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Arkiveringsdatum 220619:

World Economic Forum 22-06-09:

6 things you didn't know about refugees and migration till sidans topp

Migration is often seen through the narrow lens of the prominent political issue of the day, providing a distorted picture of the data.

Migration patterns around the world are riddled with complexities that often challenge the preconceptions that dominate the headlines.

Policymakers need to understand key regional trends if they are to develop effective policies that lead to safe and well-managed migration.

Around the world, more than 281 million people are living, working or seeking refuge in a country other than their country of origin. People migrate for a wide variety of reasons and migration patterns vary hugely between regions.

So often, we read and hear about migration from a national perspective, portrayed as a negative domestic political issue. This focus can mask the reality that migration patterns and processes are very closely linked to geography and that key regional features develop over decades. Thus, greater recognition of regional and sub-regional migration patterns, variations and complexities can assist in formulating strategic and sustainable policy responses.

Here are six graphics from the latest World Migration Report that show why we need to understand the regional dimensions of migration:

1. Countries serve as host and origin for refugees

2. More migration happens within Africa than from Africa

3. Internal displacement affects every continent on earth

4. Asia's serious refugee situation has mostly been contained in Asia

5. Most international migrants in Europe are European

6. Northern America experiences the least emigration but the most immigration

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UNHCR 22-06-16:

Nytt rekord i antalet människor på flykt i världen - tio år lång trend fortsätter till sidans topp

Trots vissa tecken på förbättringar är hastigheten och omfattningen av antalet människor på flykt i världen långt större än antalet lösningar för flyktingar.

Antalet människor som tvingats på flykt har ökat varje år under de senaste tio åren och är nu det högsta antalet sedan mätningarna startade. Detta är en trend som enbart kan vändas genom en ny samordnad ansträngning för fred, sa UNHCR, FN:s flyktingorgan, idag.

Vid slutet av 2021 hade 89,3 miljoner människor tvingats på flykt på grund av krig, våld, förföljelse och människorättskränkningar. Det är en ökning på åtta procent från föregående år och är mer än dubbelt så många som antalet människor på flykt för tio år sedan, enligt UNHCR:s årliga Global Trends-rapport.

Sedan dess har Rysslands invasion av Ukraina - som har lett till den snabbaste och en av de största flyktingkriserna sedan andra världskriget - och andra nödsituationer, från Afrika till Afghanistan och andra ställen, drivit upp siffran över antalet människor på flykt i världen till den dramatiska milstolpen på 100 miljoner.

-Varje år under det senaste decenniet har siffrorna ökat, säger FN:s högkommissarie för flyktingar, Filippo Grandi. Antingen kommer det internationella samfundet att gemensamt ta till åtgärder för att bemöta den här mänskliga tragedin, lösa konflikter och finna varaktiga lösningar, eller så kommer denna förfärliga trend att fortsätta.

Förra året var anmärkningsvärt på grund av antalet konflikter som eskalerade och nya som blossade upp. I 23 länder, med en sammantagen befolkning på 850 miljoner människor, pågick medel- eller högintensiva konflikter, enligt Världsbanken.

Samtidigt bidrar matbrist, inflation och klimatkrisen till människors svåra situation och ökar trycket på humanitär nödhjälp medan finansieringsutsikterna i många situationer verkar dystra.


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Unicef 22-06-20: Nästan 37 miljoner barn på flykt i världen (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 220607:

UNHCR 22-05-23:

Över 100 miljoner människor på flykt registrerade för första gången till sidans topp

Denna milstolpe måste fungera som en väckarklocka för ökade krafttag för att främja fred och lösa orsakerna till att människor tvingas på flykt, säger FN:s flyktingkommissarie Filippo Grandi.

Antalet människor på flykt från konflikter, våld, kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter och förföljelse har nu passerat 100 miljoner för första gången någonsin. Den ofattbara siffran drivs upp av kriget i Ukraina och andra dödliga konflikter.

- Hundra miljoner är alarmerande. Det är ett rekord som aldrig borde ha satts. Det måste fungera som en väckarklocka för att förhindra destruktiva konflikter, stoppa förföljelse och lösa orsakerna som tvingar oskyldiga människor att fly sina hem, säger FN:s flyktingkommissarie Filippo Grandi.

Enligt nya uppgifter från UNHCR, FN:s flyktingorgan, ökade antalet människor på flykt i världen till uppemot 90 miljoner i slutet av 2021, drivet av nya eller utdragna konflikter i länder som Etiopien, Burkina Faso, Myanmar, Nigeria, Afghanistan och Demokratiska republiken Kongo. Dessutom har kriget i Ukraina tvingat 8 miljoner människor att fly inom landet i år och mer än 6 miljoner gränsövergångar av människor på flykt har registrerats.

Med 1% av världens befolkning på flykt motsvarar antalet det 14:e mest folkrika landet i världen. Siffran omfattar både flyktingar och asylsökande såväl som de 53,2 miljoner människor som befinner sig på flykt inom sitt eget land, enligt en ny rapport från Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC).

- Omvärldens hjälp till människor som flyr från kriget i Ukraina är överväldigande positivt. Medkänslan lever och vi behöver ett liknande stöd för alla kriser runt om i världen. Humanitär hjälp är ett lindrande medel, inte ett botemedel. För att vända den här trenden är det enda svaret fred och stabilitet så att oskyldiga människor inte tvingas välja mellan akut fara hemma eller osäker flykt och exil, tillägger Grandi.

Den 16 juni släpper UNHCR sin årliga Global Trends-rapport som innehåller globala, regionala och nationella data om situationen för människor på flykt under 2021 samt uppdateringar fram till april 2022 och information om återvändande och lösningar.

Se även:

IDMC April 2022: Global Report on Internal Displacement 2022 (Extern länk)

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UNHCR 22-05-27:

UNHCR concerned by renewed violence displacing thousands in North Kivu till sidans topp

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is deeply concerned about the urgent and large-scale needs of more than 72,000 people who have been displaced by fighting in recent days in North Kivu Province, eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC).

Since 19 May, intense fighting has shaken Rutshuru and Nyiragongo territories as militias claiming to be part of the M-23 armed group clash with government forces in a continuing struggle north of Goma, the provincial capital.

At least 170,000 civilians have been displaced, often repeatedly since an escalation of fighting in eastern DRC from November 2021. The latest wave of violence has driven tens of thousands of people from their homes in search of relative safety in different parts of the province, including Goma. Over the past week alone, some 7,000 have also reportedly crossed over to neighbouring Uganda - a country already hosting more than 1.5 million refugees.

Those on the move are exposed to constant violence. Fields and shops left abandoned are at high risk of being looted, threatening livelihoods. Women and girls are exposed to sexual violence, including rape, as well as physical threats and extortion by the warring parties. Numerous children have been separated from their families. The fighting comes just as communities previously displaced by insecurity in the region had tentatively begun to return home and re-establish their lives. This cycle of violence and displacement has become a repeated source of despair and danger.

Thousands of people displaced by the current clashes are facing difficulties in finding shelter and basic household items, as well as accessing food and clean water. Some count on the generosity of Congolese families, others have sought safety in schools, churches and sites built by the authorities for those forced to flee the Nyiragongo volcano eruption of May 2021.


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EUAA 22-06-01:

Russian invasion results in record asylum applications from ex-Soviet bloc nationals till sidans topp

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has caused large-scale displacement to the EU+, the most asylum applications in years, and far more registrations for temporary protection. In total, nearly 3 million persons fleeing Ukraine have registered for the EU's temporary protection status since the start of the war.

Analysis released by the European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) shows that about 82 900 asylum applications were lodged in the EU+ in March 2022. This was the most since the so-called "refugee crisis" of 2015 - 2016. The increase by a third from February (+ 21 800) was also the largest since 2015. It mainly resulted from a peak of asylum applications by Ukrainians (14 000), around 30 times as many as before the start of the war. This made Ukrainians by far the largest group of applicants in March, ahead of Afghans (9 000) and Syrians (7 700).

Peaks of both asylum applications and registrations for temporary protection

However, asylum applications alone do not nearly capture the historical dimension of refugee migration from Ukraine, with magnitudes not seen since the end of the second World War. Under the Temporary Protection Directive, those fleeing Ukraine can register for temporary protection in the EU, without having to undergo an asylum procedure. Registrations also peaked in March at 1.6 million. While the pace of registrations has slowed steadily thereafter, at least 50 000 Ukrainians were still registered during the fourth week of May. By 29 May, altogether nearly 3 million persons fleeing Ukraine have registered for temporary protection since the beginning of the war, according to provisional estimates. This number is 140 times as high as total Ukrainian asylum applications over the same period (21 400).

More applicants also from Russia and other former Soviet countries


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UNHCR Operational Data Portal: Ukraine Refugee Situation (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 220518:

Frontex 22-05-12:

Update on Ukraine: more than 6 million refugees cross EU's borders till sidans topp

More than 6 million refugees have fled Ukraine. Among them, more than 3 million people arrived in Poland and more than one million in Moldova. While in the first ten days of the war about 125 000 people crossed EUs borders, now the number dropped to 34 000 daily.

Within the last ten days, there were on average around 25 000 Ukrainians exiting EU Member States to Ukraine daily. In total, about one million Ukrainians entered Ukraine since the beginning of the war.

Support on the ground

362 standing corps officers are deployed at EU-Ukraine borders. In total, Frontex has 527 officers and staff all along the EU's Eastern land border.

Frontex organises humanitarian flights to help non-Ukrainian citizens fleeing the war in Ukraine reach their home countries safely. Frontex supported the organisation of 19 humanitarian return flights helping 732 non-EU citizens fleeing the war. Humanitarian voluntary return flights were carried out from Poland to Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in cooperation with the relevant embassies.

Since the start of the war, Frontex has been monitoring the situation at the borders 24/7, supporting EU Member States with the latest information on migration flows and the situation at borders crossing points.

With the use of technology, including satellites, the agency also helps Member States understand and predict the situation on the ground.

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Frontex 22-05-04: Ukraine: Frontex support to Member States (Extern länk)

IOM 22-05-10: Needs growing for over 8 million internally displaced in Ukraine (Extern länk)

IOM 22-05-24: IOM Scales Up Regional Displacement Tracking in Response to the War in Ukraine (Extern länk)

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Frontex 22-05-16:

EU external borders in April: Detections on the rise till sidans topp

Between January and April, there were about 57 800 irregular entries to the European Union, according to preliminary calculations*. This is 69% more than in the first four months of last year.

Refugees fleeing Ukraine and entering the EU through border crossing points are not part of the figures of illegal entries detected. According to the latest Frontex data, more than 5.9 million people have entered the EU from Ukraine and Moldova since the beginning of invasion in February.

In April, Frontex registered around 15 000 irregular crossings, 79% more than in the same month last year.

At the moment, Frontex has more than 2 000 standing corps officers and staff at various sections of the EU external border, as well as in Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and Moldova.

January-April: Top migratory routes

In the first four months of 2022, the most active migratory routes into the EU were the Western Balkan, Eastern Mediterranean and Central Mediterranean routes.

The Western Balkan route accounted for nearly half of all the illegal border crossings with 27 172 illegal crossings, up by 130% from last year. The main nationalities on this route included Syrians and Afghans.

The number of detections on the Eastern Mediterranean route remained high with 9 109 arrivals (+86%). This was particularly due to the steady number of arrivals to Cyprus, which accounted for more than half of all detections. Most migrants came from Syria, Nigeria and Congo.

9 300 illegal crossings were registered on the Central Mediterranean route between January and April, roughly 4% more than during the same period in the previous year. The main nationalities represented on this route were Egyptians, Bangladeshi and Tunisians.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220413:

IOM 22-04-05:

7.1 million people displaced by the war in Ukraine: IOM Survey till sidans topp

Over 7.1 million people have been internally displaced since the invasion of Ukraine, according to the second Ukraine Internal Displacement Report issued by the International Organization for Migration (IOM). This represents a 10 per cent increase in number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Ukraine since the first round of the survey on 16 March.

