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Human trafficking in Norway: progress on reforms, but should avoid rapid deportations
The Council of Europe's Group of Experts on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings (GRETA) has published its third evaluation report on Norway focusing on human trafficking victims' access to justice and effective remedies. The report also assesses developments since the publication of GRETA's second evaluation report on Norway as regards the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
To combat trafficking in human beings, GRETA acknowledges steps taken to further develop Norway´s legislative framework, including by adopting amendments to the Criminal Code and the Immigration Regulation as well as by the adoption of the Transparency Act imposing obligations on larger enterprises to identify, prevent and mitigate violations of fundamental human rights and ensure decent working conditions in their supply chains. GRETA also welcomes the adoption of legislation on interpretation in public services, but it considers that access to qualified and independent interpreters should also be guaranteed to victims of trafficking at the time of their initial meeting with the lawyer.
Norway remains a country of destination for victims of trafficking in human beings. Sexual exploitation is the predominant form of exploitation detected, but there are indications that trafficking for labour exploitation is on the rise, particularly in the construction, fishing, cleaning, agriculture, waste collection, hospitality and restaurant industries.
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GRETA Guidance on addressing the risks of trafficking related to the war in Ukraine
With the unprecedented movement of people forced to flee Ukraine since the start of the war, 90% of whom are women and children, NGOs and media have sounded the alarm over suspected cases of human trafficking. Presumed victims have been detected, and investigations are reportedly ongoing. A new guidance note published today by the Council of Europe's anti-trafficking body, GRETA, explains what can be done by European states, quickly and without the need for structural reforms, to provide immediate assistance to people fleeing Ukraine and detect potential victims and traffickers.
"States Parties to our Convention have an increased responsibility in these challenging times to prevent and combat trafficking in human beings", stressed Helga Gayer, President of GRETA. "The Guidance Note contains a set of recommended actions that should be disseminated broadly in order to reach all frontline actors, be it government representatives, NGOs or volunteers working with refugees."
The guidance note stresses the need for ensuring the adequate registration of all people, including those who lack papers to provide their identity or last place of residence in Ukraine, and guaranteeing the continuity of the registration system in transit and destination countries. With a view to preventing and deterring crimes, increasing the presence of specially trained law enforcement officials at border crossing points, train and bus stations is also recommended. Establishing official and safe-travel routes, including through humanitarian corridors allowing safe and legal entry and transit, free-of-charge public transportation or state-funded transportation set up by trusted organisations is equally important.
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Gemensamt uppdrag har ökat kunskapen om våld
Migrationsverket har en viktig roll att spela i att upptäcka och motverka våld i olika former i kontakt med sökanden.
- Kunskap om våldsutsatthet är viktigt i alla våra möten. Men extra aktuellt nu när vi har så många kvinnor och barn på flykt från Ukraina, säger Eva-Katarina Ekermann, expert på Migrationsverkets nationella operativa avdelning.
Sedan sommaren 2019 har Försäkringskassan, Arbetsförmedlingen, Migrationsverket och Socialstyrelsen arbetat tillsammans i ett regeringsuppdrag som samordnats av Jämställdhetsmyndigheten. Uppdraget har handlat om att öka medvetenhet och kunskap om våldsutsatthet och våld i nära relationer och redovisas i en slutrapport till regeringen den 31 mars.
- Vi har gjort stora ansträngningar för att öka medvetenheten om våld genom information och utbildningar så att fler får hjälp och stöd, säger Eva-Katarina Ekermann.
I rapporten finns slutsatser för hur arbetet med att upptäcka och motverka våld ska vara framgångsrikt.
- Våldsutsatthet kan till exempel vara ett skäl för att beviljas uppehållstillstånd i Sverige. Migrationsverket ska därför informera om vad våld är och ställa frågor om våld i mötet med de sökande men vi behöver göra det i större utsträckning än idag.
Eva-Katarina Ekermann konstaterar att Ukrainakrisen aktualiserat frågan om våldsutsatthet på ett påtagligt sätt.
- Det är främst kvinnor och barn som flyr och vi vet att det finns en starkt förhöjd risk att en hel del av dem att bli utsatta för olika former av våld och människohandel.
