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Arkiveringsdatum 220607:

Dagens Nyheter 22-05-26:

DN/Ipsos: Färre vill minska flyktinginvandringen till sidans topp

Motståndet mot flyktingmottagande minskar, enligt en mätning från DN/Ipsos. Särskilt generös är inställningen till de som flyr från kriget i Ukraina. Två av tre väljare anser att Sverige ske ge skydd åt så många som möjligt av dem.

Migrationspolitikens inriktning har ända sedan den dramatiska hösten 2015 varit att strama åt regelverket för flyktinginvandring. För detta har det funnits ett brett stöd inte bara i riksdagen utan även i opinionen. Det visar inte minst DN/Ipsos undersökningar som pejlat frågan i många år. Antalet asylsökande har också minskat drastiskt, även om det finns de som vill gå ännu längre, som Sverigedemokraterna.

Flyktingfrågan fick en delvis ny innebörd efter att Ryssland den 24 februari anfallit Ukraina. En strid ström med ukrainare har flytt kriget, i första hand till de närmaste grannländerna, men även till Sverige.


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MDPI 22-05-31:

The juridification of 'vulnerability' through EU asylum law till sidans topp

The quest for bridging the gap between the law and asylum applicants' experiences

by Luc Leboeuf

'Vulnerability' is flooding EU asylum law. Based on the analysis of the ECtHR's case-law in deportation cases, the EU Directives' provisions towards 'vulnerable' asylum applicants, and their implementation in the domestic legislations and practices of two EU member states that were studied as part of the VULNER project (Belgium and Italy), this contribution establishes a typology of the various legal and bureaucratic functions that 'vulnerability' has received in the EU. It also reflects on the 'juridification' trend at play, the implementation challenges that have emerged as a result, and how they are currently being addressed in the EU.

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Arkiveringsdatum 211231:

The New Humanitarian 21-12-22:

2021 in review: Migration and forced displacement till sidans topp

From the pandemic to climate change, revisit the trends and events that shaped the year.

For the second year in a row, global mobility was shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic in unprecedented ways in 2021.

Cross-border travel by people with passports and visas isn't expected to return to pre-pandemic levels until 2024. Meanwhile, the number of those forcibly displaced due to climate disasters, conflicts, and violence - both within their countries and internationally - has continued to climb, from 82.4 million at the end of 2020 to more than 84 million by June 2021, according to the UN's refugee agency UNHCR.

Numbers for the second half of the year are not yet available, but climate crisis-linked flooding has displaced hundreds of thousands in China, Malaysia, South Sudan, and elsewhere across the globe since the beginning of October, and the second-order effects of the pandemic are exacerbating factors - from economic stagnation to political instability - that push people to migrate.

The inequitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccines is likely contributing to the dynamic by paving the way for poorer countries to be left behind while the economies of wealthier countries with higher vaccination rates rebound more quickly.

At the end of the first full year of the global vaccination effort, about 73 percent of shots administered so far have gone into arms in upper and upper-middle income countries while less than one percent of doses have been given to people in low-income countries.


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Arkiveringsdatum 211210:

UN News 21-11-25:

Violence against refugee women surged, grassroots solutions can help tackle scourge till sidans topp

On the 30th anniversary of the campaign for 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the UN agency said that there's been a global surge in domestic violence, child marriages, trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse since March.

"A lethal mix of confinement, deepening poverty and economic duress is unleashing a renewed wave of violence against refugee, displaced and stateless women and girls", UNHCR said in a statement.

Grassroots solutions

To tackle the crisis, the UN agency has called for funding to be scaled up for grassroots projects that focus on prevention and helping victims of gender-based violence.

These include the Myanmar Ethnic Women('s) Refugee Organization where refugee women have joined forces to overcome abuse, reinforcing their role as strong protectors of their families and communities.

For victim Deborah, who lives in Malaysia's capital Kuala Lumpur, violence against women at home was considered a family problem.

"I felt ashamed to share my experience with other people," she said. "I was afraid they would say it was my fault."