IOM conducted its second survey between 24 March and 1 April to gather insights into internal displacement and mobility, and assess needs in Ukraine to inform the overall humanitarian response.

"People continue to flee their homes because of war, and the humanitarian needs on the ground continue to soar," said IOM Director General António Vitorino.

"Humanitarian corridors are urgently needed to allow the safe evacuation of civilians and ensure the safe transportation and delivery of much-needed humanitarian aid in order to rapidly assist those internally displaced."

According to the survey, more than 50 per cent of displaced households have children, 57 per cent include elderly members, and 30 per cent have people with chronic illnesses.

Within the first month of the war, the income of displaced households dropped sharply. While only 13 per cent of now displaced households reported a monthly income under 5,000 Ukrainian hryvnias (USD 170) prior to 24 February 2022, currently 61 per cent of them indicate that their household income has been lower than 5,000 hryvnias since the start of the war.

Over one third of displaced households indicate that they have had no income in the last month.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220404:

UNHCR 22-03-25:

A month since start of the war, almost a quarter of Ukraine's population are displaced till sidans topp

Over the past month, everything has changed for Ukraine. Just two weeks before the war, I spent the week in eastern Ukraine with the Country Director of the UN Development Programme (UNDP), inaugurating and visiting community centres in Avdiika and Popasna for disabled children and older people. These centres are now likely to be rubble, like so many other private homes and social structures that humanitarian and development partners have helped to establish and repair over the past eight years, working with local authorities and communities in eastern Ukraine.

The past month has reversed these developments and set us back further than where we were eight years ago. Today, we are confronted with the realities of a massive humanitarian crisis that is growing by the second.

The seriousness of the situation cannot be overstated.

Overnight, lives have been shattered and families torn apart. In one month, over 10 million people have been forced to run for their lives, leaving their homes and belongings. Over 6.5 million are displaced inside Ukraine and 3.7 million people have been forced to flee the country. These numbers are rising daily. Some 13 million people are estimated to be stranded in affected areas or unable to leave due to heightened security risks, destruction of bridges and roads, as well as lack of resources or information on where to find safety and accommodation.

Today, millions in Ukraine live in constant fear. Indiscriminate shelling and heavy bombardments are forcing people to shelter in bunkers for hours day and night.


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UNHCR 22-04- 01:

Thousands flee into Uganda following clashes in DR Congo till sidans topp

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, alongside the Government of Uganda and humanitarian partners, is assisting some 10,000 refugees in the country's southwest Kisoro district after they fled violent clashes in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) which began on 28 March 2022.

Thousands of children, women, and men have arrived from Rutchuru territory in the DRC, some 8 kilometres from the Bunagana border crossing in Uganda's Kisoro district.

In addition, nearly 36,000 people have been displaced within the DRC. Most are being accommodated by host families, or in markets and schools. Security conditions are making it difficult to reach those affected, but a taskforce led jointly by UNHCR and the World Food Programme is being established to organize the delivery of humanitarian assistance.

As people arrived in Uganda on 28 and 29 March, artillery fire and gunshots could be heard from across the border, indicating that clashes were ongoing. Six people arrived with gunshot wounds and were taken for treatment.

UNHCR and Uganda's Office of the Prime Minister - which manages several transit centres for asylum seekers along the Congolese border - are responding to the emergency in coordination with district and local authorities and our partners. UNHCR has already relocated some 2,350 asylum seekers to the nearby Nyakabande transit centre.

Heavy rains have made conditions even more difficult for people who arrived with only the few belongings they could carry. Currently, Uganda has closed the Bunagana border to trade but is thankfully allowing asylum seekers to enter the country. Other asylum-seekers are using irregular border crossings. We have also observed many unaccompanied children, older people and wheelchair users among those fleeing the violence.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220304:

Frontex 22-02-15:

Situation at EU's external borders in January: Lower pressure on Eastern border till sidans topp

The number of illegal border crossings at EU's external borders in the first month of 2022 reached 13 160, 78% more than in January 2021 and 23% more than in 2020, according to preliminary calculations.

The number of arrivals continues to be above pre-pandemic levels as demonstrated by the data from 2021. The total number of illegal border-crossings in 2021 was just short of 200 000, the highest number since 2017.

In January, the most significant increase could be observed on the Western Balkans route with 5 826 arrivals, 148% more than a year ago. Syria, Afghanistan and Turkey were the top three countries of origin of migrants on this route.

At the same time, the pressure on EU's Eastern border dropped by nearly 75%. The route saw an intense pressure as of May 2021 with a more than tenfold increase in comparison to 2020.

On the Central Mediterranean route, the number of arrivals amounted to 2 150, 107% more than in the same month last year. Two out of three migrants arrived from Libya while the rest from Tunisia. Nationals of Egypt, Bangladesh and Cote d'Ivoire represented the majority of the arrivals from Libya while Tunisians represented about 67% of the migrants registered from Tunisia.

In line with seasonal trends related to weather conditions, the number of detections on the Western Mediterranean route dropped by 55% to 693. Nearly 60% of the migrants registered on this route were nationals of Algeria.

The Western African route experienced an increase of 50% with 3 007 detections. Half of the departures on this route occurred from Morocco.

The situation on the Eastern Mediterranean route did not undergo significant changes and the number of detections rose 28% to 1163 compared to January 2021 when the number of detections was 911, among which 303 at Greece's external borders.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220125:

Frontex 22-01-11:

EU external borders in 2021: Arrivals above pre-pandemic levels till sidans topp

According to preliminary figures collected by Frontex, the total number of illegal border-crossings in 2021 was just short of 200 000, the highest number since 2017.

This is an increase of 36% when compared with 2019 and an increase of 57% compared with 2020 when we could observe a strong impact of COVID-19 restrictions. This suggests that factors other than the lifting of restrictions on global mobility are the cause of increased migratory pressure.

One such factor defining 2021 was undoubtedly the situation at the borders to Belarus, making it another year in which migration was used in a hybrid operation targeting the EU external border.

In 2021, Syrians remained the most frequently reported nationality of the people detected when crossing the border without permission, followed by Tunisians, Moroccans, Algerians and Afghans.

Just as in 2020, women continued to make up fewer than one in ten arrivals in 2021, a significant drop in their share compared to 2019. As regards other groups of vulnerable people, the reported share of minors was largely unchanged, as was that of unaccompanied minors.

The Central Mediterranean route was again the most-used migratory route to Europe in 2021, accounting for one-third of all reported illegal border-crossings.

With a year-on-year increase in detections of 83%, reflecting more arrivals from Libyan, Tunisian and Turkish shores, the route in fact took an even more prominent role amongst migratory routes.

While Tunisian migrants were most frequently detected in this region, 2021 importantly saw the return of larger numbers of Egyptian migrants (a sevenfold increase compared with 2020). Along with Bangladeshi migrants, Egyptians were among the key nationalities in the Central Mediterranean.


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Arkiveringsdatum 211210:

Frontex 21-11-22:

Migratory situation in October: Persisting pressure on Eastern Border till sidans topp

The number of illegal border crossings at EU's external borders in the first ten months of 2021 rose nearly 70% to 160 000* and 45% when compared with 2019, according to preliminary calculations.

In October, there were close to 22 800 illegal border crossings on Europe's main migratory routes, 30% more than in 2020 when pandemic-related border restrictions were in place. It is also 18% more compared with October 2019 and the pre-COVID situation.

The most significant increase was reported on the Eastern, Western Balkan and Central Mediterranean routes and in Cyprus. The number of detections dropped in the Western Mediterranean.

Eastern Borders

On the EU's Eastern frontier, the total number of detections of illegal border crossings this year amounted to close to 8 000, fifteen times more than in 2020. Main nationalities include migrants from Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria.

The EU border with Belarus remained the most affected by the migration flow in 2021. After reaching historical high of arrivals in July (climbing over 3 200), migrant arrivals on the Eastern land route decreased in the following months dropping to over 600 in October 2021.

While high level frictions between the EU and the Belarussian regime continue, the EU Member States neighbouring Belarus have all significantly strengthened their border-control measures under exceptional states of emergency. The enhanced controls prevented large-scale flows from reaching the EU from Belarus in October.

Western Balkan route


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Statewatch 21-11-26:

Deportations at record levels as Frontex foresees post-pandemic removals till sidans topp

Frontex supported EU member states in removing over 8,300 non-EU nationals to their countries of origin in the first half of 2021, the largest ever number for a six-month period. However, the number of operations with at least one human rights monitor on board decreased by 7%, according to a report recently circulated to EU member states by the border agency.

The number of people removed with Frontex's support amounts to twice the figure for the same period in 2020 and is 9% higher than in 2019. The report, drafted by the agency's Returns Division, states that once COVID-19 related restrictions are no longer a barrier to deportations, "the Agency will play an even stronger role in assisting with an unprecedented number of returns, also taking into account possible backlogs in member States."

The number of charter flights with a human rights monitor on board fell by 7% compared to the previous period, which the report says was largely due to COVID-19. 109 human rights monitors were deployed on charter flight operations coordinated by Frontex, 51 of which came from the agency's 'pool' made up of national monitors. At least one monitor was on board 47% of those flights (100% for collecting return operations, 73% for joint return operations and just 23% for national return operations). By comparison, 80% of the charter flights coordinated by Frontex in 2019 had a monitor on board.

Frontex and the FRO are unable to consider the merits of return decisions issued by member states yet these may, per se, be based on breaches of individual rights. The report does not provide details on the destination of the return flights supported by the agency - so even if the monitoring of flights and condition on board improve, there is no certainty that Frontex is not supporting flights that could be refoulements.


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IOM 21-12-01:

IOM's world migration report shows global displacement rising despite COVID-19 till sidans topp

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) today launched its flagship World Migration Report 2022 which reveals a dramatic increase in internal displacement due to disasters, conflict and violence at a time when global mobility ground to a halt due to COVID-19 travel restrictions.

"We are witnessing a paradox not seen before in human history," said IOM's Director General António Vitorino. "While billions of people have been effectively grounded by COVID-19, tens of millions of others have been displaced within their own countries."

The number of air passengers globally dropped 60 per cent in 2020 to 1.8 billion (down from 4.5 billion in 2019) while at the same time internal displacement due to disaster, conflict and violence rose to 40.5 million (up from 31.5 million in 2019).

The report, the eleventh in IOM's World Migration Report series, draws upon the latest data from around the world to explain key migration trends as well as issues that are emerging on the migration policy horizon.

"This report is unlike any other edition of the World Migration Report," said the IOM report editor Marie McAuliffe.

"So much has happened in migration and mobility over these last two years and in this report we bring together key data, research and analysis to show how long-term trends have been altered by COVID-19 and how migrants worldwide have been affected."

According to the report, the number of international migrants has grown from 84 million globally in 1970 to 281 million in 2020, although when global population growth is factored in, the proportion of international migrants has only inched up from 2.3 per cent to 3.6 per cent of the world's population. Most people globally (96.4 per cent) reside in the country in which they were born. The number of international migrants for 2020 was lower, by around 2 million, than it otherwise would have been due to COVID-19.


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EASO 21-12-02:

Afghans lodge 72 % more asylum applications in the EU+ till sidans topp

In September 2021, Afghans lodged more than 17 000 asylum applications in the EU+, up from 10 000 in August and nearly twice as many as Syrians. This made Afghanistan by far the main country of origin, which Syria had been for seven years until July. Total applications in the EU+ exceeded pre-pandemic levels for the first time since the outbreak of COVID-19.

Analysis released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) shows that about 71 200 applications for international protection were lodged in the EU+ in September 2021, up by a quarter from August and the most since November 2016. For the first time since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, applications exceeded the last pre-pandemic levels in early 2020.

The rising trend in Afghan applications not only continued but accelerated. Applications by Afghans increased by a considerable 72 %, from about 10 000 in August to 17 300 in September. This increase partly reflected the evacuations that followed the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan in August. Afghans were by far the largest group of applicants in the EU+ in September, with almost twice as many applications as by Syrians (9 100), who had been the largest group every month for seven years up to July 2021. While Afghans lodged the most applications since September 2016, their number was still less than half of the all-time high in November 2015.

