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Tyskland/ interior minister proposes new route to residency for long-term migrants
German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has proposed a new route to residency for migrants who have been living in Germany for more than five years with a so-called 'Duldung', a temporary suspension of deportation.
Germany's Interior Minister Nancy Faeser, from the Social Democrat SPD party, has just put forward a new 20-page draft law, which, if passed, would allow migrants in Germany to apply for a longer-term residency and reside legally in the country.
The law, reported the Protestant news agency EPD, is part of a packet of different migration proposals which Faeser promised on June 7 to announce before the German parliament breaks for the summer recess.
The various proposals and laws would then be voted on after the summer break, at the beginning of autumn.
Migrants holding a 'Duldung' - who is eligible?
Those eligible for the new law would be migrants who have not yet received, or have been refused international protection, but have been issued with a so-called "Duldung" by the German state.
A Duldung is a temporary stay permit -- a temporary leave to remain. It is not an actual residence permit, but rather a temporary residence document which enables migrants to reside legally in Germany for a limited period of time while their obligation to leave still stands.
It is issued to migrants who may have been refused either international protection or full residency. Often, a Duldung is issued to people who cannot be sent back to their home country for various reasons, or for those who are pregnant, or undertaking a course of study or training.
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Storbritannien/ Brittisk Rwandaplan för asylsökande överklagas
En brittisk domstol beslutade på fredagen att regeringens planer på att flyga asylsökande till Rwanda kan genomföras och ett första flyg är planerat till tisdag. Men asylrättsförsvarare säger att de kommer att överklaga fallet i landets näst högsta rättsinstans på måndag, rapporterar BBC. Protester mot planerna kommer också att hållas under söndagen och måndagen.
Flera organisationer och fackföreningar - bland andra Care 4 Calais, the Public and Commercial Services Union (PCS) och Detention Action - hade försökt att få ett domstolsbeslut mot flygningen på tisdag då de menar att politiken bryter mot internationell rätt.
Domaren Jonathan Swift gav istället grönt ljus och argumenterade att det finns ett betydande intresse för allmänheten att inrikesminister Priti Patels politik om att föra över asylsökande och migranter som har tagit sig till Storbritannien utan papper till Rwanda.
Domaren menade också att han inte sett bevis på att asylsökare kommer att bli illa behandlade i Rwanda, enligt BBC som också rapporterar att domen kommer att överklagas till Court of Appeal på måndag. Dessutom kommer flera protester att hållas på de kommande dagarna, dels utanför ett förvar, dels utanför inrikesministeriet på måndagseftermiddagen, enligt Big Issue.
Planen på att tvinga asylsökande som tar sig till Storbritannien utan papper till Rwanda för asylprocessen har kritiserats hårt av människorättsorganisationer, FN och enligt uppgifter i brittisk media även av Prins Charles. Tidningarna hänvisar till källor enligt vilken prinsen i privata samtal kallat planen "motbjudande" samt att han ska vara "besviken" över den. Den som beviljas asyl ska få rätt att stanna i Rwanda, men får alltså ändå inte möjlighet att bosätta sig i Storbritannien. Däremot erbjuds de tillgång till stöd och utbildning under en femårsperiod.
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Storbritannien/ Omplacering av asylsökande till Rwanda stoppades
Det plan som på tisdagskvällen var planerat att föra asylsökande i Storbritannien till Rwanda kommer inte lyfta som planerat, uppger det brittiska inrikesdepartementet för BBC. Beskedet kommer efter att Europadomstolen hävt flera av de aktuella omplaceringsbesluten.
Planerna på att skicka asylsökande från Storbritannien till Rwanda är del av det nya flyktingavtal som slutits mellan länderna. Tanken är att asylprocessen ska skötas där, medan Storbritannien står för kostnaden.
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Sveriges Radio P1-morgon 22-06-15: Planet med asylsökande till Rwanda har stoppats (Extern länk)
Sveriges Radio Ekot 22-06-15: Brittiska regeringen frustrerad - flyg med asylsökande stoppades (Extern länk)
UNHCR 22-06-09: analysis of legality and appropriateness of the UK-Rwanda arrangement (Extern länk)
TT / AB 22-06-15: Britterna fortsätter med planer på Rwandaflyg (Extern länk)
Finland/ Finland planerar bygga stängsel mot Ryssland
Finlands regering vill ändra lagen för att kunna förstärka sin gräns mot Ryssland och hindra hybridoperationer där asylsökande utnyttjas.
Men lagförslaget regeringen lagt fram är inte tufft nog, enligt oppositionen.
Ändringen i beredskapslagen skulle göra det möjligt för Finland att stänga delar av gränsen för asylsökande om de skulle utnyttjas i en situation som den som inträffade förra året där tusentals migranter försökte korsa gränsen från Belarus till Polen och Litauen.
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Ungern/ Ungern inför undantagstillstånd - på grund av kriget i Ukraina
I Ungern har man infört undantagstillstånd - på grund av kriget i Ukraina. Det meddelade premiärminister Viktor Orban idag.
Parlamentet behöver ha utrymme att snabbt svara på utmaningar, sa han.
Undantagstillståndet ger Orban rätt att snabbt besluta om åtgärder genom dekret. Orban har tidigare infört undantagstillstånd på grund av migration och coronapandemin.
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Storbritannien/ Ripås om flyktingavtalet: Rwanda skaffar sig diplomatiskt kapital
Om en veckan väntas de första asylsökandena komma från Storbritannien till Rwanda i enlighet med det nya flyktingavtalet. Ett avtal som fått kritik från människorättsorganisationer och som även överklagats.
Det brittiska asylavtalet innebär att en del asylsökande skickas omedelbart till Rwanda. Asylprocessen kommer ske där och Storbritannien står för kostnaden. För Rwanda kan avtalet vara ett sätt att lyfta en annan bild av landet, enligt SVT:s korrespondent Johan Ripås, i Morgonstudion.
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TT / AB 22-06-01: Migranter skickas till Rwanda i juni (Extern länk)
Storbritannien/ Clear majority of people crossing Channel are refugees, says UNHCR
The UN refugee agency has said "a clear majority" of people arriving in the UK by small boats across the Channel should be considered to be refugees, in a challenge to the home secretary, Priti Patel.