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Restaurangarbete under orimliga villkor var människoexploatering
Mål: B 1770-21
Högsta domstolen har för första gången prövat innebörden i de några år gamla bestämmelserna om människoexploatering. Genom domstolens avgörande har en f.d. restaurangägare dömts för människoexploatering.
Ett gift par från Bangladesh kom hösten 2018 till Sverige, kvinnan för att studera och mannen för att arbeta. De saknade bostad. Restaurangägaren erbjöd dem att bo i ett rum i en lägenhet som han disponerade. Några dagar efter det att makarna flyttat in kom man överens om att makarna skulle arbeta i restaurangen. För arbetet skulle de erhålla fri kost och bostad samt ytterligare ersättning med 100 kr i timmen. Kvinnan arbetade därefter i restaurangen i drygt två veckor och mannen i cirka en och en halv månad. I mannens fall var det fråga om långa arbetsdagar, motsvarande i genomsnitt 69 timmar i veckan. Restaurangägaren hade aldrig haft för avsikt att betala någon lön och makarna fick därför aldrig någon annan ersättning för sitt arbete än förmånen av fri kost och bostad.
Högsta domstolen har nu kommit fram till att restaurangägarens handlande utgjorde människoexploatering i lagens mening.
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TT / Squid 22-02-15: Krögare döms för människoexploatering (Extern länk)
EU Agencies present overview of actions to protect victims of human trafficking
The European Union agencies active in the field of justice and home affairs have presented the first full overview of actions to help victims of trafficking in human beings. The main operational activities are listed in a joint report of the Justice and Home Affairs Agencies Network (JHAAN) published today at the occasion of EU Anti-Trafficking Day under the leadership of Eurojust. The report is a key building block of the EU Strategy on combatting trafficking in human beings and serves as a key reference document for national authorities engaged in tackling human trafficking.
"Human trafficking is a blight on humanity and has no place in society," said Michael O'Flaherty, Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). "As EU agencies, we stand together working to eradicate the suffering and exploitation of vulnerable people who fall victim to unscrupulous traffickers. This report underlines our joint commitment and showcases the practical steps we are taking to end this shameful and illegal practice."
During the Eurojust Presidency of the JHAAN, for the first time, a compendium was made of all different actions taken by CEPOL, EASO, EIGE, eu-LISA, Eurojust, Europol, FRA and Frontex, to reach out to victims of human trafficking at all stages of prevention, investigations, operations and legal proceedings. The initiative is a concrete result following the Joint Statement of commitment to work together against trafficking in human beings , signed in 2018.
The JHAAN report of today aims to make Member States more aware of the Agencies' potential in helping the early identification and protection of victims. Furthermore, it encourages them to cooperate closely with the Agencies involved in this area and to build on their expertise. The report responds to one of the key actions of the EU Strategy on Combatting Trafficking in Human Beings 2021-2025.
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EASO publishes a COI report: Nigeria - Trafficking in Human Beings
After the peak of some 47 000 applications for international protection in 2016, Nigerians have sought asylum in the EU+ less frequently: around 23 000 in 2018-2019 and just above 13 000 in 2020. So far in 2021 (January-March), Nigerians lodged over 3 600 applications in the EU+. Since 2018, there has been a gradual increase in the share of repeated applications in the same reporting country. In the first three months of 2021, more than each third Nigerian application in the EU+ was lodged repeatedly. In the last six months (October 2020 - March 2021), the number of first instance decisions increased by about a quarter compared to the preceding six months. In the same period, the EU+ recognition rate for Nigerians was 12 %, stable compared to the preceding half a year. At the end of February 2021, some 14 600 Nigerian applications were pending at first instance. More than two thirds of them were awaiting a decision for longer than six months.
This report is part of a series of two COI reports on Nigeria produced in 2021. The reports provide information relevant for international protection status determination for Nigerian applicants, and in particular for use in updating EASO's country guidance development on Nigeria.
The report, EASO COI Report: Nigeria - Trafficking in Human Beings, is an update and expansion of the 2015 EASO COI report on Sex Trafficking of women in NIgeria.
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ECtHR: criminal prosecution of victims of trafficking did not comply with obligations
On 16 February 2021, the European Court of Human Rights ruled in the case of V.C.L. and A.N. v. The United Kingdom (applications nos. 77587/12 and 74603/12).