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Arkiveringsdatum 210921:

EASO 21-09-16:

Asylum applications by Afghans approaching those by Syrians till sidans topp

While Syrians were still the largest group of asylum applicants in EU+ countries in July, the gap to Afghans continued shrinking. As these and other main nationalities lodged substantially more applications compared to previous months, total applications were at the highest level since the outbreak of COVID-19 and approached pre-pandemic levels.

Analysis released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) shows that about 50 000 applications for international protection were lodged in the EU+ in July 2021,1 significantly more than in June (+ 8 %). The most common countries of origin were Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Pakistan and Iraq. Applications by Afghans increased for the fifth consecutive month, to about 7 300 (+ 21 % from June). This came relatively close to the number of applications by Syrians (8 500, + 14 %). The gap between Afghans and Syrians has been shrinking almost steadily since December 2020.

Turks (2 500) were the third largest group in July, after their applications increased by half from June. A peak of applications by Iraqis (2 300) was partly due to the irregular migration route via Belarus. Citizens of several Eastern Partnership and Western Balkan countries applied in larger numbers, such as Georgians (1 300) and Albanians (980). In contrast, applications by many North and West African nationalities receded, including Moroccans (1 500) and Malians (570).

Gradual return of asylum applications towards pre-pandemic levels

The overall level of applications in July was the highest since the outbreak of COVID-19 and, for the first time, exceeded 80 % of the last pre-pandemic level in February 2020. The remaining gap can be explained by a longer-term decline of applications by Latin Americans. For many other nationalities, it appears that COVID-19-induced constraints on asylum-related migration have lately had a lesser impact.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210904:

EASO 21-08-18:

Broad increase in applications for asylum, including by Afghans till sidans topp

EU+ countries received substantially more asylum applications in June. A broad range of nationalities lodged more applications than in May, often approaching or exceeding pre-COVID-19 levels. In the case of Afghans, Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, the increases continued a rising trend from previous months.

Analysis released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) shows that about 46300 applications for international protection were lodged in the EU+ in June 2021,1 a fifth more than in May. Total applications were the highest since the outbreak of COVID-19 but remained below the pre-pandemic level. A broad range of nationalities lodged more applications in June, which might suggest that COVID-19-induced constraints on asylum-related migration have lately had a weaker impact.

Applications by Afghans on the rise

The top origin countries in June 2021 were Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Morocco and Iraq. Afghans lodged over 6 000 applications in June, almost 1 000 more than in May and the most since February 2020. While Afghan applications were still not exceptionally high, they increased for the fourth consecutive month.

This rising trend over time contrasted with most other nationalities but was similar for Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, who might often use the same migration routes as Afghans. Increasing arrivals of Afghans would likely affect a range of EU+ countries given that in June, many received a substantial number of Afghan applications (100 or more). Increasing applications by Iraqis (1 800) were partly due to the new irregular migration route via Belarus.

More unaccompanied minors, especially from Afghanistan


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Frontex 21-08-12: July: Increase in the Central Med and Western Balkans (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210720:

Frontex 21-07-13:

Situation at EU borders in June - detections rise in Central Med till sidans topp

The number of illegal border crossings at Europe's external borders in the first six months of 2021 reached over 61 000, 59% more than the total from a year ago, according to preliminary calculations.

In June, Frontex has recorded 11 150 illegal border crossings at EU's external borders, 69% more than in the same month of last year.

This significant increase can be attributed to the fact that a year ago countries had put in place various COVID-related movement restrictions. The highest increase occurred on the Central Mediterranean route, where smuggling networks resumed their activities in Libya and Tunisia.

Central Mediterranean

The number of migrants crossing the Central Mediterranean in June amounted to 4 700, double the figure from a year ago. Nationals from Tunisia and Bangladesh were the two main nationalities on this route so far this year.

Western Mediterranean

On the route towards Spain, Frontex recorded 870 detections in June, in line with the number last year. With the sharp increase in May, the total number of crossings in the first six months of this year amounted to 5800, 27% higher than during the same period last year.

Algerian nationals represented over 60% of all arrivals on this route, followed by Moroccans.

Eastern Mediterranean

On the Eastern Mediterranean route in June, there were nearly 1100 detections of illegal border crossings bringing the total for the first half of the year to 7340, 40% lower than last year.

Nationals of Syria and Turkey accounted for the largest number of detected migrants


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IOM 21-07-13:

Migrant deaths on maritime routes to Europe: Jan-Jun 2021 till sidans topp

This briefing provides a detailed analysis of the available data on migrant deaths and on attempted crossings in the three trans-Mediterranean routes and the Western Africa/Atlantic Route in the first six months of 2021.

Migrant deaths on maritime routes to Europe have more than doubled in the first six months of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020. In the first half of 2021, the Missing Migrants Project recorded the deaths of 1,146 people. However, many more are presumed to have died, given the multiple posts in social media of families looking for their loved ones and reports by NGOs indicating possible invisible shipwrecks. Meanwhile, migrant interceptions at sea by North African authorities also increased in the first six months of 2021, compared to the same period in 2020.

The briefing highlights the ongoing data gaps on irregular maritime migration to Europe. Better data can help states urgently address their commitments under Objective 8 of the Global Compact for Migration to "save lives and establish coordinated international efforts on missing migrants." There is an urgent need for States to increase search and rescue efforts, establish predictable disembarkation mechanisms and ensure access to safe and legal migration pathways.

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Arkiveringsdatum 210701:

UNHCR Sverige 21-06-18:

Världsledare måste agera för att vända den kraftiga ökningen av människor på flykt till sidans topp

UNHCR, FN:s flyktingorgan, uppmanar idag världsledare att stärka arbetet med att främja fred, stabilitet och samarbete för att vända den snart tio år långa trend där allt fler människor tvingas på flykt på grund av våld och förföljelse.

Trots pandemin har antalet människor på flykt från krig, våld, förföljelse och kränkningar av mänskliga rättigheter under 2020 stigit till närmare 82,4 miljoner, enligt UNHCR:s årliga Global Trends Report som släpps i Genève idag. Detta är en ökning på ytterligare fyra procent från det rekordhöga antalet på 79,5 miljoner vid slutet av 2019.

Rapporten visar att vid slutet av 2020 fanns 20,7 miljoner flyktingar under UNHCR:s mandat, 5,7 miljoner palestinska flyktingar och 3,9 miljoner venezuelaner fördrivna från sitt hemland. Ytterligare 48 miljoner människor var internflyktingar. Utöver det var 4,1 miljoner asylsökande. Siffrorna visar på att konflikter har fortsatt att driva människor från sina hem trots pandemin och uppmaningar till vapenvila.

- Bakom varje siffra finns en person som har tvingats fly från sitt hem, och en historia om flykt, förlust och lidande. De förtjänar vår uppmärksamhet och stöd - inte bara för att ta emot humanitär hjälp utan även för att finna lösningar på deras situation, sa Filippo Grandi, FN:s högkommissarie för flyktingfrågor. Flyktingkonventionen från 1951 och den globala flyktingkompakten (GCR) innehåller det juridiska ramverket och verktygen för att hjälpa de som tvingats fly, men vi behöver mycket större politisk vilja för att ta itu med konflikterna och förföljelsen som leder till att människor tvingas på flykt.

Flickor och pojkar under 18 år står för 42 procent av de som tvingas fly. De är särskilt utsatta, framför allt när kriser pågår i flera år. Nya beräkningar från UNHCR uppskattar att nästan en miljon barn föddes som flyktingar mellan 2018 och 2020. Många av dem kommer sannolikt att fortsätta att vara flyktingar under flera år.

- Tragedin med så många barn som föds in i en exiltillvaro borde vara nog för att göra långt större insatser för att förhindra och få slut på konflikter och våld, sa Grandi.


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FRA 21-06-18:

Migrant search and rescue in the Mediterranean - state of play till sidans topp

So far this year, almost five people per day on average died crossing the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe, estimates the International Organization for Migration. Ahead of World Refugee Day 2021, the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights points to ongoing difficulties facing civil society rescue efforts in the Mediterranean, complicated by the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since 2018, authorities in some EU Member States have been restricting civil society rescues of migrants in distress at sea - as a fresh report from the United Nations Human Rights Office (link is external) also points out.

Often smugglers and traffickers send migrants to sea in overcrowded or unseaworthy boats.

The latest FRA update shows overall rescue capacity remains hampered. Of the 19 NGO-deployed boats and planes carrying out search and rescue, only six are operational.

There are now two additional rescue boats and one reconnaissance aircraft supporting civil society efforts since 2020. However, one was seized and remains docked.

The update also points to around eight new administrative and criminal proceedings by EU Member States against crew members or vessels since December 2020. This brings the total number of legal proceedings to 58 since 2016.

In some cases, EU Member States seized vessels. In other, they blocked rescue vessels in harbours due to flag or technical issues.

The pandemic further restricted search and rescue work. Rescued people were quarantined on board before landing or in ports after disembarkation to prevent any potential spread of Covid-19. Crew members also had to quarantine for two weeks after rescued migrants disembarked.

This latest update provides a snapshot of developments, including open and closed legal proceedings, since 2016 up until 15 June 2021.

It also contains an overview of vessels that were not immediately allowed to disembark migrants and had to wait at sea for a safe port for over one day in 2020.

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Global report 2020 (Extern länk till pdf-fil)

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United 21-06-20:

Fatal policies of Fortress Europe: 40 555 refugee deaths at the European borders till sidans topp

Refugee Lives Matter

Since 1993, the UNITED List of Refugee Deaths has recorded the reported cases of deaths of more than 40, 555 refugees and migrants who have died due to the restrictive policies of Fortress Europe whilst trying to get into Europe.

The causes of death are numerous: most drowned in the Mediterranean. Others were shot at borders, killed by traffickers, committed suicide at the detentions centers out of desperation, depression, and anxiety, or were killed after being deported to their countries of origin. Among them: babies, children, teenagers, (pregnant) women, and men, whole families.

40 555 reported cases of human death, but how many more will never be investigated, and remain unidentified and unburied at the sea, borders, camps, detention facilities, and on the way to Europe?

According to the 1951 Refugee Convention, every human has the right to look for a shelter safe from war, ungrounded persecutions, life threats for their: beliefs, political views, or for love.

This year on the World Refugee Day - June 20, we want to bring the attention of the media, policymakers, and general public to the situation of the refugees on the external borders of Europe.

Hundreds of thousands of asylum seekers on the external borders of the European Union are living in refugee camps that have been declared unfit for human habitation. Often they have limited access to water, sanitation systems, and access to health care systems. Therefore, we call on European leaders to scale up the work to keep refugees and migrants safe by providing access to lifesaving support, medical care, water, and sanitation.


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Asylrättscentrum 21-06-21:

Podd: 300 000 barn föds in i flyktingskap till sidans topp

Varje år släpper UNCHR rapporten Global Trends som beskriver flyktingläget i världen. I det här avsnittet av Människor & Migration analyserar vi den senaste rapporten.

Podden gästas av Anders Aalbu från UNCHR, och tillsammans med Asylrättscentrums tf chefsjurist Martin Nyman och Asylrättscentrums nya generalsekreterare Mårten Löfberg, går Anders Aalbu igenom hur läget har förändrats för människor på flykt. Vilka konsekvenser kan man se i pandemins spår och hur många människor har tvingats lämna sina hem under 2020?

I samtalet pratar de även om de 300 000 barn som årligen föds in i flyktingskap och dessa barns möjlighet till att gå i skolan. Var tar människor som flytt vägen och hur fungerar kvotflyktingsystemet under pandemin?

Avsnittet diskuterar även den migrationspolitiska utvecklingen i världen och vad det egentligen är som Danmark röstat igenom.

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EASO 21-06-28:

EASO Report 2021: COVID-19 exposes strengths and weaknesses of asylum systems till sidans topp

Despite the pandemic, the EASO Asylum Report 2021 highlights the resilience of many EU+ countries' asylum systems in using innovative solutions for business continuity. Resources were allocated to adapt working methods, implement digital solutions and reduce pending cases. However, shortcomings were also exposed, notably in terms of reception conditions, low returns to countries of origin, resettlement and reduced Dublin transfers.