Patel told MPs and peers last year that 70% of people making the crossing were "single men who are effectively economic migrants", and the government has repeatedly referred to them as "migrants".
The United Nations high commissioner for refugees (UNHCR) told the Guardian that those travelling by small boat to the UK should be considered to be asylum seekers or refugees, and not migrants.
Home Office staff are this week sending out the first formal removal letters to people who have arrived in small boats, warning them they will be sent 4,000 miles away to Rwanda. The first plane is supposed to leave the UK for the east African state in two weeks.
The policy is explicitly focused on people who arrive via so-called "irregular" routes, such as in small boats across the Channel or hidden in lorries.
The UNHCR said the government's data challenged claims that most people travelling to the UK by small boat were economic migrants. "Based on currently available Home Office data, UNHCR considers that a clear majority of those recently arriving to the United Kingdom by boat are likely to be refugees. Refugees and asylum seekers are not, and should not be described as, 'migrants'," the spokespesaid.
"Access to asylum should never be contingent on mode of arrival or nationality. Equally, the only way to establish whether people are refugees is through a fair and efficient determination of their claims, for which the UK has a clear responsibility."
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Storbritannien/ UK insists on the Rwanda plans, in spite of clear data and hunger strikes
UNHCR considers that a clear majority of those recently arriving in the United Kingdom by boat are likely to be refugees. "Refugees and asylum seekers are not, and should not be described as, 'migrants'," the Agency's spokesperson said to the media. However, the government insists on its plans.
This week, Home Office staff are sending out the first formal removal letters to people who have arrived in small boats, warning them they will be sent 4,000 miles away to Rwanda. The first plane is supposed to leave the UK for the east African state in two weeks.
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Storbritannien/ asylum seekers choice between war zones they fled and Rwanda
High number of first 100 people to be sent to Rwanda are from Sudan, despite being small number of those crossing the Channel
The Home Office is offering to fly asylum seekers back to the conflict zones they escaped from if they do not wish to be sent to Rwanda, the Guardian has learned.
Documents issued to the first group of asylum seekers facing removal to the east African country state that the Home Office voluntary returns service can help them go back to their home country.
The document adds: "You have the option to leave the UK voluntarily. However, should you be removed it will be to Rwanda."
All of those who face being sent to Rwanda have had their asylum claims deemed 'inadmissible' by the Home Office because of their method of reaching the UK - generally crossing the Channel in a dinghy.
The letter adds: "There is no right of appeal against the decision to treat your asylum claim as inadmissible."
Those currently detained for offshoring include Syrians, Sudanese, Afghans, Eritreans, Iranians and Iraqis, some of whose home countries are active conflict zones.
Karen Doyle of Movement For Justice, said: "It's as if the Home Office is saying to this group of asylum seekers: 'Here's a hell we created for you in Rwanda but you can choose to go back to the hell you escaped from instead.' This is not a choice. These are refugees who cannot return home. In practice this is ripping up the UK's stated commitment to refugees."
A significant number of those in the first group of 100 who have been targeted for offshoring to Rwanda are from Sudan.
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Storbritannien/ Fifty people to be sent to Rwanda in a fortnight, says Boris Johnson
PM says he will 'dig in for the fight' with 'leftie lawyers' challenging government's plan for refugees
Boris Johnson said 50 people have been told they will be sent to Rwanda within the next fortnight, and that he was ready to fight with "leftie lawyers" seeking to challenge the government's plans for refugees.
Under the £120m scheme announced last month, people deemed to have entered the UK unlawfully will be transported to the east African country, where they will be allowed to apply for the right to settle.
The plans have faced widespread criticism from human rights charities and even some Tory backbenchers, including the former prime minister Theresa May, as well as the archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
However, in an interview with the Daily Mail, Johnson remained defiant, stating that the first 50 "illegal entrants into this country" have already been served notice that they will be sent to the African country within a fortnight.
"There's going to be a lot of legal opposition from the types of firms that, for a long time, have been taking taxpayers' money to mount these sorts of cases, and to thwart the will of the people, the will of parliament. We're ready for that," he said.
"We will dig in for the fight and, you know, we will make it work. We've got a huge flowchart of things we have to do to deal with it, with the leftie lawyers."
When asked if he may respond with a review of the European convention on human rights, Johnson said: "We'll look at everything. Nothing is off the table."
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Danmark vill skicka asylsökande flyktingar till Rwanda
Danska regeringen bekräftar nu att man för samtal med Rwanda om att skicka asylsökande flyktingar dit.
En lag som gör det möjligt att flytta hela den danska asylprocessen till ett annat land antogs av danska Folketinget ifjol, men vilket land danska regeringen hade i åtanke har inte varit klart.
Planen är att asylsökande som kommer till danska gränsen omedelbart flygs till Rwanda, där deras asylskäl prövas. Beviljas de asyl är det också i Rwanda, och inte Danmark, de erbjuds att bo. Vad Danmark är beredd att betala Rwanda för tjänsten är inte känt.
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Danmark/ Danmark vill förlänga gränskontrollen
Den danska regeringen vill förlänga kontrollen av sina gränser i ytterligare sex månader. Därmed skulle den formellt tillfälliga gränskontrollen fortsätta till minst november, rapporterar danska medier som läst ett brev från justitiedepartementet.
Kontrollen infördes 2016 och skulle då bara pågå i tio dagar men har successivt förlängts, och nu ser det ut att ske igen.
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Storbritannien/ Kritik mot förslag om asylsökande till Rwanda
Storbritannien ska skicka migranter och asylsökande som tagit sig över Engelska kanalen till Rwanda, enligt en överenskommelse.
FN riktar kritik mot den kontroversiella uppgörelsen, medan Danmark tycker att idén är intressant.
Beslutet är ett försök att minska antalet flyktingar och migranter som kommit till Storbritannien via Engelska kanalen.
FN:s flyktingorgan UNHCR uttrycker "starkt motstånd och oro" över uppgörelsen, och uppmanade London att inte fullfölja planen att förflytta asylsökande till det afrikanska landet för utredning om uppehållstillstånd. Människor som flyr ska inte behandlas som handelsvaror enligt UNCHR.