The case concerns the arrest of two Vietnamese nationals charged and convicted with drug production; they were later confirmed to be minors. Despite concerns raised by social services and assessments made by the competent authorities regarding their potential status as victims of trafficking they were prosecuted and convicted for the offences. Further appeals were also dismissed on the basis of prosecutorial discretion with the Court of Appeal finding that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) was not bound by the findings of anti-trafficking authorities.
The European Court of Human Rights reiterated the procedural guarantees under Article 4, clarifying that the positive obligations of victim protection and investigation do not depend on a motion filed by a victim. Such obligations are triggered as soon as there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is credible suspicion of trafficking. Consequently, although prosecution of victims of trafficking is not prohibited per se, a decision on whether to prosecute should only be taken following an assessment made by qualified personnel; even more so in cases concerning children. Any prosecutorial decision will then have to take account this assessment and, although not bound by it, a prosecutor would have to clearly state any reasons to continue with the prosecution. In the present case, the CPS failed to consider available information around the subtle and particular psychological aspects of a trafficked child's experience despite existing guidance and domestic jurisprudence.
The Court further examined the Article 6 aspects of the case and found that the lack of proper investigation and assessment of the potential situation of trafficking deprived the applicants of important information regarding their status that could affect their prosecution, a deprivation that directly affected their right to defence.
Referatet från ELENA (Extern länk)
Case of V.C.L. and A.N. v. the United Kingdom, Applications nos. 77587/12 and 74603/12 (Extern länk)
Fortsatt högt antal misstänkta fall av människohandel för 2020
Antalet misstänkta fall av människohandel låg på höga nivåer för 2020. Detta trots en halvering av antalet asylsökande jämfört med fjolåret.
- Vi kan konstatera att antalet misstänkta fall inte är så beroende av antalet asylsökande, säger Lisa Hultin-Knutas, Migrationsverkets centrala samordnare i arbetet mot människohandel.
Under 2020 identifierade Migrationsverket 366 fall av misstänkt människohandel, vilket var färre än året före då 481 fall upptäcktes av verket.
- Men vi betraktar det ändå som en hög siffra med tanke på de resebegränsningar som rått på grund av coronapandemin, säger Lisa Hultin-Knutas.
Inreseförbud runtom i Europa har under året lett till färre asylsökande. 2020 sökte knappt 13 000 personer asyl, jämfört med 21 000 förra året. Att Migrationsverket kunnat rapportera så pass många fall av misstänkt människohandel beror på insatser inom utbildning och information. Det bekräftar trenden sedan flera år tillbaka att antalet rapporter om misstänkt människohandel ökar.
- Migrationsverket har ett tydligt regeringsuppdrag där vi ska bistå till att motverka människohandel. Det är en viktig del i Migrationsverkets arbete att upptäcka de som utnyttjas, säger Lisa Hultin Knutas.
I nivå med förra året
Antalet misstänkta fall av personer som utnyttjas på ett otillbörligt sätt på arbetsmarknaden ligger i nivå med förra året, vilket gör det till den vanligaste formen av misstänkt människohandel under 2020; 171 rapporterade fall jämfört med 179 förra året. Att personer utnyttjas på arbetsmarknaden förekommer inom alla processer på Migrationsverket, men flest fall upptäcks inte inom prövningen av arbetstillstånd utan andra typer av tillstånd, till exempel skyddsprövningen.
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Anti-smuggling and Anti-trafficking Measures compatible with the EU Charter?
Report and Policy Brief 2020:4
Human smuggling and human trafficking might lead to serious human suffering and death. The aim of the fight against smuggling and trafficking is to prevent such suffering and protect vulnerable people. However, could the European Union's actual measures for their prevention lead to human rights law violations?
2020 marks the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the U.N. Protocol to Prevent, Suppress, and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, known as the Palermo Protocol. It is then worth to evaluate which efforts have been carried out in order to prevent trafficking, but also the consequences of it. The report Anti-smuggling and Anti-trafficking Measures: Are they compatible with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights? (Delmi 2020:4) examines the compatibility of the EU measures against human smuggling and human trafficking with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The measures, which are part of the EU's externalisation and outsourcing of migration control to third countries, are not new. However, since 2016 the EU has been prioritising these forms of controls by providing incentives for third countries to restrict the movement of migrants.