For the first time since 2017, more decisions on first instance asylum applications were issued in 2020 than new applications received (534,500 decisions in total). This resulted in the stock of applications awaiting a decision being reduced by 18% compared to 2019 (773,600 applications pending by the end of the year compared to 942,100 at the end of 2019).

As reported through preliminary data by EASO earlier this year, 2020 saw the lowest number of asylum applications in the EU+ since 2013. The 485,000 applications marked a 32% decrease compared to 2019 (716,000), and a 64% decrease compared to the peak in 2015 (1.4 million). However, reduced applications were primarily due to restricted mobility and travel, rather than a decrease in the number of people in need of international protection.

Despite the drop in the overall number of applications, some countries did register an increase. In particular, there were more arrivals along the Western African, Central Mediterranean and Western Balkan routes than in 2019. Romania registered a 138% increase in the number of applications, followed by Bulgaria (+64%).


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Arkiveringsdatum 210603:

iDMC 21-05-20:

Internal displacement at all-time high after unprecedented year of crises till sidans topp

The total number of people living in internal displacement reached a record 55 million by the end of 2020. During a year marked by intense storms and persistent conflict, 40.5 million new displacements were triggered across the world by disasters and violence, the highest annual figure recorded in a decade.

"It is particularly concerning that these high figures were recorded against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, when movement restrictions obstructed data collection and fewer people sought out emergency shelters for fear of infection," said the director of the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre, Alexandra Bilak.

Escalating violence and the expansion of extremist groups in Ethiopia, Mozambique and Burkina Faso fuelled some of the world's fastest growing displacement crises, according to IDMC's annual global report. Long-running conflicts, such as those in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Syria and Afghanistan, also continued to force large numbers of people to flee.

"It's shocking that someone was forced to flee their home inside their own country every single second last year. We are failing to protect the world's most vulnerable people from conflict and disasters," said the secretary general of the Norwegian Refugee Council, Jan Egeland.

Weather-related events, primarily storms and floods, were responsible for 98% of all disaster displacement. Intense cyclone seasons in the Americas, South Asia and East Asia and the Pacific, and extended rainy seasons across the Middle East and sub-Saharan Africa, uprooted millions of people. Cyclone Amphan alone triggered around five million displacements across Bangladesh, Bhutan, India and Myanmar. The Atlantic hurricane season was the most active on record with 30 named storms, including hurricanes Iota and Eta which affected 12 Central American and Caribbean countries.


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Migrationsinfo.se 21-05-28:

Vad har hänt med migrationen under pandemin? till sidans topp

Covid-19-pandemin demonstrerar hur oväntade händelser kan påverka migrationen globalt. Ländernas pandemirestriktioner har varit omvälvande för asylmottagandet och beslutsprocessen, med resultat att situationen blivit allvarligare för människor på flykt. Samtidigt har det också blivit svårare för människor att återförenas med sina familjer och arbeta i andra länder som arbetskraftsinvandrare.

Situationen för människor på flykt förvärras

Av alla som riskerar att drabbas av viruset är människor på flykt bland de mest utsatta, eftersom de ofta bor i överfulla miljöer med begränsad tillgång till hygien- och sanitetsanläggningar, tvål och andra medel för att skydda sig själva. Resultatet av införda pandemirestriktioner är att allt fler måste stanna kvar i flyktinglägret eller i en annan svår situation med stor smittspridning.

Media har rapporterat om hur situationen har förvärrats i ett antal flyktingläger på grund av pandemin, till exempel när ökad smittspridning i läger har skapat oroligheter. Greklands största flyktingläger Moria på ön Lesbos brann i stora delar ner i september 2020. Ytterligare ett grekiskt läger drabbades av bränder senare samma år, denna gång i flyktinglägret på Samos. Bränderna startades efter upplopp som uppstod när människor med positiva Covid-19 resultat hade tvångsisolerats.

Innan mars 2020 var nedstängningar av hela samhällen ovanligt, nu är det en normalitet. Under en tid i pandemins början hade hela 168 länder helt stängda gränser och 90 av dessa länder gjorde inte ett undantag för människor på flykt. Det innebär att möjligheten för människor på flykt att ta sig till säkra länder försvårades. Nedstängningar har också visat sig riskera att göra migranter till papperslösa som följd av de begränsade möjligheter att förnya visum, uppfylla visumkraven eller avlägsna sig från landet.


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IOM 21-05-25: COVID-19 behind unprecedented changes in the number of migrants moving across East and Horn of Africa (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210504:

UNHCR 21-05-04:

UNHCR warns of mounting refugee and migrant deaths in the Central Mediterranean till sidans topp

"I'm calling from the port of Trapani in Sicily. As I speak, over 450 persons are disembarking following rescue by the NGO vessel Sea Watch, among them around 180 are children.

Since the early hours of Saturday 1 May, some 1,500 persons have disembarked in Italy following rescue by the Italian Coast Guard and Custom police or by international NGOs in the Central Mediterranean. Most of the arrivals departed from Libya onboard flimsy, unseaworthy vessels and made repeated distress calls.

UNHCR has been present at disembarkations. We have noticed a high presence of children, many of whom are unaccompanied. The majority of arrivals originate from Mali and the Sahel/West Africa, Eritrea and North Africa. The reasons behind these movements are complex. Many are fleeing from war and conflicts, like in the Sahel where indiscriminate attacks constantly lead to death and forced displacement. Many are fleeing persecution and being trafficked and sold like commodities.

However, movements towards Europe represent only the "tip of the iceberg". The majority remain close to home with over 5.4 million refugees and internally displaced people in the Sahel countries. According to UNHCR's global statistics, 80 per cent of people who flee stay within their region of origin.


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Frontex 21-04-19: Situation at EU external borders - Detections down because of drop in Eastern Mediterranean (Extern länk)

Frontex 21-05-17: Situation at EU external borders - Detections rise from record lows a year ago (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210402:

EASO 21-03- 27:

West Africans and Moroccans lodging more asylum applications till sidans topp

Along with several of the top nationalities, West Africans and Moroccans contributed to a recent rise in first-time applications for asylum in the EU+. This comes after months of high levels of irregular migration on the Western African route to the Canary Islands.

Analysis released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) on asylum trends in March 2021 shows that about 40 200 applications for international protection were lodged in the EU+ in March 2021.1 This roughly stable total results from a significant rise in the number of first-time applications (+ 17%), offset by a simultaneous fall (-31%) of repeated applications (in the same country).

The nationalities lodging more first-time applications included top origin countries (Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq and Somalia) but also Morocco and various West African countries2, which together lodged almost 1 000 more first-time applications in March than in February. This indicates that recent developments on the Western African migration route towards the Canary Islands have started translating into more asylum applications. Reaching 5 500 in March, total applications (first-time and repeated) by nationals of West African countries have grown by 37% from October 2020.

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Arkiveringsdatum 210314:

Reliefweb 21-03- 02:

Refugee and migrant children in Europe: Overview of Trends (January - June 2020) till sidans topp

Arrivals to Europe between January and June 2020

Between January and June 2020, 6,177 children arrived in Greece, Italy, Spain, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Malta. Of these, 2,302 (37%) were unaccompanied or separated children (UASC). Child arrivals in Greece, Italy, Bulgaria and Spain in the first half of 2020 decreased by 32% compared to the first half in 2019 (8,236).


Between January and June 2020, some 3,340 children arrived in Greece by land and sea, including 391 UASC (12%). Like the number of people arriving overall in 2020 so far, the number of children also decreased, with 43% fewer children arriving than in the first half of 2019 (5,905). The number of children arriving unaccompanied or separated also decreased, with 61% less children compared to the same period in 2019 (994). Most children, including UASC, were from Afghanistan, the Syrian Arab Republic, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq and State of Palestine.


Between January and June 2020, some 870 children were estimated to have arrived by sea and land, including some 329 (38%) UASC. This is a 50% decrease compared to the same period in 2019 (1,750). Arrivals of UASC in the first half of 2020 also decreased by 39% compared to the same period in 2019 (538). Based on estimates, most children, including UASC, originated from Algeria, Morocco, Guinea and Côte d'Ivoire.


Among the 1,289 children who arrived in Italy between January and June 2020, 1,080 (84%) were UASC - a ratio amongst all children that has remained consistent in recent years. Arrivals of children in the first half of 2020 more than doubled compared to the same period in 2019 (486). Most children originated from Bangladesh, Tunisia, Côte d'Ivoire, and Guinea.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210226:

EASO 21-02-18:

EU asylum decisions exceed applications for first time since 2017 due to COVID-19 till sidans topp

Applications for asylum in the EU+1 in 2020 decreased by 31% compared to 2019, down to the lowest levels since 2013, largely as a result of emergency travel restrictions. Despite the pandemic, national asylum authorities showed resilience in sustaining many activities, resulting in a decrease in backlogs of pending applications.

Analysis released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) on asylum trends in 2020 shows that 461300 applications were lodged, compared to 671200 in 2019. The considerable decrease (-31%) reflects the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and related emergency measures, such as movement restrictions, while national asylum authorities made efforts to ensure that applications could be lodged, and decisions still issued. Approximately 4% of all applications in the EU+ in 2020 were lodged by self-claimed unaccompanied minors (UAMs), an increase of one percentage point from the previous year.

The top countries of origin remained unchanged from 2019, although applications decreased for almost all citizenships. Syrians lodged the most applications (64 540; -9% from 2019), accounting for 14% of all applications in the EU+. With 48 578 applications (-16%), Afghans became the second most frequent citizenship, followed by Venezuelans (30 643; -32%), Colombians (29 438; -9%) and Iraqis (18 167; -40%). Together, the five top nationalities lodged over two fifths of all asylum applications in the EU+.

Pakistanis, Turks, Nigerians, Bangladeshis and Somalis also lodged a significant number of applications, but fewer than in the previous year. This was especially the case for Nigerians (13 031, -44%) and Turks (15 834; -38%). The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic was further highlighted by substantial decreases for most other citizenships, including applicants from Albania (6 498; -66%), Georgia (8 508; -61%), and Iran (7 721; -60%).


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IOM 21-02-23: COVID-19 leads to 73% drop in migration from Horn of Africa to Gulf countries (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210208:

UNHCR 21-01-25:

Refugee resettlement at a record low in 2020, UNHCR calls on States to save lives till sidans topp

Despite an estimated 1.44 million refugees in urgent need of resettlement globally, only 22,770 were resettled through UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, last year. This is according to annual statistics released by the agency today.

These are the lowest refugee resettlement numbers the agency has witnessed in almost two decades. The drop stems from low quotas put forward by states, as well as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, which delayed departures and programmes.

"We can only hope that 2020 will be an extreme anomaly for refugee resettlement. We urgently call on governments to boost their programmes this year, offer more places, expedite the processing of cases and help us save lives of those most in need and at greatest risk," said UNHCR's Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Gillian Triggs.

"Last year was an extremely challenging one for people across the globe, but even more so for so many refugees who are already living on the margins, struggling to survive."

Though the pandemic greatly impacted the numbers of refugees able to be resettled in 2020, UNHCR is encouraged by the fact that 20 countries still resumed their programmes, processing and receiving refugees throughout the year. Many of these implemented innovative and flexible ways to process cases throughout the pandemic.

"We have seen that refugee resettlement can be managed, even during a global health emergency, as long as there are proper and adequate health and safety protocols in place," said Triggs.

The largest numbers of resettled refugees in 2020 originated from Syria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Myanmar.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210111:

Frontex 21-01-08:

Irregular migration into EU last year lowest since 2013 due to COVID-19 till sidans topp

The number of detections of illegal border crossings along the EU's external borders fell 13% last year to around 124 000, in large part due to the impact of COVID-19 restrictions put in place by various countries, according to preliminary figures collected by Frontex. This was the lowest number of illegal border crossings since 2013.

Syrians remained the most frequently reported nationality in 2020, followed by Moroccans, Tunisians and Algerians.