Flera människorättsgrupper avfärdar projektet som "barbariskt och omänskligt".
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Storbritannien/ What lies behind the UK-Rwanda deal
Three major obstacles to the Agreement becoming operational
In addition to the abhorrent ethics and questionable timing of Priti Patel's UK-Rwanda Agreement, the general efficacy of the plan to offshore asylum-seekers, whether or not they arrive "legally," is pretty dubious. The Home Office is presenting the plan as a read-to-go program and not an abstract idea with unpredictable outcomes, a massive price tag, and significant pushback from citizens and human rights watchdogs alike, and its goal is not only to send asylum-seekers to Rwanda for asylum processing but to relocate them permanently. In the horrifying, albeit relatively unlikely event of the Agreement overcoming any legal and financial challenges, the Migration Policy Institute outlines three major obstacles to the Agreement becoming operational:
First, the UK is bound by international law to offer protection to specific categories of asylum seekers, including those from Rwanda. Sending Rwandan asylees back to their home country would constitute refoulement, which is prohibited under a bunch of international laws to which the UK is held accountable. Avoiding refoulement would require significant pre-screening processes that would likely disqualify many more people from the relocation scheme in the first place.
If the goal of the Agreement is to relocate asylum-seekers before they even begin the application process, significant legal challenges and prequalifications of individual asylum-seekers would delay or even rule out relocation.
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Storbritannien/ Outsourcing - a deeply flawed, inhumane and dangerous approach
The UK using Israel as a model for the transfer of asylum seekers to Rwanda, and Greece as a model for detention centres in the UK
In 2014, Israel secretly implemented the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda, knowing that this was breaking the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.
This hidden element is evidently not part of the UK's approach as the UK government has instead tried to justify this policy by stating it aims to prevent people-smugglers from helping to transport asylum seekers across the Channel. However, not only is it clear that the UK simply wants to outsource their responsibility onto another country, this argument is exceptionally weak and the previous implementation of this policy by Israel completely counteracts this argument. Israel gave up on this scheme when it became evident that there was an incredibly high rate of exploitation, human smuggling, and modern-day slavery for those who had been sent to Rwanda and were fleeing once again, on another dangerous journey.
Rwanda further has a long history of corruption and human rights abuses, as seen by Lewis Mudge, the Central Africa director of Human Rights Watch:
"Arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture in official and unofficial detention facilities are commonplace, and fair trial standards are flouted in many cases."
Many who were sent to Rwanda from Israel between 2014 and 2017 found themselves in horrendous conditions and left the country soon after arriving.
It is also important to note that Priti Patel has attempted to make similar deals with countries such as Ghana and Kenya, however these deals were rejected due to criticism from their citizens. The UK government continues to attempt to leverage other countries to take on the responsibility of welcoming and resettling refugees and asylum seekers who are trying to reach the UK.
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Storbritannien/ House of Lords rejects 'Anti Refugee Bill', outsourcing deal is close
The controversial nationality and borders bill "ripped apart for a second time by the House of Lords" as the government faced defeats in 12 out of 13 votes on proposals. After rejections by Albania and Ghana the UK government now claims it is close to an agreement with Rwanda to outsource asylum processing. Amid renewed critique of the Homes for Ukraine scheme, the Minister for Refugees promises to speed up visa processing. More than 20 NGOs are urging the government to open safe and legal pathways for vulnerable Afghans at risk.
On Tuesday 22 March MPs in the House of Commons reinstated controversial proposals under the Nationality and Borders Bill dubbed the 'Anti Refugee Bill' by campaigners but on 4 April the House of Lords rejected key-elements of the bill for the second time. Supporting proposals on compliance with the 1951 Refugee Convention, the House of Lords challenged the two-tier system introduced under the bill criminalising spontaneous asylum seekers arriving irregularly.
Further, votes included allowing asylum seekers to work if their case is not resolved within six months, requirements of formal return agreements with third countries to ensure safe returns, allowing unaccompanied child asylum seekers in Europe to join a family member legally in the UK, and demanding extra safeguards over a measure allowing authorities to strip people of their British citizenship without warning.
The only vote in favour of government proposals was the requirement of the best interests of a child to be a "primary consideration" in decisions on minors. ECRE member the Refugee Council stated: "Today, the House of Lords has taken a strong stand for humanity and compassion, voting to treat refugees equally regardless of how they get here and to make a commitment to the resettlement of refugees". The Nationality and Borders Bill will now return to the House of Commons.
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Finland/ Inrikesministern: Finland kan stänga alla gränsövergångar
Vad gör vi om Ryssland tar till hybridmetoder och pressar massor av migranter mot finska gränsen? Det frågade oppositionen på riksdagens frågestund. - Vi kan stänga gränsövergångar, vid behov samtliga, svarade inrikesminister Krista Mikkonen.
Oppositionen varnar för blåögdhet inför risken att Ryssland går in för cyberattacker och hybridkrigföring mot Finland. Regeringen intygar att Finland har fungerande lagstiftning för sådana ändamål, och att beredning pågår för att förbättra den ytterligare.
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Sveriges Radio finska 22-03-18: Finland kan stänga gränsövergångar mot Ryssland (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Danska S pressas om asylskäl
Den danska S-regeringen pressas av sina stödpartier om reglerna för när flyktingar och migranter ska tvingas lämna landet.
Enligt dagens lagstiftning, från 2015, har personer med tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd i Danmark rätt att stanna tills dess förhållanden i deras respektive hemländer anses ha förbättrats och inte längre bedöms vara extrema.
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USA/ Restarting 'Remain in Mexico' a Travesty
The decision to revive the "Remain in Mexico" program at the US border will once again put asylum seekers at risk of kidnapping, extortion, rape, and other abuses, Human Rights Watch said today. It will also violate their right to seek asylum in the United States.
While the program has been revised under the Biden administration, there is little reason to believe the government agencies tasked with carrying out Remain in Mexico will be able to do so in a rights-respecting manner. Border enforcement agencies on both sides of the border have been implicated in the wide array of abuses endemic to the program and continue to operate with near total impunity.