The containment of people in third countries and preventing people from leaving, interfere with the right to asylum, including the right to leave to seek asylum. The measures that interfere with this right must also pursue legitimate objectives in order to be permissible, e.g. saving lives.
The report concludes that the EU and its Member States might have failed to fulfil their positive obligations to ensure the right to life. It also concludes that the EU and its Member States might be in violation of the right to leave to seek asylum.
The report is written by Dr. Vladislava Stoyanova, Associate Professor at Lund University.
The Delmi Report Anti-smuggling and Anti-trafficking Measures: Are they compatible with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights? (2020:4) is launched at this website 6 May 2020.
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UNHCR warns of COVID-19-related trafficking for refugees, displaced and stateless
With COVID-19 increasing needs and vulnerabilities of refugees and internally displaced and stateless people, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is concerned that the impacts of the pandemic are also heightening their risks to trafficking and exploitation.
"Enforced measures to control the pandemic and worsening socio-economic conditions are having serious implications for those forcibly displaced. Those now faced with lost livelihoods and abject poverty can be targets for traffickers that are unscrupulously exploiting and profiteering from their vulnerabilities," said UNHCR's Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs.
Trafficking, a crime in which a person is tricked or trapped into a situation of exploitation for another person's private gain or profit, can take various forms, from sexual exploitation, forced labour, slavery, organ removal, forced recruitment into armed groups, forced marriages and forced begging among others.
While data on trafficking is difficult to come by owing to the hidden nature of the crime, global estimates indicate that millions of people are trafficked worldwide.
"Away from home and with varying accessibilities to essential services and social protection networks in host countries, refugees and internally displaced people are among those most at risk," said Triggs.
"COVID-19-related impacts ranging from movement restrictions to the closure or reduced availability of essential help and support services may confine many victims, limiting their ability to escape or seek help."
Ongoing conflict and displacement also continue to add to the risk of refugees resorting to desperate and dangerous journeys in search of safety, falling prey to criminal smuggling networks.
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Sveriges Radio Ekot 20-07-27: FN: Flyktingar fastnar vid gränserna under coronakrisen (Extern länk)
Den tillfälliga lagen begränsar möjligheten för traffickingoffer att få uppehållstillstånd
Situationen för människohandelns offer har uppmärksammats mycket de senaste dagarna. En fråga många kanske ställer sig är vad som migrationsrättsligt händer med traffickingoffer som berättar för svenska myndigheter om vad de utsatts för. Det är inte självklart att det leder till att de beviljas ett uppehållstillstånd. Möjligheten att bevilja uppehållstillstånd för personer som har utsatts för människohandel har dessutom begränsats sedan den tillfälliga lagen infördes 2016.
Kan få uppehållstillstånd som flykting eller alternativt skyddsbehövande
Det enskilda traffickingoffrets möjlighet att beviljas uppehållstillstånd i Sverige på grund av vad hen har utsatts för beror på situationen för just den personen. Om en person som har utsatts för människohandel vid ett återvändande till sitt hemland på grund av detta riskerar döden eller omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling har personen vad som i migrationsrättslig mening kallas för skyddsskäl. I ett sådant fall kan offret beviljas uppehållstillstånd som flykting eller alternativt skyddsbehövande, beroende på omständigheterna i just den personens fall.
Det är dock inte ovanligt att det inte ses som ett skyddsskäl att ha varit utsatt för människohandel. Det kan ha att göra med att människohandeln har ägt rum i ett annat land än där personen i fråga är medborgare eller där den som statslös har sin vanliga vistelseort. Det kan också vara så att svenska myndigheter anser att personen i fråga kan vända sig till sitt hemlands myndigheter för att få skydd mot att på nytt utsättas för trafficking.
Tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd under brottsutredningen
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Combating human trafficking and disappearances of refugee children
The Council of Europe should "do more to combat human trafficking and to ensure that its legal standards are adequate and implemented by all member States", the Assembly declared today during a joint debate.