Despite a rise early in the year, the Eastern Mediterranean migratory route ultimately saw the biggest fall in the number of arrivals, which fell by over three-quarters to around 20 000. The number of illegal border crossings in the Western Mediterranean region decreased by 29% to around 17 000.

Meanwhile, the Canary Islands experienced a record number of arrivals of migrants on its shores in 2020, mainly because of a significant increase in the last four months of the year. In total, more than 22 600 illegal border crossings were detected on the Western African migratory route, eight times the tally from the previous year. This was the highest number since Frontex began to collect data in 2009. Smugglers often used large fishing vessels capable of carrying a larger number of people that departed from West African countries such as Mauritania, Senegal and the Gambia.

More migrants also took the Central Mediterranean route. Despite the stark increase in departures from Tunisia, slightly more irregular migrants detected on this route had departed from Libya. In total, the number of irregular arrivals in the Central Mediterranean almost tripled to over 35 600, making it the most active migratory route into Europe.

The number of irregular migrants on the Western Balkan route rose by over three-quarters to around 27 000.


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Frontex 20-12-16: Situation at EU external borders - Western African route at record highs (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 201023:

EASO 20-10-14:

Asylum applications remain 31% lower than in 2019 till sidans topp

Despite a gradual increase in asylum applications since the initial easing of travel restrictions, August saw just over 40 000 registered, almost 40% fewer than in January.

Figures released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) show that the impact of COVID-19 restrictive measures remains evident across the EU+ . Data show that asylum applications in August were down slightly from July (almost 43 000 applications), and significantly below pre-COVID levels. In January 2020, 65 692 applications were registered.

Since the beginning of 2020, 295 075 applications for international protection have been lodged in the EU+, a 31% decrease compared to the same period in 2019. This indicates that reduced mobility and pandemic emergency measures are still affecting the number of applications being lodged with national asylum authorities.

In August, Syrians (5 394; 13% of total) and Afghans (3 800; 10% of total) continued to lodge the most applications for international protection, followed by Venezuelans (3 600; 9% of total) and Colombians (3 300; 7% of total), but EASO analyses suggest that these applicants are not newly arrived to the EU+. Colombians and Peruvians were the only prominent citizenships lodging more applications so far this year. Other citizenships are universally lodging fewer applications due to the pandemic.

In August, 26% of applications received a positive decision, while in July only 23% received international protection. Overall, the recognition rate between January and August 2020 stands at 31%.

Despite the challenges, and because of new working arrangements in place, EU+ asylum authorities have been able to issue more first-instance decisions (over 43 200 in August) than there were applications lodged, which means that even in these difficult times, the backlog is being reduced.


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Frontex 20-10-16: Situation at EU external borders - detections down in September (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 201002:

ECRE 20-09-23:

Asylum statistics in Europe: Factsheet till sidans topp

Statistics on asylum matters have become a central part of political debate in Europe in recent years. In particular, statistics on protection rates or recognition rates, the percentage of people who are recognised or declared to be entitled to international protection, are often used in arguments about reasons for migration and appropriate policy responses. A common argument is to present protection rates as "low" or to argue that a majority of those arriving in Europe are not entitled to protection, and that therefore policy responses should focus on repatriation and prevention of arrivals. ECRE has analysed the collection and use of asylum statistics and has also contributed the gathering and dissemination of asylum statistics through its Asylum Information Database (AIDA).

ECRE sounds a note of caution on common presentation of statistics

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Arkiveringsdatum 200831:

EASO 20-08-12:

Asylum applications in the EU+ increase, but remain at half pre-COVID-19 levels till sidans topp

Following the gradual relaxation of emergency measures in EU+ countries,1 in June about half as many applications for international protection were lodged compared to the months immediately prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe.

The impact of emergency measures on asylum trends continued to be visible in June. Although the 31 500 applications in June represented a threefold increase from May, this number was still at about half the level prior to the pandemic. In fact, almost all EU+ countries received fewer applications in June than in the first two months of the year. In the first half of 2020 the overall number of asylum applications dropped by 37 % compared to the same period in 2019.

In the coming months, applications for asylum are expected to continue rising but albeit slowly because asylum services are likely to remain partially limited plus travel restrictions with third countries will continue to reduce entry opportunities, especially in the event of a second wave.

Repeated applications are those that are lodged by applicants in the same country following a previous application that was rejected or discontinued. In June, the share of repeated applications decreased slightly (11 %) but remained higher than pre-COVID-19 levels (8 - 9 %).

Syrians and Afghans continued to lodge the most asylum applications, followed by Venezuelans and Colombians who suddenly started to lodge more applications after two months of very low levels indeed.


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Frontex 20-08-18: Situation at EU external borders - Arrivals picking up, still down for the year (Extern länk)

IOM 20-08-14: 1,200 missing migrants recorded thus far in 2020 may well undercount totals since Covid-19 outbreak (Extern länk)

TT / AB 20-08-08: Migrantströmmen från Turkiet minskar (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200805:

EASO 20-07-14:

Asylum applications in EU remain limited in May till sidans topp

Despite the slow lifting of containment measures across most EU+ countries1, asylum applications remained significantly reduced (-84%) in May compared to pre-COVID levels. At the same time, the number of cases awaiting a decision continue decreasing as national authorities redeploy staff to clear backlogs.

Notwithstanding the gradual easing of containment measures across the EU+, asylum activities have still not fully resumed in many countries. Indeed, just 10 200 applications were lodged in the EU+ in May, up slightly compared to April (8 730), but still a dramatic decline from 65 692 applications in January 2020.

In May, several Member States remained in a state of health emergency, with many only providing for the pre-registration of new asylum applications, but not their formal lodging. This might imply that a backlog is being formed in these countries which will need to be dealt with once full services resume.

As has been reported in previous weeks, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) expects the number of recorded applications to begin increasing as asylum services begin to return to normal operations. This may, however, continue to be limited to a certain degree in the current period as travel restrictions and closed external borders with various non-EU countries remain in place.

In May, the share of repeated applications - i.e. those lodged by applicants in the same country where a previous application was already rejected or discontinued - doubled to 16%, from pre-COVID levels (8%). Similarly, a slightly higher proportion of Unaccompanied Minors applied for asylum (up by more than 1 percentage point to over 4% of all applications), since in many countries' vulnerable applicants were given priority for lodging applications.


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More information and an interactive data-visualisation: Latest asylum trends page (Extern länk)

Frontex 20-07-13: Situation at EU external borders - Arrivals down in first half of 2020 (Extern länk)

SvT Utrikes 20-08-01: Ekonomisk kris driver allt fler migranter till Europa (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200715:

EASO 20-06-25:

EU receives one-third of global asylum applications in 2019 till sidans topp

In 2019, applications for asylum in EU+ countries1 rose by 11% to 738 425, followed by a 16% increase recorded in the first two months of 2020.2 While the COVID-19 emergency has led to a recent 87% drop in applications, EASO expects the overall increasing trend to resume.

On 25 June 2020, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published its annual flagship EASO Asylum Report. It presents a comprehensive overview of the latest key developments in asylum data, policy, practice and legislation. Member State-specific data can be found here.

The Report finds that 2019 was the first time since 2015 that applications increased on an annual basis, in part due to a sharp rise in applicants from Venezuela (+103% over 2018) and Colombia (+214% over 2018). Some EU+ countries - such as Cyprus, France, Greece, Malta and Spain - received more asylum applications in 2019 than during the so-called migration crisis in 2015 and 2016.

In response, EU+ countries receiving high shares of asylum applicants ramped up efforts to address the influx of migrants, disembarkations and rising backlogs of pending cases. In particular, policies and practices targeted protecting unaccompanied minors, accelerating registrations, fast-tracking the return of rejected applicants and expanding accommodation places. Nonetheless, first instance procedures were lengthy in most countries, frequently extending past the six-month legal time limit.

In 2019, the majority of asylum applications were lodged in Germany (165 615; 22%), France (128 940; 17%) and Spain (117 795; 16%), while the fewest were lodged in Liechtenstein (50), Estonia (105) and Latvia (195). Most asylum applicants were Syrians (80 205; 11%), Afghans (60 700; 8.2%) and Venezuelans (45 645; 6.2%).


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EASO 20-06-11: Record low number of asylum applications lodged in EU (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200624:

UNHCR 20-06-18:

1 procent av mänskligheten på flykt - UNHCR:s Global Trends-rapport till sidans topp

UNHCR, FN:s flyktingkommissariat, vädjar i dag till länder över hela världen att vidta mycket större åtgärder för att finna uppehälle åt de miljoner flyktingar och andra människor som fördrivits av konflikter, förföljelse eller andra situationer med allvarliga effekter på den allmänna ordningen. Detta sker i samband med att en dagsfärsk rapport visar att tvångsförflyttning i nuläget påverkar mer än en procent av mänskligheten - 1 av 97 personer - och att allt färre flyktingar har möjlighet att återvända till sina hem.

UNHCR:s årliga rapport om situationen för människor på flykt i världen, som släpps två dagar innan Världsdagen för flyktingar den 20 juni, visar att det i slutet av 2019 fanns 79,5 miljoner människor på flykt, fler än tidigare och det högsta antal UNHCR någonsin sett.

I rapporten konstateras också att flyktingars utsikter att snabbt kunna komma tillrätta med den svåra situationen har försämrats. Under 1990-talet kunde i genomsnitt 1,5 miljoner flyktingar återvända hem varje år. Under det senaste decenniet har den siffran sjunkit till cirka 385 000, vilket innebär att ökningen av människor på flykt i dag är långt större än lösningarna.

"Vi bevittnar en förändrad verklighet där tvångsförflyttning i dagsläget inte bara är mycket mer utbredd, utan dessutom inte längre är en kortvarig eller tillfällig företeelse", säger FN:s flyktingkommissarie Filippo Grandi. "Man kan inte förvänta sig att människor ska leva under så kaotiska omständigheter år efter år utan möjlighet att återvända hem eller med hopp om att kunna skapa sig en framtid där de befinner sig. Vi behöver en radikalt ny och mer accepterande inställning till alla som flyr, kombinerat med en betydligt starkare beslutsamhet att lösa de långvariga konflikter som är roten till detta enorma lidande."


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Arkiveringsdatum 200523:

IDMC April 2020:

2020 Global report on internal displacement till sidans topp

The number of internally displaced people (IDPs) around the world has reached an all-time high, according to a new report from the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), part of the Norwegian Refugee Council. The Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID) estimates that 45.7 million people are living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence in 61 countries, the majority in Syria, Colombia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), Yemen and Afghanistan. Another 5.1 million in 95 countries are displaced because of disasters. This includes 1.2 million people displaced by years of drought and floods in Afghanistan, more than 500,000 by monsoon rains in India and 33,000 whose lives are still uprooted a decade after the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

"IDPs are often highly vulnerable people living in crowded camps, emergency shelters and informal settlements with little or no access to healthcare," said IDMC's director, Alexandra Bilak. "The global coronavirus pandemic will make them more vulnerable still. It will compromise their already precarious living conditions, by further limiting their access to essential services and humanitarian aid."

Contributing to these record figures, 33.4 million new displacements were recorded in 2019, the highest annual figure since 2012. Some 8.5 million took place in the context of conflict and violence in countries like Syria, DRC, Ethiopia, South Sudan and Burkina Faso. Around 24.9 million new displacements were triggered by disasters, including 4.5 million by cyclone Fani in India and Bangladesh, cyclones Idai and Kenneth in Mozambique and hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas. Heavy and prolonged rains resulted in widespread flooding in Africa, resulting in two million new displacements.


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IDMC / ECRE yyy 20-04-30:

Report: Number of IDPs worldwide at all time high due to conflict and disasters till sidans topp

According to the 2020 Global Report of the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC), in 2019 the number of internally displaced persons (IDPs) across the globe reached a total of 50.8 million. 45.7 million as a result of conflict and violence the highest number on record, and according to the first ever global estimate 5.1 million as a result of disasters.

Conflict and violence sparked displacements in Syria, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Ethiopia as well as Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger. With a total of 45.7 million people, 2019 saw the highest ever recorded level of displacement due to violence and conflict.