"Under the Remain in Mexico program, the United States and Mexico have knowingly put thousands of asylum seekers' lives in danger," said Ari Sawyer, US border researcher at Human Rights Watch. "There is no way a program designed to postpone the right to seek asylum by making people wait in dangerous places can operate in a rights-respecting way. The governments of the United States and Mexico should reverse course immediately."
The US and Mexican governments announced that, starting December 6, 2021, they would begin enrolling asylum seekers, including non-Spanish speakers such as Haitians, Brazilians, and Indigenous people in Remain in Mexico and sending them to seven Mexican border cities to await the outcome of their asylum applications.
The revised program fails to address the fact that many of those sent to Mexico under the program are systematically targeted for violence by criminal groups in Mexican border cities and sometimes by Mexican police and immigration agents. While the US government claims it will improve the screening process, that process still depends on US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agents referring asylum seekers to an interview with an asylum officer.
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Storbritannien/ Draconian UK law puts vulnerable asylum seekers at risk
Perhaps the most draconian immigration bill in the United Kingdom's history is moving swiftly through parliament, currently in its final days of scrutiny in the Commons. The Nationality and Borders Bill seeks to dismantle core tenets of the international refugee regime, one which the UK helped establish. It would see vulnerable Afghans and other asylum seekers being criminalized and imprisoned for up to four years; pushed back at sea; sent abroad for offshore asylum processing, and afforded lesser rights as refugees simply for exercising their basic right to seek asylum in the UK.
Less than two weeks ago, at least 27 people died after their boat capsized crossing the English Channel. Among those rescued and brought safely to British shores was an Afghan soldier who had served alongside British forces in Afghanistan and his family.
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UK: Commons passes anti-refugee bill, asylum seekers denied right to work, lawyers challenge boat-driving charges (Extern länk)
Italien/ The 2020 regularisation scheme leaves many behind
In May 2020, the Italian government adopted a scheme to regularise undocumented workers in the country. One year on, the results are difficult to see. We spoke to Giulia Capitani, Migration Policy Advisor at Oxfam Italia, and part of migration reform coalition Ero Straniero, to know more.
What did the Italian government introduce in 2020?
The Italian government introduced measures to regularise undeclared work in the agri-food and domestic work sectors. In particular, the scheme they adopted in May 2020 aimed to provide work and residence permits to undocumented migrants already present in Italy and working in the agri-food and domestic work sectors.
How did the scheme work?
The scheme followed two tracks. In the first one, employers could apply for a residence permit for work reasons for their employees. This is both for when the employee is yet to be hired, and those who are already working irregularly for the employer.
In the second track, undocumented people who had recently worked in one of these sectors could themselves apply for a six-month residence permit to look for new work.
Criteria for both tracks were extremely complicated and rigid. We feel that they were set more as a result of political negotiations, rather than to provide a clear legal framework. And people only had a couple of months to learn about the procedure and criteria and prepare and submit their applications, as the scheme came into force on 19 May and applications were only accepted from 1 June to 15 August.
Can you explain more about these criteria?
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Irland/ NGO campaigning pays off with regularisation for long-term asylum seekers
The Irish government has announced a scheme that will provide a pathway to legal status for people who have been awaiting an asylum decision for at least two years. The news was welcomed by organisations who have long campaigned for the reduction of backlogs in regularisation and the importance of secure legal status for displaced people making their home in Ireland.
On 3 December, the Irish government announced a landmark scheme to regularise long-term undocumented persons. During a six-month window beginning in January 2022, people who have resided in Ireland for four years, or three if they have children, will be able to apply for legal permission to reside.
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Cypern/ Cyprus seeks Commission approval of asylum procedure suspension
On 10 November the Republic of Cyprus announced that it will request European Commission approval to suspend asylum procedures on the island for people entering the country "illegally". According to Italian authorities, almost 60,000 people have disembarked in 2021 so far and arrivals continue. Ten people have lost their lives off Libya where unrest continues. The number of people intercepted and returned to Libya from the Med nears 30,000 in total.
According to government spokesperson Marios Pelekanos, Cyprus will request the European Commission grant the Republic of Cyprus "the right to suspend asylum applications by people entering the country illegally". The spokesperson justified the move - that contravenes the right to an asylum assessment and potentially breaches the principle of non-refoulement - on the basis of an increase in arrivals via Turkish held Northern Cyprus.
Plekanos stated that more than 9,000 out of 10,868 arrivals in the first 10 months of 2021 entered the country via the porous "Green Line". Adopting the framing used by the Greek government, he added that this constituted: "a clear policy of instrumentalising human pain by Turkey". The Cypriot government has taken a hardline approach to asylum seekers including through recent controversial pushbacks of Syrian nationals to Lebanon. The administration maintains that asylum seekers represent a demographic challenge as their number exceeds four per cent of the island population: however, activist groups deem this figure misleading.
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Ungern/ EU-dom: Ungern har brutit mot asylrätten
En ungersk lag som kriminaliserar dem som hjälper migranter och inskränker den internationella asylrätten underkänns av EU-domstolen.
I juli 2019 stämde EU-kommissionen Ungern inför EU-domstolen för för en lag som gör det olagligt att hjälpa asylsökande och begränsar vilka som kan söka asyl i landet. I dag tisdag kom EU-domstolens dom som går på kommissionens linje.
"Ungern har åsidosatt unionsrätten genom att göra det straffbart att organisera verksamhet som syftar till att möjliggöra för personer som inte uppfyller nationella kriterierna för att beviljas internationellt skydd att inleda ett asylförfarande", heter det i ett uttalande från domstolen.
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EU-domstolens pressmeddelandet (Extern länk till pdf-fil)
Läs domen i mål nr C-821/19 (Extern länk)
Amnesty International 21-11-16: Court of Justice of the EU rejects anti-migrant "Stop Soros" law (Extern länk)
Storbritannien/ Arrival without electronic authorization could mean four years in prison
The government has ramped up its attack on people arriving in the country without first seeking permission, with the addition of new powers that would make it possible for courts to hand down prison sentences of up to four years.
Imprisoning arrivals
People arriving in the UK without an electronic travel authorization could receive up to four years in prison under amendments added to the Nationality and Borders Bill last week.