In an adopted resolution, based on the report prepared by Vernon Coaker (United Kingdom, SOC), the Assembly noted with deep concern the high numbers of victims of human trafficking in Europe, "of which the largest proportion concerns the exploitation of the prostitution of others, forced labour and organ trafficking as well as trafficking for the purpose of forced marriage and illegal adoption".
Preventing trafficking and providing protection to victims "must be of highest priority", the parliamentarians said. For this purpose, member States should in particular ensure that victims of human trafficking are not penalised, that they receive adequate health services and legal assistance, and that witness protection programmes exist for their testimony against human traffickers.
During the same debate, the Assembly called on national parliaments and governments of the Member States to do "whatever is necessary and required in the best interests of the child" to avoid the disappearance of thousands of child refugees and migrants around the world.
While recalling that all Council of Europe member states are parties to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and therefore must uphold the best interests of children as a primary consideration, the parliamentarians called on governments to ensure that reception conditions and care for child migrant and refugees fulfil the basic rights and needs of these people.
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Stadig ökning av anmälningar om människohandel
Under 2019 upptäckte Migrationsverket 481 fall av misstänkt människohandel, vilket är nästan hundra fler jämfört med året före. Det framgår när Migrationsverket nu sammanställt statistiken för 2019.
- Vi blir bättre och bättre på att upptäcka misstänkt människohandel, säger Migrationsverkets centrala samordnare för människohandel, Lisa Hultin Knutas.
Migrationsverkets insatser för att upptäcka misstänkt människohandel har lett till att myndighetens medarbetare kunnat rapportera allt fler fall av misstänkt människohandel till polisen. Det bekräftar trenden sedan flera år tillbaka att antalet rapporter om misstänkt människohandel ökar.
- Att systematiskt utnyttja människor som befinner sig i en utsatt situation är ett allvarligt brott. Därför är det en viktig del i Migrationsverkets arbete att upptäcka de som utnyttjas, säger Lisa Hultin Knutas.
Det går dock inte att säga om ökningen även betyder att människohandeln i Sverige ökar i omfattning.
- Vi kan bara konstatera att vi har blivit bättre på det här området och att våra insatser leder till att vi upptäcker fler misstänkta fall, säger Lisa Hultin Knutas.
Kompetensen har ökat stadigt i takt med att stora utbildningsinsatser genomförts. Under 2019 har även specifika insatser gett resultat. Migrationsverkets förvar i Märsta har till exempel satsat extra på att utbilda sina medarbetare om människohandel, vilket lett till att personalen där har rapporterat fler ärenden.
Unga kvinnor utsätts ofta
För att upptäcka misstänkt människohandel finns flera indikationer som Migrationsverkets medarbetare är extra uppmärksamma på i kontakter med sökande. Det kan röra sig om människor som arbetar i Sverige men uppger att de inte har ett bankkort eller att de byter adress ofta.
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Delstaten Edo - det nigerianska navet för migration och människohandel
/Ur sammanfattningen:/
Andelen kvinnliga nigerianska migranter i Europa som är offer för människohandel i sexuellt ändamål har rapporterats vara enorm: 2016 uppskattades den uppgå till 80 % av de cirka 10 000 kvinnor/flickor som anlände till Italien via den Centrala Medelhavsrutten. Ungefär lika stor andel uppskattas ha rest från Benin City i Edo. De flesta sägs ha sin hemvist i Benin City eller byar i dess närhet och den mest förekommande folkgruppen, både bland offer och förövare, uppges vara edofolket.
Migrationsanalys konstaterar att det finns stor variation avseende typ, storlek och organisation bland människohandelns förövare. Små konstellationer kan bestå av några närstående som i vissa fall kan ha förbindelser med större nätverk. Större aktörer rapporteras ibland ha kopplingar till eliten och kan såsom Black Axe Confraternity vara del av den organiserade brottsligheten som även bidrar starkt till lokal kriminalitet. Människohandeln involverar vidare en rad olika kategorier av människor som är delaktiga efter yrkesfärdighet eller position, även myndighetspersoner.
De svåra levnadsförhållandena har av allt att döma starkt bidragit till det nav för migration och människohandel som etablerats i Edo och Benin City. Migrationsanalys finner därtill att statens bristande kapacitet och integritet inom centrala områden är en mycket viktig faktor i sammanhanget och så även externa faktorer såsom internationell efterfrågan på sex och arbetskraft samt sedan länge etablerade relationer med Europa.