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Asylkommissionens blogg 21-11-26:

Aktivistforskning - en reflektion till sidans topp

Av Emma Söderman, Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet

I mina studier och under min forskarutbildning har jag funderat mycket över hur jag genom såväl aktivism som forskning kan bidra till kampen för migranters rättigheter. Genom aktivism i ett sammanhang av asylrättsrörelsen i Sverige och Europa, lärde jag mig om vilka problem som människor som sökt en fristad konfronterades med, problem som jag därefter undersökte och analyserade vidare genom exempelvis uppsatser i mänskliga rättigheter och globala politiska studier. Genom min förankring i rörelser för migranters rättigheter tänkte jag att jag hade ett viktigt bidrag till akademin, ett bidrag som handlade om att synliggöra och analysera villkor för grupper i samhällets marginaler, och som även handlade om att i någon mån "ge" dessa människor en röst. När jag blev antagen som doktorand i socialt arbete fortsatte jag att arbeta med aktivism för migranters rättigheter och det kom även att bli fokus för min avhandling. Akademiska texter som problematiserade den inneboende maktrelationen i tanken om att "ge" någon en röst, gav mig viktiga tankeställare och nyanserade min något naiva inställning till givandet av röst. Samtidigt fann jag också akademiska texter som betonade att forskare också har en etisk och politisk skyldighet att också ge något tillbaka till de människor och grupper de involverar i sin forskning. Således fann jag i akademiska texter både en problematisering av mina utgångspunkter, och argument för att hålla fast vid min tanke om att det går att kombinera, och till och med, att aktivism för migranters rättigheter och forskning bör kombineras. I följande text beskriver jag kort hur jag gått tillväga för att genomföra aktivistforskning i ett sammanhang av migrationskontroll. Med hjälp av ett analytiskt perspektiv av tid, argumenterar jag även för dess nödvändighet.


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Arkiveringsdatum 211122:

Journal of Law and Society 21-11-10:

'Victims not wrongdoers': the legal consciousness of rejected asylum seekers till sidans topp

Hanna Buer Haddeland

Drawing on in-depth interviews, observation, and legal sources, this article examines how rejected asylum seekers experience their status and the legal regulations related to it, and how they react as a result. Their legal consciousness must be understood in the light of their illegal status, which makes them keenly aware that legal regulations and power structures decisively affect their everyday lives. They are 'outside the law' yet struggling to become insiders. While they all use legal services in their individual struggles, their engagement in collective counter-hegemonic struggles is greatly affected by social relations, networks, and culture. Honneth's theory of recognition is used to expand the narrative of 'dissenting collectivism' within legal consciousness scholarship and capture the collective resistance of the marginalized. Unlike studies portraying these migrants as fearful of any involvement with the authorities, this article demonstrates that individual experiences of injustice and violated expectations of recognition can lead to collective resistance and mobilization.

"I cannot leave, and I cannot stay; it's kind of a limbo situation. I cannot go back, even if I wanted to, because I don't have a country that will take me, because I am not a citizen. Nor can I stay, because the [Norwegian] government says I must leave, so everything is so messed up I cannot even think."

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Sage Journals 21-11-12:

Warehousing asylum seekers: The logistification of reception till sidans topp

Lorenzo Vianelli

This article employs the analytical perspective of logistics to explore a key, yet quite overlooked, aspect of the functioning of the EU border regime: the reception and associated territorial distribution of newly arrived asylum seekers. Drawing on qualitative data collected at the height of 'refugee reception crisis' in multiple contexts in Italy and Sweden, the article shows how reception is undergoing a process of 'logistification'. In this process, organisational and logistical concerns prevail over the care for those who are assisted, and reception is turned into a logistical matter of moving and accommodating asylum seekers. Crucial to this process of 'logistification' is the warehousing of asylum seekers - an art of government that seeks to objectify asylum seekers through their depersonalisation, victimisation and (im)mobilisation. The article argues that the 'logistification' of reception not only has dehumanising effects on asylum seekers, but also exposes the attempt to make profit out their management and transfer. This creates the conditions for the development of a reception industry in which the very presence of asylum seekers is valorised for the profit of a whole range of actors who ensure the reproduction, transfer, knowledge and control of those hosted in reception facilities.

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Arkiveringsdatum 211104:

forskning.se 21-10-26:

Apatiska barn blev friska när de vårdades ensamma till sidans topp

Barn med uppgivenhetssyndrom, det som tidigare kallades "apati", som separerades från resten av familjen blev friska. Uppehållstillstånd hade ingen påverkan på tillfrisknandet, visar en studie från Uppsala universitet.