The amendments were put forward by the government and come on top of proposals in the original version of the bill to make it possible to imprison individuals who arrive in the UK without "entry clearance" - either a visa or an entry certificate (see Clause 39(C1)(a)).
The travel authorization scheme would apply to nationals of countries who do not require a visa to enter the UK, and would operate in a similar fashion to the USA ESTA or the EU's forthcoming ETIAS - through extensive data collection and automated profiling to determine whether an individual should be granted permission to travel by the government.
The proposed new offences are part of the ongoing crackdown on 'Channel migrants' - those who depart from France to cross the Channel in small, often unseaworthy boats - but would apply across the board.
The committee examining the Nationality and Borders Bill debated the proposals last Thursday, with Tom Pursglove - Conservative MP for Corby and East Northamptonshire, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, and sponsor of the amendments on travel authorizations - arguing that the measures were nothing to worry about, because they would not generally be enforced.
Pursglove told the committee:
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Danmark/ Legislation on extraterritorial asylum in light of international and EU law
By Nikolas Feith Tan, Senior Researcher, and Jens Vedsted-Hansen, Professor
On 3 June 2021, Denmark's parliament passed Bill L 226, a legislative amendment allowing for the transfer of asylum seekers to a third country outside the EU for the purposes of both asylum processing and protection of refugees in the third country. The amendment provides that transfers must take place under an international agreement between Denmark and the third country and that asylum seekers are to be transferred unless it would be in breach of Denmark's international obligations. The new legislation and the international agreements foreseen to implement it, in case such transfers of asylum seekers are going to be a real feature of Danish asylum policy, represent a fundamental shift from the traditional perceptions of territorial asylum, according to which the state where an asylum seeker arrives normally assumes responsibility for assessing her asylum claim and, if found in need of international protection, for providing it.
While various proposals to externalise asylum processes or refugee protection have been tabled over the years, in particular since the 2015 migration and asylum crisis, the Danish legislation is unique in establishing a legal mechanism for the transfer of asylum seekers outside Europe. The proposed model seems to be radically more far-reaching than the gradually established practices of pre-procedure transfer of asylum seekers to 'safe third countries'. Among those, so far the most notable within Europe is the 2016 EU-Turkey 'statement', an arrangement under which asylum seekers would be returned from the Greek Aegean islands to Turkey with reference, albeit disputed, to the 'safe third country' concept.
The Bill on transfer of asylum seekers
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USA/ Haitian migrants at the border: how US skirts its legal and moral duties
The U.S.'s top envoy to Haiti resigned abruptly on Sept. 22, 2021, over the Biden administration's "inhumane" treatment of Haitian migrants crossing the border via Mexico into Texas.
The resignation came amid debate over the U.S. decision to deport thousands of Haitians entering the U.S. in search of asylum or a better life. Criticism over the policy mounted as images of U.S. Border Patrol agents on horseback and carrying whip-like cords while encountering migrants gained widespread media attention and criticism from the White House. Border agents denied using whips on migrants.
The Conversation asked Karen Musalo, an expert on refugee law and policy, to unpack what went on at the U.S. border and whether the Biden administration is shirking its moral and legal obligations in deporting the Haitian migrants.
What's behind the recent surge of Haitian refugees at the Texas border?
Haiti is beset by extraordinarily desperate conditions of political chaos and natural disasters, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic. The assassination of President Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 catapulted the country into political turmoil. The post-assassination power struggle exacerbated pre-existing political violence and dysfunction. Violent gangs, often with ties to the state, are increasingly a threat.
In addition, Haiti suffered a devastating 7.2 magnitude earthquake in August, just two days before being hit directly by tropical storm Grace, with a combined toll of over 2,200 dead, 12,000 injured and hundreds of thousands displaced, many in remote regions that have yet to receive aid. The pandemic has exacerbated these woes. Less than one-half of 1% of the population has received even a first dose of a vaccine.
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Jurist blog 21-09-23: UN agencies criticize treatment of Haiti refugees at US border (Extern länk)
Polen/ Parliament approves 'legalisation' of pushbacks, bill to construct border wall
On 14 October the Polish parliament approved a bill that de facto 'legalises' pushbacks and the Council of Ministers adopted a bill for the construction of a border wall at the border with Belarus, where the stand-off between the countries have claimed its seventh life.
Amendments approved by Poland's parliament on 14 October allow for the ordering of a person entering "illegally" to be ordered to leave Polish territory based on a decision by the local Border Guard chief. The legal changes are a response to the situation at the border with Belarus, where Poland has declared a state of emergency. While an appeal of such a decision can be launched to the commander of the Border Guard, potential appeals would not mean the suspension of the execution of the order to leave. The bill also provides the chief of the Office of Foreigners with authority to disregard an application for international protection by a foreigner caught immediately after "illegally" crossing the border. Pushbacks are prohibited under EU and international law.
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Polen/ Ny polsk lag ska stoppa migranter
Polens parlament har godkänt en lagändring som ska göra det möjligt att stoppa migranter direkt vid gränsen. Dessutom ska asylansökningar som kommer från människor som kommit till landet på olagligt sätt kunna ignoreras.
Enligt den nya lagen ska en utlänning som stoppas efter att ha korsat gränsen på ett olagligt sätt bli tvungen att lämna polsk mark.
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Storbritannien/ Asylum seekers waiting while Home office seeks EU readmission deals
The claims of more than 4,500 asylum seekers, including Afghans, have been put on hold while the Home Office seeks readmission agreements with EU member states. The number of people waiting for an initial asylum decision is up 73%, leaving 70,905 people with pending cases, despite an decrease in applications. The resettlement scheme for 20,000 Afghans is criticised as hypocritical against the backdrop of government attempts to discourage and criminalise Afghans arriving irregularly.
The claims of over 4,500 asylum seekers, including Afghans, have been put on hold while the Home Office assesses whether they can be deported to Europe. Under Home Secretary Priti Patel's new asylum reforms, claims are put on hold for six months to determine whether the applicant travelled through an EU country. If confirmed, the government will seek to return them there. The UK has not however succeeded in striking any agreements to replace the Dublin Regulation after leaving the EU. A number of EU member states, including Belgium, the Netherlands and France, have confirmed that no such deals are currently being negotiated. Of the 4,561 people facing an admissibility-related delay, only seven have been found to be inadmissible and none have been returned. The head of ECRE member the British Refugee Council, Enver Solomon, said: "it's clear that the government's inadmissibility rules are clearly not working and are simply adding further delay, cost and human misery to the asylum system."