Safe migration pathways key to tackling human trafficking, slavery, forced labour
A new report out today (26/07) examines the connection between migration and modern slavery and focuses on which migrants are most vulnerable to being forced into modern slavery, and under what circumstances.
Prepared by Minderoo Foundation's Walk Free initiative and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) for the Alliance 8.7 Action Group on Migration, the report provides recommendations on key steps governments can take to address this risk.
The report confirms certain sub-groups of migrants are at particular risk. These include migrants who are fleeing violence and conflict, migrants who have been dislocated from community and family support structures without access to legitimate forms of employment, legal status or social protection, and migrants who are moving or working through irregular channels. Other vulnerable types include migrants who are working in sectors that are out of sight (such as work at sea or in private homes) or in sectors of the economy that are not covered by labour laws.
Child and adolescent migrants are particularly vulnerable, creating the need for governments to offer better protections, such as family reunification schemes. Female and male migrants are vulnerable to abuse but in different ways - with women experiencing higher rates of modern slavery in domestic work, the sex industry and through forced marriage - while male migrants are more likely to be exploited through forced labour in the construction and manufacturing sectors.
The report notes that some government policies could have the effect of increasing vulnerability of certain groups of migrants. Restrictive migration policies that seek to ban or limit certain forms of migration can have unintended consequences, such as driving risky practices underground or trapping vulnerable people in dangerous situations.
Key findings
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Abused, blamed, and refused: Protection denied to women and children trafficked
The current U.S. administration asserts that its border policies are designed to protect women and children from traffickers. However, its actions tell a very different story. Over the course of the last two years, the administration has failed to protect trafficking victims, as reflected in a dramatic increase in denials of visas for them, resulting from a new and highly restrictive interpretation of requirements under the Trafficking Victims Protection Act. A review of all published appeals of applications for visas for victims of trafficking since 2017 shows that the administration's decision-making has been particularly dismissive of claims by women and children who have been trafficked over the southwestern border, and has effectively blamed them for their own victimization. Recently implemented policies also scare survivors from coming forward to report abuse and even push them into the hands of traffickers.
In 2000, Congress passed the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA), which created T visas for victims of severe labor or sex trafficking. Beyond proving that they have been forcibly transported for commercial sex or involuntary servitude, T visa applicants also must comply with reasonable requests to assist law enforcement in investigating and prosecuting their traffickers. In addition, they must prove they are physically present in the United States on account of trafficking, and that they would face "extreme hardship involving unusual and severe harm" if removed from the United States. T visas allow victims of trafficking who are in the United States without authorization to legalize their status and petition for the legal entry of certain family members. They also provide access to work permits and federally funded health and other benefits. Congress capped the number of T visas at 5,000 per year, but never more than one-third of that total have been provided in any given year.
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10 ways to protect children deprived of parental care and combat child trafficking
Almost one quarter of trafficked victims registered in the EU are children. EU child victims are twice the number of non EU child victims, with girls especially targeted. So what can be done? A new guide developed by FRA suggests 10 ways to protect children moving across EU Member States without parental care.
This child protection guide focuses on children deprived of parental care in EU Member States other than their own. It covers all children who need protection, particularly child trafficking victims.
FRA developed the guide in close cooperation with the European Commission Office of the EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator. It implements a key actionin the 2017 Communication stepping up EU action to address human trafficking, and is in line with the 2018 EU Agencies Joint Statement of Commitment to address human trafficking.
It aims at addressing the lack of a uniform approach across the EU to help such children in full compliance with international standards and EU law. Criminal and civil law come into play through the EU's Anti-Trafficking Directive, the Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Directive, the Victims' Directive and the Brussels IIa Regulation that covers cross-border family law matters.
It offers guidance on what to do from the moment the children are identified to the implementation and monitoring of a durable solution.
The guide is aimed at a wide range of relevant actors. These include police officers, child protection officers, guardians, central authorities dealing with cross-border child protection cases under the Brussels IIa Regulation, judges, lawyers, civil society representatives, as well as consular staff.
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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.
Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.