In 2019, 23.9 million new displacements were triggered by weather-related calamities (extreme temperatures, landslides, droughts and wildfires). Most of them took place as pre-emptive evacuations but many has become prolonged situations due to long-term impact on habitations and communities. At the end of the year, 5.1 million people were displaced across 95 countries as result of disasters.

The report highlights that 2019 was also a year of notable actions to face internal displacements including the reinforcement of the political commitment through an improvement of the national policy frameworks and the inclusion of displacement in the country development plans as for Afghanistan, Iraq and Philippines. At the same time, the strengthening of multilevel capacity together with the improvement of quality information available on internal displacement constituted essential steps forward to find effective solutions against this growing phenomenon.

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EU-kommissionen 20-05-04:

Visa statistics: Schengen States issue 15 million visas for short stays in 2019 till sidans topp

Figures published by the European Commission show that the consulates of the Schengen States received almost 17 million applications for short-stay visas in 2019, a considerable increase of 5.9% since 2018. The three largest source countries all experienced solid growth, with applications in Russia topping 4 million (+11.8%) for the first time in five years, demand in China reaching almost 3 million (+5.2%), and applications in India exceeding 1 million (+5.6%) for the first time ever.

Visa applications submitted in Turkey also increased by 3.1% to 900 000 after three years of stagnation or decline, and strong growth continued in Morocco (700 000, +6.4%), Saudi Arabia (390 000, +9.4%), Tunisia (250 000, +5.6%) and Indonesia (230 000, +9.3%). Although absolute numbers are low, some smaller countries recorded unprecedented growth rates, including Guinea-Bissau (12 000, +45.4%), Cambodia (15 000, +32.1%), Nepal (13 000, +25.0%), Mauritania (20 000, +24.3%) and Bangladesh (37 000, +21.8%).

By contrast, the volume of applications continued to decline in Algeria (670 000, -6.3%) and Belarus (650 000, -5.2%). The biggest decrease in demand occurred in Iran as a consequence of the difficult economic situation in the country, where 230 000 visa applications represented a decrease of 17.6% since in 2018. Decreases in excess of 5% were also recorded in Iraq (58 000, -11.2%), Kuwait (160 000, -6.6%) and Equatorial Guinea (14 000, -5.8%). For 2020, the unprecedented global travel restrictions in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic are expected to lead to a dramatic decrease in the demand for Schengen visas worldwide.


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IOM yyy 20-05-08:

Total number of internally displaced persons in East & Horn of Africa drops in 2019 till sidans topp

Nairobi - The number of internally displaced people (IDPs) in East Africa and the Horn of Africa has dropped considerably in the past six months. A new report from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) says the reason is largely due to one development: 1.3 million Ethiopians displaced by communal violence in 2019 went home.

Moreover, another 200,000 former IDPs were able to return to their homes in South Sudan and other countries.

At the midpoint of 2019 [WA1] [WA2], the East and Horn of Africa region (EHoA) was home to 8.1 million IDPs and 3.5 million refugees and asylum-seekers. Today, the 3.5 million refugees and asylum seekers remain, but there are only 6.3 million IDPs.

This represents almost a 22 per cent fall in IDPs in the region in just six months, according to the just released report, Region on the Move, which provides an overview of migration patterns in the region.

"The overall drop in the number of internally displaced persons in East & Horn of Africa means peace and security has returned and migrants feel safe to return home," said Mohammed Abdiker, Regional Director, IOM, East & Horn of Africa.

Published by IOM's Nairobi-based Regional Data Hub (RDH), the report explains that intercommunal violence in Ethiopia at the beginning of 2019 is estimated to have forced more than three million people to flee their homes. Yet by the end of the year, of the 6.3 million IDPs spread across the region. only 1.7 million remained in displacement across 1,199 sites in Ethiopia. Sixty-six per cent of those IDPs were affected by conflict, 22 per cent by drought and six per cent by seasonal flooding.

In contrast, the report also found in Somalia and South Sudan that intercommunal conflict-driven displacement fueled by instability and insecurity persisted. The report also noted that intercommunal clashes linked to ethnic tensions and cattle raiding were still prominent in Ethiopia and South Sudan, respectively.


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Statewatch 20-05-18:

369 Syrians deported to Turkey through EU fund for refugees till sidans topp

At the end of April the European Commission slipped out the 'Fourth Annual Report on the Facility for Refugees in Turkey', which summarises how the ¤6 billion committed by the EU and the member states to projects in Turkey, as part of the March 2016 EU-Turkey deal, has been used. Amongst other things, the funds have paid for the deportation of 369 Syrians from the EU to Turkey.

According to the report, all "operational funds" from the ¤6 billion has now officially been committed to expenditure. As of 31 December 2019, the Commission had contracted ¤4.7 billion of projects, with ¤3.2 billion disbursed.

In a section on "migration management", the report notes that:

"The Facility has covered the costs incurred in the management of returns (transportation, hosting) of 369 Syrians and 1 605 non-Syrians, as well as the construction of a removal centre for 750 people."

There is apparently an ongoing shift from humanitarian to development assistance, with an updated strategy pointing to the need to move to "more sustainable and durable solutions in the context of a protracted crisis and beyond the life-span of the Facility, and the disbursement of EUR 6 billion."

European Commission: Fourth Annual Report on the Facility for Refugees in Turkey (COM(2020) 162 final, pdf)

Amongst other things, the report notes (all emphasis added):


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Arkiveringsdatum 200521:

EASO 20-04-30:

COVID-19: Asylum applications down by 43% in March till sidans topp

Applications for asylum in the EU+ dropped by almost half in March as COVID-19 containment measures took effect, following persistently high levels of applications in the first two months of the year.

Figures released by the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) show that in March, just 34 737 applications were lodged in the EU+, dropping by 43% from February. Asylum authorities were affected to different extents across the EU+ by the COVID-19 outbreak, both with regard to the activities of asylum systems themselves, as well as due to border restrictions.

Just before the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe, applications had increased compared to the same period in 2019 (+16% over January-February 2019), with 65 300 applications lodged in January and 61 100 in February. Thus, March figures are not truly indicative of asylum-related migration trends towards the EU+, but are rather the result of COVID-19 containment measures.

On 16 April, the European Commission, with input from EASO, presented Guidance on implementing EU rules on asylum and return procedures. The Guidance provides advice to Member States on ways to ensure the continuity of asylum procedures within the context of the challenging COVID-19 situation.

Over the past months, asylum applications have become increasingly concentrated to a limited number of EU+ Member States, with the top four countries receiving more than three quarters of all applications lodged. As is usually the case, one in every ten applications lodged in February (and one in every eleven in March) was repeated, meaning lodged by applicants who already received a negative decision on a previous application, while approximately 3% of all applications were lodged by self-claimed unaccompanied minors.

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Frontex 20-05-12: Situation at EU external borders in April - Detections lowest since 2009 (Extern länk)

EASO 20-05-12: EASO cautions that COVID-19 could result in increased asylum-related migration (Extern länk)

EASO 20-05-15: COVID-19: Recommendation for remote interviews for asylum applicants (Extern länk)

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UNHCR 20-05-01:

Displaced people urgently need aid as coronavirus causes severe hardship till sidans topp

The COVID-19 pandemic is having an unprecedented social and economic impact globally. Economies are grinding to a halt, jobs and livelihoods are lost on scales never seen before. Entire societies are affected by this public health crisis. UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, is alarmed at the increasingly desperate situation of those forcibly displaced by conflicts and violence, particularly in low and middle-income countries, which currently shelter more than 85 per cent of the world's refugees.

The evidence of deep and hard-hitting economic impact of the crisis on refugees is overwhelming. Across the Middle East and North Africa alone, UNHCR and its partners have received over 350,000 calls from refugees and internally displaced people (IDPs) since lockdowns and other public health measures came into force in many countries in March. The majority asked for urgent financial assistance to cover their daily existential needs.

Countries neighbouring Syria host more than 5.6 million Syrian refugees and there are over 6 million IDPs in Syria. Many need urgent support. In Lebanon, which faced an economic downturn prior to the pandemic, over half of the refugees surveyed by UNHCR in late April reported having lost livelihoods such as daily labour. Among the refugees consulted, 70% reported that they had to skip meals. In other countries in the region, such as Egypt, Iraq and Jordan, large number of refugees have also reported having lost their main source of income. In Jordan, the impact on refugee women is profound, with almost all who were working saying they had seen their income source disrupted.

Groups at a particular risk of poverty and exploitation include female heads of households, unaccompanied and separated children, elderly persons, and LGBTI persons. Their situation can be improved through emergency assistance, notably through cash grants.


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UNHCR 20-05-11: UNHCR warns stateless people risk being left behind in coronavirus response (Extern länk)

UNHCR 20-05-14: UNHCR urges prioritization of mental health support in coronavirus response (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200426:

Frontex 20-04-16:

Situation at EU external borders in March - Detections halved from previous month till sidans topp

In March, the number of detections of illegal border crossings on Europe's main migratory routes fell by nearly half from the previous month to around 4 650*. The total number of illegal border crossings for the first quarter reached 24 500, up 26% from the same period of 2019.

Eastern Mediterranean

The Eastern Mediterranean migratory route accounted for half of the detections of illegal border crossings into Europe last month. The number of migrants taking this path into Europe fell 38% from February to around 2 300**, despite the spike in detections early in the month.

Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, currently deploys 620 officers along the Greek land and maritime borders. These include officers providing additional support to Greece in the form of rapid border intervention operations launched in mid-March at the land and sea borders.

In the first three months of 2020, more than 10 300 illegal border crossings were detected on this route, or 5% more than a year ago.

Afghans were the top nationality detected on this route, accounting for more than one out of every three irregular migrants detected, followed by Syrian and Turkish nationals.

Central Mediterranean

The number of irregular migrants crossing the Central Mediterranean in March fell by 88% from the previous month to 200. The total for the first quarter reached 3 600, a four-fold increase compared to the first three months of 2019.

The top three nationalities detected on this route were nationals of Bangladesh, Sudan and Somalia.

Western Mediterranean Sea


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Migratory situation in February - Detections down from previous month (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200224:

Frontex 20-02-12:

Migratory situation in January - Detections fall, except for Central Med till sidans topp

In January, the number of detections of illegal border crossings on Europe's main migratory routes fell 41% from the previous month to around 8 800*. This was comparable to the total from January 2019.

Eastern Mediterranean

The Eastern Mediterranean migratory route continued to account for the largest share of detections of illegal border crossings into Europe, even though the total number fell by 58% from the previous month to nearly 3 400**. This was close to the number of detections in January 2019.

Afghans were the top nationality detected on this route, accounting for nearly half of the irregular migrants, followed by Syrian and Turkish nationals.

Central Mediterranean

The number of irregular migrants crossing the Central Mediterranean in January more than doubled from December 2019 to nearly 1 500. This was also a six-fold rise from January 2019.

The top three nationalities detected on this route were nationals of Algeria, Ivory Coast and Bangladesh.

Western Mediterranean Sea

The number of migrants arriving in Europe via the Western Mediterranean Sea route fell by a quarter from the previous month to nearly 1 150. This was 72% less than in January 2019.

Algerians were the most represented nationality on this route in the first month of 2020.

Western Balkans

There were more than 2 000 detections of illegal border crossings recorded on this route in January, less than half the total reported the previous month.


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Arkiveringsdatum 200125:

IOM 20-01- 03:

Mediterranean arrivals reach 110,699 in 2019; deaths reach 1,283, world deaths fall till sidans topp

The International Organization for Migration reported today 110,669 migrants and refugees entered Europe by sea during the year just ended, marking the sixth straight year that at least 100,000 arrivals were recorded on three Mediterranean Sea Routes. The total is only slightly below the 116,273 men, women and children who crossed the Mediterranean in this fashion in 2018, a decline of about five per cent.

Deaths recorded on the three main Mediterranean Sea routes through 2019 are at 1,283 individuals-or about 44% of the 2,299 deaths confirmed during the same period in 2018. The Mediterranean has claimed the lives of at least 19,164 migrants since 2014.