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Grekland/ Bill Restricting Rescue NGOs Voted into Greek Law
Legislation designed to hinder search and rescue NGOs in Greece, which was criticized recently by the Council of Europe (CoE) has now been passed into law by the Greek Parliament, Greek media has reported.
AYS has already written about the legislative package in previous digests ( Sep. 1 and Sep. 4-5).
Article 40 of the new Greek Deportations and Return Bill would introduce restrictions and conditions on the activities of civil society organizations in the regions in which the Hellenic Coast Guard holds official authoritiy. Non-observance of these will be subject to heavy sanctions and fines. The law requires NGOs to submit Local Emergency Plans in advance and to agree to follow the orders of local Port authorities or risk paying fines and even prison for rescue operations. It also grants the Greek state the power to retroactively punish organizations that have carried out independent operations, even if they attempted to cooperate with the Coast Guard but were rebuffed.
On Sep. 3, Dunja Mijatovi?, CoE Commissioner for Human Rights, expressed her grave concern over the proposed legislation:
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USA/ Immigration court asylum hearings versus "review" of asylum officers' decisions
Recent media reports and government documents indicate that the Biden administration may publish an Interim Final Rule (IFR) to create a new process for asylum cases originating at the southern border, raising concerns that the public will not have an opportunity to weigh in through the notice and comment process prior to implementation. Non-governmental organizations have recommended that the Biden administration take steps to make asylum adjudications more humane, fair, effective, and timely, including referring asylum seekers for full asylum interviews with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) asylum officers in their destination locations. These full asylum office adjudications should not be conducted within the expedited removal process, which undermines due process.
While some of the potential changes described in the media may have positive impacts, other aspects of the new procedure may raise significant due process concerns, including the use of expedited removal and language in media reports indicating that, if an asylum officer decides not to grant asylum, an immigration court could "review an asylum officer's decision"- rather than referring to an immigration court hearing.
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Grekland/ Annette Rosengren: 4 artiklar om nuläget i Grekland och beslutet om Turkiet
Del 1. Ministerbeslut: Turkiet säkert 3e land för syrier, afghaner, somalier, pakistanier och bangladeshier. Ansökningar från 70% av landets asylsökande kommer förklaras ogiltiga.
7 juni beslöt regeringen att Turkiet är säkert 3e land för syrier, afghaner, somalier, pakistanier och bangladeshier. Syrier har tills nyligen erkänts för internationellt skydd i Grekland till 95%, afghaner till 66% och somalier till 94%. Nu tar Grekland ifrån dem som har haft Turkiet som transitland - dvs i stort sett alla - möjligheten att få internationellt skydd i Grekland och därmed i EU. Asylansökningarna kommer förklaras ogiltiga med hänvisning till att de anses ha skydd i Turkiet.
Bakom beslutet ligger förmodligen regeringens tvivel om att andra EU-länder "solidariskt" enligt den föreslagna pakten kommer omfördela asylsökande i någon större omfattning. Kommentarer från EU-kommissionen är att varje land har rätt att besluta om säkra 3e länder.
Turkiet har idag världens största flyktingbefolkning, men främlingsfientligheten ökar och fler och fler turkar anser att EU skickar över ansvaret för flyktingar på Turkiet. I artikeln förklaras också varför Turkiet inte är ett säkert 3e land för människor på flykt. Turkiet är heller inte ett säkert land för sina egna medborgare, som framför allt flyr via Evrosgränsen i norr till Grekland och så småningom till Tyskland. Bland annat detta nämndes under en online sänd presskonferens den 14 juli, som jag rapporterar om i en särskild bloggartikel.
Hela rapporten med länkar till källor (Extern länk)
Sammandrag av frivilligorganisationers presskonferens juli 2021 om beslutet att Turkiet är säkert 3e land (Extern länk)
Se även:
AYS 21-07-23: Greek rationale for declaring Turkey "Safe Third Country" finally released (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Nykoloniala idéer om flyktingar fungerar inte
"Främlingsfientligt och fullständigt oacceptabelt".
Petter Larsson
Så beskrev Afrikanska Unionen i ett uttalande i måndags den danska regeringens idé om att flyktingar som anländer till gränsen ska få sina prövningar i Afrika. De som får asyl ska föras till FN:s flyktingläger. Ingen ska släppas in i Danmark.
"Afrikanska Unionen fördömer på starkast möjliga sätt den danska utlänningslagen" heter det vidare, samtidigt som man påpekar att den fattiga världen redan tar ansvar för 85 procent av världens flyktingar.
Det finns ingen anledning att vara överraskad över den afrikanska hållningen. EU och FN har redan protesterat. Och redan när EU-kommissionen för några år sedan lanserade den mindre omfattande idén att asylpröva personer man räddat på internationell vatten utanför unionen sa AU nej. Inget land är redo att omvandla sig till ett flyktingläger och i det afrikanska fallet tillkommer en kolonial dimension när påbudet kommer från den rika världen. AU uppfattar, skriver man, sådana försök som en "utvidgning av deras kontroll över afrikanska stränder".
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USA/ Federal domare stoppar Daca-programmet
En domare i Texas har i ett beslut satt stopp för nya ansökningar till det så kallade DACA-programmet, som har gjort det möjligt för barn till papperslösa att få arbetstillstånd.
Domaren menar att det kom till på ett olagligt sätt under Obama-administrationen 2012.
"Det här ett program som engagerar många och nån form av protester kan man nog vänta sig", säger Simon Isaksson, Sveriges Radios utsände i New York.
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Storbritannien/ Hårdare asylregler föreslås i Storbritannien
Den brittiska regeringen vill skärpa asylpolitiken i landet och föreslår i ett nytt lagförslag att asylsökande ska kunna skickas till tredje land i väntan på prövning.
Man vill också försvåra visumrätten för länder som vägrar ta tillbaka asylsökande som fått avslag i Storbritannien och göra det omöjligt att få permanent uppehållstillstånd om man tar sig in i Storbritannien på ett icke tillåtet sätt.