I Sverige har mer än 1 000 barn drabbats av uppgivenhetssyndrom. Sjukdomen, som tidigare kallades för apati, uppmärksammades första gången i Sverige 1998. Den drabbar barn och ungdomar som söker asyl i Sverige och har kommit att betraktas som ett resultat av traumatiska upplevelser i hemlandet och stressen av att leva under utvisningshot i Sverige.

Behandlingsmetod utan stöd

I Socialstyrelsens vägledning till hälso- och sjukvården för behandling av uppgivenhetssyndrom anses familjens roll vara central för att barnet ska tillfriskna, liksom att familjen beviljas uppehållstillstånd. Förra året gjordes en utredning som visade att det saknas stöd för den behandlingsmetod som rekommenderas.


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Springer 21-07-05: Separation and not residency permit restores function in resignation syndrome: a retrospective cohort study (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210904:

Asylkommissionen blogg 21-08-31:

Med kärlek som som motståndshandling till det byråkratiska våldet till sidans topp

Av Baharan Kazemi, Fil dr i socialt arbete



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Arkiveringsdatum 210720:

EU Migration Law Blog 21-07-06:

Muddy Waters: A Guide to the Legal Questions surrounding 'Pushbacks' till sidans topp

By Daniel Thym, Professor of European and International Law, University of Konstanz

15 years ago, the term 'Aegean Sea' was shorthand for crystalline beaches. Nowadays, we associate it with a different set of images. Islands such as Lesvos stand for the partial failure of the EU asylum policy at ensuring adequate reception conditions and fair and efficient asylum procedures. Frontex is under fire for having tolerated or supported pushbacks practices of the Greek coastguard. More recently, the Spanish exclave of Ceuta entered the limelight once again when border guards returned several thousand migrants to Morocco, seemingly without even rudimentary procedural guarantees. These 'pushbacks' at land and sea borders raise important challenges of institutional governance, operational reporting, and external monitoring. Moreover, it can be difficult to identify the correct legal standards, which shall be at the heart of this blog post.

The spectrum of opinions on the legality of the pushbacks practices appears to be irreconcilable. On the one hand, the term 'pushbacks' is often associated with automatic illegality. On the other hand, Article 6 of the Sea Borders Regulation (EU) No 656/2014 explicitly authorises national border guards to 'order' vessels 'engaged in the smuggling of migrants by sea' to change course. Earlier last year, the Spanish policy of summary returns was famously found to comply with human rights.

Comments below have the objective of introducing readers to the veritably labyrinth of legal issues involved. They are deliberately not meant to take a definite stance, let alone assess specific incidents. Rather, the objective is to provide readers with a mental map allowing them to chart a legal territory, which, unfortunately, is full of shallow and muddy waters where one can easily get lost. We shall see that the debate should pay more attention to the higher level of protection in secondary legislation instead of abstract human rights guarantees.

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Arkiveringsdatum 210701:

OpenDemocracy 21-06-24:

Nassim Majidi on telling the stories of Afghans on the migration trail to Europe till sidans topp

Majidi's think tank has spoken to Afghan migrants and their families back home about their experiences, fears and aspirations, choices, compromises and sacrifices

Nassim Majidi, an Iranian-French migration expert, is the co-founder of the Kabul-based Samuel Hall think tank, which "conducts research, evaluates programmes and designs policies in contexts of migration and displacement".

Here, Majidi talks to openDemocracy reporter Preethi Nallu about the impact of migration on Afghanistan refugees and their families back home, as well as solutions for successful reintegration.

Preethi Nallu: Your latest research in Afghanistan builds on your longitudinal study of Afghans on the migration trail to Europe. Could you explain how your research has evolved over the years?

Nassim Majidi: At Samuel Hall, we wanted to go beyond static accounts or discussions of migration flows, and comprehensive narratives. We wanted to follow an oral history method, where we would record interviews between our Afghan researchers, as the informed interviewers and Afghan migrants with personal experience of the events we wanted to study.

In 2016, our team at Samuel Hall came up with a simple idea: talk to Afghans travelling from Afghanistan to Iran, Turkey, Greece, and into Europe, through our Kabul office and our Afghan colleagues - a conversation by Afghans with Afghans along the migration trail. The aim would be to talk to them about their experiences, fears and aspirations, choices, compromises and sacrifices, but also what they learned through their migration journey.


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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.