Missing Migrants Project

2019 is the sixth year of IOM's efforts to systematically record deaths on migration routes worldwide through its Missing Migrants Project. Since the beginning of 2014, the project has recorded the deaths of 34,532 people, including 3,368 in 2019 (see chart below).

As has been the case since 2014, the Mediterranean's central route between North Africa and Italy remains the region's deadliest corridor. Missing Migrants researchers estimate one in 33 people died attempting to cross the Central Mediterranean in 2019, compared to one in 35 in 2018 and one in 51 in 2017.

Though the number of deaths recorded fell from 2,299 in 2018 to 1,283 in 2019, these figures do not include a rising number of shipwrecks still yet to be confirmed, according to data collected by IOM's Missing Migrants Project, based at IOM's Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) in Berlin, Germany.

That is, this year's figures do not fully reflect the several ghost boats which went missing in the Mediterranean in 2019, totaling at least 413 people lost at sea whose deaths may never be fully verified. In these cases of ghost boats, no migrants were rescued at sea around the time of the distress calls.


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World Economic Forum 20-01- 10:

Global migration, by the numbers: who migrates, where they go and why till sidans topp

There are an estimated 272 million international migrants - 3.5% of the world's population.

While most people leave their home countries for work, millions have been driven away due to conflict, violence and climate change.

Most migrants come from India; the United States is the primary destination.

There are an estimated 272 million international migrants around the world. And while that equals just 3.5% of the world's population, it already surpasses some projections for 2050. Since 1970, the number of people living in a country other than where they were born has tripled.

The scale and speed of migration - defined by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the movement of persons away from their place of usual residence, either across an international border or within a state - is notoriously difficult to predict given it can go hand in hand with events such as severe instability, economic crisis or conflict.

While the overall figure has remained relatively stable as a proportion of the global population, the numbers from the World Migration Report 2020, published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), clearly demonstrate the impact that events of the past two years have had on the movement of people around the world.

Conflict in countries including Syria, Yemen, the Central African Republic, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and South Sudan, as well as the kind of extreme violence that forced Rohingya to seek safety in Bangladesh, have led to the displacement of millions of people.

Although refugees and internally displaced persons make up a relatively small portion of the total number of migrants, they are often most in need of help.


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Arkiveringsdatum 200107:

IOM 19-12-20:

Global migrant deaths decline, but tragedies continue worldwide till sidans topp

As 2019 draws to a close, the International Organization for Migration reports that there has been a sharp decline in the number of migrants dying while attempting to cross international borders.

Migrant fatalities reached at least 3,170 by mid-December, compared to just over 4,800 this time last year, representing a 34 per cent fall. Despite this, the trends identified by IOM in 2019 remain stark for migrants and for refugees.

The Mediterranean, the scene of countless tragedies at sea in recent years, recorded the lowest level of deaths and crossings since 2014. However, the death rate among migrants departing Libya's shores increased as smugglers put them at ever great risk.

The outflow of people from Venezuela has meanwhile left millions of people in severe hardship as they attempt to escape instability to seek opportunities and protection in neighbouring countries.

The emerging trends highlighted by IOM in 2019 include:

+ Global deaths of migrants crossing borders irregularly declined sharply

+ Mediterranean sea crossings reached their lowest level since 2014P

+ Horn of Africa crossings to Yemen now average over 10,000 persons per month

+ 4.8 million Venezuelans are living abroad, mostly in Colombia, Perú, Chile, Ecuador and Brazil

+ Mediterranean Sea crossings by irregular migrants from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia

Irregular migration via departure points in Turkey, Libya and across North Africa topped 100,000 men, women and children for the sixth consecutive year. More than 13,000 migrants entered Europe via land routes along the Mediterranean, either by entering Greece near border crossings with Turkey, or entering Spain through the two Spanish enclaves, Ceuta and Melilla, in North Africa.


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SvT Nyheter 19-12-30: Dödligheten ökar bland migranter på Medelhavet (Extern länk)

TT / AB 19-12-24: Färre på flykt - men fler av dem dör (Extern länk)

TT / AB 19-12-26: Hälften så många migranter kom till Italien (Extern länk)

Deutsche Welle 19-12-17: Migrant arrivals in Europe from Turkey rise sharply in 2019 (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 191129:

EASO 19-11-19:

More than half a million asylum applications lodged in the EU+ so far in 2019 till sidans topp

Per capita applications indicate high pressure on smaller EU+ countries.

More than half a million (515 825) asylum applications have been lodged in the EU+ during the first nine months of 2019, up by 10% compared to the same period a year ago.

The proportion of applications receiving a positive decision (known as "recognition rate") so far this year was 34%, compared to 33% in the first nine months of 2018.

Most applications were lodged by nationals of Syria, Afghanistan and Venezuela. These three citizenships continued to account for a quarter of all asylum applications in the EU+. For the sixth consecutive month, Afghan applications outnumbered Venezuelan, and peaked in September, when more applications were lodged (> 5 600) than in any month since December 2016.

Data suggest that, so far in 2019, EU+ countries characterised by lower population size were under particularly high pressure. For example, in July the most applications per capita (relative to the countries' population size) were lodged in Cyprus and Malta, followed by Greece, Sweden and Luxembourg. As of the spring of 2019, Cyprus had been receiving, on average, about 1 500 applications per million inhabitants each month, more than twice as many as Malta (close to 700) and about three times as many as Greece (over 450).

At the end of September, there were some 507 800 applications awaiting a decision in first instance in the EU+. In addition, an estimated 381 700 applications were awaiting a decision at the appeal or review stage at the end of July 2019, amounting to some 890 000 cases pending at all instances overall. This means that currently the pressure is higher on first-instance authorities. One in four pending applications pertained either to Syrian, Afghan or Venezuelan nationals.

For more information and an interactive data visualisation, please visit the Latest Asylum Trends page.

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IOM 19-11-27:

World Migration Report 2020 Launched till sidans topp

In a global media environment highly interested in the issue of migration, the need for verified, evidence-based analysis on this defining issue of our time has never been more urgent. As the UN-related agency responsible for migration, it has long been IOM's imperative to promote a balanced understanding of migration across the world.

Launched today (27/11) at the 2019 IOM Council meeting by IOM Director General, António Vitorino, the latest edition of its flagship publication, the World Migration Report 2020 (WMR 2020), continues the organization's commitment to providing information on migration that is well-researched, rigorous and accessible.

"IOM has an obligation to demystify the complexity and diversity of human mobility," Director General Vitorino told representatives of IOM's member states.

"As this report shows, we have a continuously growing and improving body of data and information that can help us 'make better sense' of the basic features of migration in increasingly uncertain times," he said.

First published 20 years ago, this tenth edition in the World Migration Report series provides the latest data and information on migration as well as analysis of complex and emerging migration issues. WMR 2018 was downloaded over 400,000 times.

Topics covered in the report include human mobility and environmental change, migrants' contributions in an era of disinformation, children and unsafe migration, migration and health (among others), which are not only timely, but are also highly relevant for both specialist and general audiences.


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Arkiveringsdatum 190912:

AIDA 19-08-27:

The Dublin system in the first half of 2019 till sidans topp

The implementation of the Dublin III Regulation continues to be fraught by inefficiency and questionable compliance with legal standards, according to statistics on 15 European countries published by AIDA, managed by ECRE.

Germany and France continue to be the main operators of the Dublin system in Europe. They were the top two senders of requests received by Austria, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Malta, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia and Switzerland. France was also by far the top sender of requests to Spain and Hungary, while Germany issued the overwhelming majority of requests to Greece.

Germany issued 25,483 requests and implemented 4,215 transfers in the first half of 2019. This means that more than four out of five Dublin procedures initiated by the authorities results in no transfer.

The majority of Dublin procedures initiated so far in 2019 were based on "take back" requests. By way of exception, a significant percentage of requests issued by Greece and Bulgaria concerned family reunification.

Spain, one of the main recipients of incoming Dublin requests this year (7,577), has mainly been requested by other countries to "take charge" of asylum seekers, however. Most requests were based on the irregular entry criterion. A total of 170 transfers to Spain were implemented, mainly from France, Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway.

Most European countries have resumed Dublin procedures to Greece as of 2019. During the first half of the year, Greece received 4,742 incoming requests from 25 countries. Nearly 75% of those requests were sent by Germany. A total of nine transfers were carried out, of which seven by Germany, one by Poland and one by Switzerland.


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AIDA 19-09- 10:

Asylum decisions in the first half of 2019: Unlocking statistics till sidans topp

As EU-wide figures on first instance decisions on asylum applications during the first half of 2019 are expected to be made available soon by Eurostat, national statistics on first instance decisions from selected countries covered by AIDA, managed by ECRE, illustrate key trends for this year.

Statistics on negative decisions merit particular consideration and analysis. In the first six months of 2019, Germany issued more than 50,000 negative decisions, France issued 43,398 and Italy 36,573.

Not all negative decisions point to an asylum seeker's need of international protection, however Asylum applications may be rejected as unfounded or manifestly unfounded after an assessment of their substance, or may be dismissed as inadmissible pursuant to one of the grounds laid down in Article 33(2) of the recast Asylum Procedures Directive. These grounds have been differently transposed across the continent and are used at varying degrees in national practice.

In absolute numbers, most inadmissibility decisions during the first six months of the year were issued by Switzerland (1,829), Belgium (1,793), Austria (1,383) and Sweden (1,356). Germany is also likely to account for a large number of inadmissibility decisions, although these are not disaggregated from withdrawals and other decisions.

Comparing inadmissibility to in-merit rejections in the different countries, however, it appears that Malta, Poland and Slovenia delivered more inadmissibility decisions than rejections on the merits in the first half of 2019. In contrast, France and Greece made limited use of inadmissibility concepts and Cyprus did not use them at all during that period


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EASO 19-08-12: Asylum applications in the EU+ up by 10 % in the first half of 2019 from 2018 (Extern länk)

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IOM 19-09-10:

Over 7,400 deaths on migration routes across Africa in last five years till sidans topp

African migrants are perishing at a rate of about 25 persons per week - or about 1,300 annually - on the African continent, even before embarking on perilous sea journeys to Europe or the Arabian Peninsula. Since 2014 over 7,400 men, women and children have died in transit across Africa, new records published today by IOM's Missing Migrants Project (MMP) show.

These recently added records bring the total number of deaths documented on the African continent to 607 in 2019, and 7,435 in the last five years. Moreover, these figures fail to capture the true scale of the tragedy, as they represent only fatalities which have been reported.

The new records are based on hundreds of eyewitness accounts collected from migrants through surveys by the Mixed Migration Centre's Monitoring Mechanism Initiative (4Mi). The interviews with migrants were conducted by 4Mi between December 2018 and April 2019 in West, North and East Africa and were analysed by the Missing Migrants Project team before being added to its MMP database.

However, 4Mi interviews covered only a small sample of the total number of migrants on the move in Africa - meaning that hundreds of additional deaths likely remain unreported and, of course, uncounted.

Nonetheless, due to the absence of other sources of information, surveys such as those conducted by 4Mi reveal important information about migrants' experiences, including the risks to life that people face during their journeys.

Records show that thousands of people lose their lives as they journey through North Africa, where 4,400 deaths have been reported since 2014. However, deaths in this region are not well documented, and the true number of lives lost during migration remains unknown.


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Arkiveringsdatum 190826:

Frontex 19-08-13:

Migratory situation in July - Arrivals in Europe up slightly from previous month till sidans topp

In July, the number of detections of illegal border crossings on Europe's main migratory routes rose 4% from the previous month to around 10 500. Overall, the total for the first seven months of 2019 was 30% lower than a year ago at around 54 300.

Eastern Mediterranean

The Eastern Mediterranean remained the busiest migratory route into Europe with nearly 5 800 detections in July 2019*.

In the first seven months of this year, the total number of detections in this region was down 6% from a year ago to almost 28 200. Despite the overall decrease, the number of arrivals on the Greek islands in the Aegean increased by a quarter in comparison with the same period of last year.

Most of the migrants detected on this route were nationals of Afghanistan.