Lagförslaget kallas inhumant av flera människorättsorganisationer i Storbritannien, Amnesty menar att det drar skam över Storbritannien, förslaget ska nu dock debatteras och behandlas i parlamentet under hösten.
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Storbritannien/ Strängare straff för att korsa Engelska kanalen
Under det första halvåret 2021 tog sig rekordmånga migranter, närmare 6 000, till Storbritannien genom att korsa Engelska kanalen. Nu aviserar inrikesminister Priti Patel kraftigt höjda straffsatser för att stävja den irreguljära migrationen.
Migranter som korsar gränsen illegalt ska kunna dömas till max fyra års fängelse, mot max sex månader i dag.
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Human Rights Watch 21-07-08: UK shouldn't detain asylum seekers offshore (Extern länk)
Litauen/ Litauen skärper lagar för asylsökande
Det litauiska parlamentet har röstat för att tillåta omfattande frihetsberövande av asylsökande och att begränsa rätten att överklaga. Något som kritiseras av bland annat Röda korset.
Beslutet kommer efter att migrantflödet från Belarus till Litauen ökat kraftigt efter vad Litauen beskriver som ett sätt för president Alexander Lukasjenko att sätta press på EU och Litauen.
"EU står solidariskt på Litauens sida. Vi hjälper Litauen både för att hantera en vettig process för migranterna men också för att skydda EU:s yttre gräns", säger Ylva Johansson, EU:s migrationskommissionär
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Statewatch 21-07-14: Lithuanian parliament votes to allow mass detention of asylum seekers (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Asylsökande som får avslag tvångstestas
Asylsökande som får avslag kan tvångstestas för att kunna lämna Danmark.
Vid två tillfällen har polisen hållit fast personerna under testningen. Metoden får nu kritik.
- Det saknar proportioner, säger Rosa Lund, som är ansvarig för migrationsfrågor inom partiet Enhedslisten.
Det finns flera flygbolag som bara tar emot passagerare som kan visa upp ett negativt coronatest.
För att förhala processen har flera asylsökande som fått avslag i Danmark vägrat testa sig och har därmed inte kunnat föras tillbaka till sina hemländer.
Men enligt en ny lag kan man tvinga de asylsökande att testa sig. Om det behövs kan man göra det med tvång.
- Det är därför vi skapat den här lagen som gör det möjligt att tvångstesta asylsökande, säger integrationsminister Mattias Tesfaye (S), till Jyllandsposten.
Han är nöjd med hur lagen fungerat hittills.
- Lagen har gjort att några få har blivit testade med tvång medan andra har sagt "okej, då gör vi det frivilligt", säger han.
Två har hållits fast
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Australien/ Indefinite detention is unlawful, but Australia has quietly made it legal
Ben Doherty
To counter the court's ruling against unlawful detention, the government simply wrote a new law allowing it to do whatever it wants
In 2012, a person placed in immigration detention in Australia was held, on average, for less than 100 days.
In 2021, that figure is 627 days - 20 months - the highest it has ever been.
In 2012, fewer than 3% of people held in immigration detention had been there longer than two years.
In January this year, that figure was 30%.
One hundred and six people - 6.9% of the total detention population - have been held in immigration detention for more than five years.
Long-term, often indefinite, mandatory detention has become Australia's first resort, rather than its last.
Indefinite detention is considered arbitrary - and therefore unlawful - under international human rights law.
Decades of medical research across the world - including studies commissioned by the Australian government - have consistently warned the wearing uncertainty of indefinite detention is deeply damaging for those so held.
But this week the Australian parliament, with almost no debate, codified the indefinite detention of refugees and asylum seekers, including without charge or trial, into domestic law.
Parliament was told about a "small cohort" - some put the figure at 21 - of "serious criminals" who can be neither deported nor released into the Australian community.
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The Conversation 21-06-08: Federal Court awards $350,000 to unlawfully detained asylum seeker, opening door to further claims (Extern länk)
Grekland/ Greece designates Turkey as a "safe third country"
Greece designates Turkey as a "safe third country" for asylum seekers from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Somalia
The Ministry of Migration and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced on Monday in a joint ministerial decision that Greece now considers Turkey as a "safe country" for asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia. They conclude that asylum seekers from these countries will not be in any danger in Turkey "due to their race, religion, citizenship, political beliefs."
Migration Minister Notis Mitarakis said the decision is an "important step in tackling illegal migration flows and criminal activities of smuggling rings... The joint ministerial decision fully complies with the International Law and shields the legal tools of Greece towards requests by asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Somalia who objectively do not have a reason to not regard Turkey as a safe country...(this is) another step towards the full and unwavering implementation of the EU-Turkey Joint Declaration, which obliges the neighboring country not to allow the operation of smuggling networks and transit in Greece."
Of course human rights activists are outraged by this decision. As tweeted above, Samos Volunteers points out how this decision goes directly against the Geneva convention.
Reporter Giorgos Christides gives a detailed overview of some the evaluations and remaining questions this decision leaves:
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Danmark/ Det vet vi om Danmarks nya asylsystem
Folketinget har röstat ja till den danska socialdemokratiska regeringens lagförslag som gör det möjligt att flytta hela asylprocessen till ett land utanför Europa.
Detta är vad vi vet om det kontroversiella förslaget:
Hur ska det nya asylsystemet fungera?
Tanken är att ett mottagandecenter för asylsökande ska upprättas i ett land utanför Europa. Där ska hela handläggningen av asylansökningar från tredjelandsmedborgare och statslösa ske. Det ska dock inte gå att söka asyl direkt vid mottagandecentret, utan det måste ske vid exempelvis den danska gränsen.
I ett första skede kommer varje asylansökan behandlas individuellt i Danmark. Danska myndigheter ska bedöma om det finns särskilda skäl - exempelvis allvarlig sjukdom - för flyktingen att trots allt genomgå asylprocessen i Danmark eller om en överflyttning till mottagandecentret ska ske.
Om asyl sedan beviljas ska flyktingen dessutom inte integreras i det danska samhället - utan i det aktuella värdlandet personen befinner sig i, alternativt flyttas över till FN:s flyktingläger. Om det blir avslag är det värdlandet som ska ansvara för deportationen.
