern länk)
Sveriges Radio Ekot 21-06-09: UD:s svar: Skyldighet att ta emot svenska medborgare (Extern länk)
Sveriges Radio Ekot 21-06-10: SD kritiska mot att ta emot svenska kvinnor från IS-läger (Extern länk)
Sveriges Radio Studio Ett 21-06-10: Ska Sverige ta emot de utvisade IS-kvinnorna eller inte? (Extern länk)
Australien/ Indefinite detention is unlawful, but Australia has quietly made it legal
Ben Doherty
To counter the court's ruling against unlawful detention, the government simply wrote a new law allowing it to do whatever it wants
In 2012, a person placed in immigration detention in Australia was held, on average, for less than 100 days.
In 2021, that figure is 627 days - 20 months - the highest it has ever been.
In 2012, fewer than 3% of people held in immigration detention had been there longer than two years.
In January this year, that figure was 30%.
One hundred and six people - 6.9% of the total detention population - have been held in immigration detention for more than five years.
Long-term, often indefinite, mandatory detention has become Australia's first resort, rather than its last.
Indefinite detention is considered arbitrary - and therefore unlawful - under international human rights law.
Decades of medical research across the world - including studies commissioned by the Australian government - have consistently warned the wearing uncertainty of indefinite detention is deeply damaging for those so held.
But this week the Australian parliament, with almost no debate, codified the indefinite detention of refugees and asylum seekers, including without charge or trial, into domestic law.
Parliament was told about a "small cohort" - some put the figure at 21 - of "serious criminals" who can be neither deported nor released into the Australian community.
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The Conversation 21-06-08: Federal Court awards $350,000 to unlawfully detained asylum seeker, opening door to further claims (Extern länk)
Australien/ Federal Court awards $350,000 to unlawfully detained asylum seeker
Sangeetha Pillai, Andrew & Renata Kaldor Centre for International Refugee Law
This case is important because it represents a rare litigation win for an asylum seeker. He doesn't automatically get the right to stay in Australia, but he's won damages - and that's unusual.
In a significant judgment, Federal Court judge Geoffrey Flick on Monday ordered the Australian government to pay $350,000 in damages to a Iraqi asylum seeker who was found to have been unlawfully held in immigration detention for over two years.
It's an important case because it represents a rare litigation win for an asylum seeker. While the asylum seeker doesn't automatically get the right to stay in Australia, he has won damages - and that is unusual.
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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.
Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.