Western Mediterranean

The number of irregular migrants taking the Western Mediterranean Sea route in July rose 22% from the previous month to almost 2 900.

The total for the January-July period stood at around 13 000, 41% less than in the same period of last year.

Migrants from sub-Saharan Africa accounted for the largest number of detected migrants on this route in the first seven months of 2019.

Central Mediterranean

The number of migrants passing through the Central Mediterranean in July stood at around 1 100.

The total for the first seven months of the year reached nearly 4 900, slightly more than a quarter of the total from the same period of last year.

Nationals of Tunisia, Sudan and Pakistan were the most represented nationalities on this route in the January-July period.


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IOM 19-08-06: Mediterranean migrant arrivals reach 39,289 in 2019; Deaths reach 840 (Extern länk)

AYS 19-08-05: Boat Arrivals and Interceptions to Greece highest since 2015 (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 190703:

EASO 19-06-24:

Applications for asylum down to pre-crisis levels, but pending cases remains high till sidans topp

Asylum applications in the EU+ decreased for the third consecutive year in 2018, returning to pre-crisis levels. Despite an increase in applications in the first five months of 2019, it remains too early to be indicative of a significant long-term shift in recent trends.

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) launched its 2018 Annual Report on the Situation of Asylum in the EU+ in Brussels, on 24 June 2019. The Report is a flagship reference publication that aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the situation of asylum in the EU+ and the practical functioning of the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

As reported by EASO earlier this year, the 664 480 applications for international protection in the EU+ in 2018 marked a decrease for the third consecutive year, this time by 10%. Approximately 9% of these applications involved repeated applicants. While the number of applications remained remarkably stable throughout 2018, the relative stability at EU+ level conceals stark variation between Member States and between individual citizenships.

The total EU+ recognition rate in first instance in 2018 was 39%, decreasing by 7 percentage points over the previous year. Although fewer positive decisions were issued overall, a higher proportion of positive decisions granted refugee status (55% of positive decisions).

Syria (13%), Afghanistan and Iraq (7% each) were the three main countries of origin of applicants in the EU+ in 2018. The top 10 citizenships of origin also included Pakistan, Nigeria, Iran, Turkey (4% each), Venezuela, Albania and Georgia (3% each). In 2018, close to one fifth of all applications were lodged by nationals from countries exempt from visa requirements to enter the Schengen Area, including Venezuelans, Colombians, Albanians and Georgians.


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University of Bristol 19-06-28:

Lack of data on missing migrant children leads to gaps in protection till sidans topp

A new report highlights the need for better data on migrant deaths and disappearances, particularly those of missing migrant children.

This year's Fatal Journeys 4 report, by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and co-edited by University of Bristol academic Ann Singleton, focuses on missing migrant children, giving the growing number embarking on dangerous migrant journeys.

According to IOM data, nearly 1,600 children have been reported dead or missing since 2014, though many more go unrecorded.

Ann Singleton, Senior Research Fellow in the School for Policy Studies, said: "Children dying or disappearing during migration should be a concern to everyone. There is an urgent need for better policies and action, informed by better data, to prevent these deaths and protect children."

Since 2014, IOM's Missing Migrants Project has recorded the deaths of more than 32,000 people worldwide. These figures are likely to be much lower than the real number of deaths, given that many bodies are never found or identified.

Other key findings in the report include:

Between 2014 and 2018, more than 17,900 people died or went missing in the Mediterranean-the remains of almost two thirds of those victims have not been recovered.

Despite the conflict in Yemen, people continue to attempt the sea crossing from the Horn of Africa across the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden: at least 125 people drowned off the shores of Yemen in 2018, compared with 53 in 2017.

Of almost 2,200 deaths recorded during migration in South-East Asia between 2014 and 2018, at least 1,723 were Rohingya.

Most of the 288 deaths recorded in South Asia since 2014 were of Afghan migrants.


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ECRE 19-06-28:

Decrease in applications and negative public attitudes in Visegrád Four till sidans topp

A report from the project, Visegrád Countries National Integration Evaluation Mechanism (V4/NIEM) reveals a stagnating number of beneficiaries of international protection (BIPs) in Visegrad 4 countries, and a significant drop in applications in Hungary and Poland since 2016. Further, the report confirms that negative public attitudes towards foreigners prevail.

The Visegrad 4 countries have seen a stagnation or decrease of granted international protection statuses and in 2018 the modest numbers were: Slovakia (5 excluding Subsidiary protection), Czech Republic (165), Poland (404) and Hungary (349). Further, the number of new applications in Hungary and Poland continue to drop significantly - in Hungary from 29,432 in 2016 to 671 in 2018 and in Poland from 12,350 in 2016 to 4141 in 2018.

The report also reveals negative attitudes and a lack of knowledge in the public of foreigners originating from countries outside the EU. While the average share of EU citizens with negative or fairly negative attitudes towards foreigners from countries outside the EU stands at 53 per cent the number in Poland it is 64 percent, in Hungary 75 percent in Slovakia 81 per cent, and in Czech Republic 86 per cent. The negative attitudes correlates with more than half of the populations feeling inadequately informed about the topic. The lack of knowledge illustrated by disproportionate estimates of the number of foreigners in Visegrad countries with populations in Poland and Slovakia guessing more than ten times the actual number: "The fact that the citizens of V4 countries overestimate the numbers of non-EU foreigners living in their countries so significantly shows how little our imagination has to do with reality, and how much of a role media and political discourse plays in the creation of public knowledge", said Ond?ej Novotn?, coordinator of the V4/NIEM project.

Furthermore the report informs about the integration mechanism of BIPs, drawing on data from a broader NIEM comparative report, and about the current political trends regarding the refugee agenda.

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Arkiveringsdatum 190620:

UNHCR 19-06-19:

Antalet människor på flykt når 70 miljoner - UNHCR uppmanar till solidaritet till sidans topp

Antalet människor på flykt undan krig, förföljelse och konflikter översteg 70 miljoner 2018. Det är den högsta nivån som UNHCR, FN:s flyktingorgan, sett på 70 år.

Siffror från den årliga rapporten Globala trender som släpps idag, visar att 70,8 miljoner människor tvingats lämna sina hem. För att sätta detta i ett perspektiv, så är det dubbelt så många som för 20 år sedan, 2,3 miljoner fler än för ett år sedan, och det motsvarar en mängd människor mellan befolkningsmängden i Thailand och Turkiet.

70,8 miljoner är lågt räknat, i synnerhet eftersom krisen i Venezuela endast delvis återspeglas i denna siffra. Sammanlagt har cirka 4 miljoner venezuelaner lämnat sitt land vilket innebär att det är en av världens största flyktingkriser just nu. Trots att majoriteten behöver internationellt flyktingskydd har i dagsläget endast omkring en halv miljon formellt ansökt om asyl.

"Vad vi ser med dessa siffror är ytterligare bekräftelse på en stigande långsiktig trend i antal människor som behöver skydd från krig, konflikter och förföljelse. Trots att språket som används om flyktingar och migranter ofta är negativt ser vi också otroligt mycket generositet och solidaritet, speciellt i samhällen som redan tagit emot många flyktingar. Vi ser också ett engagemang utan motstycke från nya aktörer, däribland biståndsaktörer, privata företag och individer, vilket inte bara återspeglar utan också skapar andan av det Globala Avtalet om Flyktingar", säger FN:s flyktingkommissarie Filippo Grandi. "Vi måste bygga vidare på dessa positiva exempel och fördubbla solidariteten med de många tusentals oskyldiga människor som tvingas fly sina hem varje dag."

Det finns tre huvudgrupper bland de 70,8 miljoner från rapporten Globala Trender. Den första är flyktingar, alltså människor som tvingas fly från sina länder på grund av konflikter, krig och förföljelse. 2018 fanns det 25,9 miljoner flyktingar runt om i världen, 500 000 fler än 2017. Av dessa var 5,5 miljoner Palestinaflyktingar under beskydd av FN:s hjälporganisation för Palestinaflyktingar (UNRWA).


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Arkiveringsdatum 190610:

Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre / Reliefweb 19-05-10:

Global Report on Internal Displacement 2019 till sidans topp

Internal displacement is a global challenge, but it is also heavily concentrated in a few countries and triggered by few events. 28 million new internal displacements associated with conflict and disasters across 148 countries and territories were recorded in 2018, with nine countries each accounting for more than a million.

41.3 million people were estimated to be living in internal displacement as a result of conflict and violence in 55 countries as of the end of the year, the highest figure ever recorded. Three-quarters, or 30.9 million people, were located in only ten countries.

Protracted crises, communal violence and unresolved governance challenges were the main factors behind 10.8 million new displacements associated with conflict and violence. Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Syria accounted for more than half of the global figure.

Newly emerging crises forced millions to flee, from Cameroon's anglophone conflict to waves of violence in Nigeria's Middle Belt region and unprecedented conflict in Ethiopia. Displacement also continued despite peace efforts in the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Colombia.

Many IDPs remain unaccounted for. Figures for DRC, Myanmar, Pakistan, Sudan and Yemen are considered underestimates, and data is scarce for Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Russia, Turkey and Venezuela. This prevents an accurate assessment of the true scale of internal displacement in these countries. ||Estimating returns continues to be a major challenge.


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IOM 19-05-21:

A third of Afghans have migrated or been displaced since 2012 till sidans topp

One in three Afghans has migrated or been displaced in the past six years, according to a new Displacement Tracking Matrix report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Afghanistan.

The Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) is a system that captures information on the movements and evolving needs of displaced populations, whether on site or en route. In the most recent round of data collection completed in December 2018, IOM covered 11,443 communities in 390 districts of all 34 provinces of Afghanistan.

The study found that since 2012, 3.2 million Afghan migrants and refugees have returned from abroad. The vast majority (95%) returned from neighbouring Iran and Pakistan. The remaining 5 per cent came mainly Europe and Turkey (170,000).

While they settled in all 34 provinces, many of them (15% or 49,000) stayed in the eastern province of Nangarhar on the border with Pakistan.

"Providing these returnees with economic opportunities is a key driver for their successful reintegration," said Head of IOM Afghanistan Laurence Hart. "This is why IOM, with the financial support of the European Union, has been actively engaging in the creation of self-employment opportunities and private sector support in areas of high return, including Nangarhar."

Over the same six-year period, 3.5 million Afghans were internally displaced due to armed conflict, generalized violence, human rights violations or natural disasters. In 2016 and 2017 alone, an estimated over a million Afghans were displaced each year, based on IOM interviews.

"According to a recent UN report, 2018 also saw a record high in civilian casualties in Afghanistan - another key driver of displacement," Hart noted.


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Norwegian Refugee Council 19-06-05:

The world's most neglected displacement crises till sidans topp

Millions of people affected by humanitarian crises fail to get the support they need and deserve. Only by drawing attention to these crises can we create change.

Every year, the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) publishes a list of the ten most neglected displacement crises in the world. This is the list for 2018.

Although humanitarian assistance should be based on needs, and needs alone, some crises receive much more attention and support than others. Why is one person's suffering an international priority - resulting in conferences, mediation efforts and donations - while another person's suffering, in another part of the world, goes unnoticed?

This neglect can be a result of a lack of geopolitical interest. Or the people affected may seem too far away and too difficult to identify with. Neglect can also be a result of competing political priorities and a lack of willingness to compromise, creating a protracted crisis and growing donor fatigue.

Our goal, in issuing this list, is to focus on the plight of people whose suffering rarely makes international headlines. People whom politicians have forgotten or disregarded. People who currently do not receive the support and protection they deserve and need.

We believe that more information and knowledge about these people, and the crises surrounding them, is a first important step towards change.

We have created our list based on the following three criteria: lack of political will, lack of media attention and lack of economic support. All* displacement crises resulting in more than 200,000 displaced people have been analysed - 36 crises in total.

List of the most neglected displacement crises. 1. Cameroon 2. The Democratic Republic of the Congo 3. The Central African Republic 4. Burundi 5. Ukraine 6. Venezuela 7. Mali 8. Libya 9. Ethiopia 10. Palestine


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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.