Hur allt detta ska fungera i praktiken är dock fortfarande till stora delar oklart.
Ska Danmark inte ta emot några asylsökande?
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TT / AB 21-06-03: EU-kommissionen kritisk mot danska asylplaner (Extern länk)
Dagens Nyheter 21-06-12: Fler kan följa danska asylsystemet (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Danska asylläger i Afrika hyllas av svenska politiker
Danmark ska kunna flytta asylsökande till läger i Afrika.
Moderaterna är positiva till Danmarks ingång i asylfrågan och Sverigedemokraterna vill införa en liknande modell i Sverige.
- Det är ett mycket välkommet förslag, säger Jimmie Åkesson (SD).
Danska folketinget klubbade i förra veckan igenom ett kontroversiellt förslag om att "outsourca" asylprocessen till länder i Afrika. Planen har väckt vrede hos FN, EU och människorättsorganisationer. Men i Sverige gör delar av de politiska partierna tummen upp.
Sverigedemokraterna har länge förespråkat en nollvision för asylinvandring och partiet ser danskarnas beslut som ett sätt för landet att möjliggöra just detta.
- Förhoppningsvis kan Stefan Löfven lära sig något av de danska Socialdemokraterna när det kommer till en ansvarsfull invandringspolitik, även om det nog är att hoppas på för mycket, säger Jimmie Åkesson och syftar på att förslaget ursprungligen kommer från danska Socialdemokraterna.
Hoppas på liknande i Sverige
SD-ledaren hoppas nu att Sverige ska slå in på liknande kurs. Men Danmark har ett undantag i EU-fördragen som ger dem större möjlighet att forma sin egen migrationspolitik.
Hur ser du på kritiken mot beslutet, att modellen gör det mycket svårt att söka asyl?
- Människor som behöver skydd bör få det i närområdet och i första säkra land. Inte i länder som ligger hundratals mil ifrån konfliktzonerna. Det danska förslaget skulle även motverka den farliga migrationen över Medelhavet som skördar många liv varje år.
Moderaterna har samma syn på problemen
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Storbritannien/ Asylum-seeker cleared of charges, bar on challenges to deportation
An asylum-seeker caught steering a boat across the English Channel was cleared of smuggling charges after spending 17 months in jail. Immigrants and trafficking victims were also detained in solitary confinement for prolonged periods of time in prisons due to Covid-19 measures. Meanwhile, a Judicial Review Bill will strip refugees and asylum-seekers' right to challenge deportation orders as the government's New Plan for Immigration comes under heavy criticism from UNHCR.
The Court of Appeal overturned the conviction of Fouad Kakaei, an Iranian asylum-seeker jailed for 17 months on smuggling charges for helping to pilot a boat with other migrants on board in the English Channel. He was rescued by UK Border Force officials while crossing the Channel in December 2019 and was sentenced to two years and two months in prison in January 2021 by the Canterbury Crown Court, after admitting that he had taken a turn steering the defective boat as he "didn't want to die at sea". At his retrial before the Court of Appeal this week, his lawyers successfully argued that "he should not have been found guilty of breaking immigration laws because he was intending to be rescued at sea so he could claim asylum". The verdict brings hope that other asylum-seekers currently jailed on smuggling charges will be able to challenge their detention and be freed.
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Danmark/ Danmark vill flytta asylprocessen till Afrika
Socialdemokraterna i Danmark vill flytta landets asylprocess till ett afrikanskt land.
På torsdag ska folketinget rösta om förslaget som har ett tydligt mål i sikte: noll asylsökande.
Förra året fick 600 personer asyl i Danmark, skriver Jyllandsposten. Om danska Socialdemokraterna får som de vill ska det bli ännu färre i framtiden.
Enligt ett lagförslag som tas upp i folketinget i veckan ska den danska asylprocessen flyttas utomlands. Det innebär att landet i princip inte ska ta emot en enda flykting - eftersom både asylprocessen och asyluppehållet flyttar utomlands.
Får skarp kritik
Landet har tidigare fört diskussioner med Tunisien, Etiopien, Egypten och Rwanda som eventuella värdländer men än finns inga avtal med något av länderna.
- Det skulle vara en av de största förändringarna av dansk asyl- och flyktingpolicy sedan 1951, säger Martin Lemberg-Pedersen, lektor vid Center för avancerade migrationsstudier på Köpenhamns universitet till TT.
Hela inslaget (Extern länk)
TT / SvT 21-05-30: Expert: Regeringens förslag är symbolpolitik (Extern länk)
TT / SvT 21-06-01: Danska S-regeringen vill laga "trasigt" asylsystem (Extern länk)
Sveriges Radio P1-morgon 21-06-03: Danmark röstar om att flytta sin asylprocess utomlands (Extern länk)
SvT Utrikes 21-06-03: Ministern försvarar kritiserade asylförslaget: "Får möjlighet att hjälpa fler" (Extern länk)
SvT Utrikes 21-06-03: Danska journalisten: Regeringen vill att färre söker asyl (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Danskt lagförslag får ja - asylprocess kan flyttas till afrikanskt land
I dag röstade folketinget i Danmark igenom S-regeringens kontroversiella lagförslag som gör det möjligt att flytta landets asylprocess till ett afrikanskt land.
- Idén med förslaget är att du inte ska vara i Danmark, säger Sveriges Radios Nordenkorrespondent.
Den socialdemokratiska regeringen vill flytta hela sin asylprocess till ett tredje land utanför Europa och de länder som man uppges ha haft en dialog med hittills är Tunisien, Etiopien, Egypten och Rwanda, enligt Jyllands-Posten.
Det finns inget avtal klart än men det kontroversiella lagförslaget röstades på torsdagen igenom i folketinget.
"Man ska inte sätta sin fot i Danmark"
Tanken är att ett mottagandecenter ska upprättas i ett annat land där hela handläggningen av asylansökningar från tredjelandsmedborgare och statslösa ska ske.
Hela inslaget (Extern länk)
Lagförslaget i Folketinget 21-04-2021: L 226 Forslag til lov om ændring af udlændingeloven (Extern länk)
Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.
Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.