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Arkiveringsdatum 220619:

Migrationsverket 22-06-16:

Efter invasionen i Ukraina stöttar Migrationsverkets personal kolleger i Rumänien till sidans topp

Sex medarbetare från Migrationsverket är just nu i Rumänien, med uppdrag att hjälpa myndigheterna i mottagandet av människor som flytt kriget i Ukraina.

- Här i Galati fungerar arbetet väldigt bra och de som ansöker får sina uppehållstillstånd direkt, säger Johanna Lidberg som är en av de utsända.

Den grå containern har fönster och dörrar, till och med luftkonditionering. På ytterväggarna sitter affischer med information för dem som ska ansöka om skydd, en gulblå örnlogotyp signalerar att rumänska myndigheter huserar här. Sedan hon kom till Galati i april är containern ofta Johanna Lidbergs arbetsplats.

EU-länder som behöver stöd inom asylområdet kan få det av andra medlemsstater via den europeiska asylbyrån EUAA. I spåren av Rysslands invasion av Ukraina har bland annat Rumänien bett om hjälp och Sverige har, genom Migrationsverket, hittills kunnat skicka sex personer som nu tjänstgör på flera olika orter.

Galati, där Johanna Lidberg befinner sig, är en hamnstad vid Donau i östra Rumänien, nära gränsen till Moldavien. Johanna arbetar här tillsammans med en finsk och ett drygt tiotal rumänska kolleger med att informera om massflyktsdirektivet och registrera ansökningar om skydd.

- Vi välkomnar dem som kommer och förklarar vad massflyktsdirektivet är och vad det ger för rättigheter. Jag har förstått att det skiljer sig mellan olika orter men här i Galati fungerar arbetet fantastiskt bra, säger Johanna, som till vardags är handläggare på Migrationsverket i Malmö.

35 000 har registrerat sig i Rumänien

Cirka 600 000 människor på flykt från Ukraina har passerat den rumänska gränsen sedan Rysslands invasion den 24 februari. Runt 85 000 personer bedöms ha stannat i landet och cirka 35 000 har hittills registrerat sig för uppehållstillstånd. I Galati registrerar man mellan 80 och 90 ansökningar per dag och avlastar då kontoret i staden Costanta.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220607:

AYS 22-05-18:

NGOs at the UN, highlighting proliferation of violence and shrinking civil society space till sidans topp

This week members of the Border Violence Monitoring Network (BVMN) and Are You Syrious? (AYS) are attending the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) at the UNHQ in New York.

This is the primary intergovernmental global platform to discuss the implementation of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) in Member States with a focus on progress, lessons learned, gaps and challenges. BVMN has been invited alongside a range of other stakeholders that have been actively involved at the local, national, regional and global levels in the promotion and protection of human rights, pushing for better options for regular pathways of movement, alternatives to detention, gender and child-sensitive policy-making, and the need to prevent the loss of migrant lives in transit.

Indeed, the priorities of BVMN this week are to further advance focus on the protection of people-on-the-move (POM) in European transit states, to refocus key GCM objectives towards ensuring the protection of rights at border zones, including of issues of pushbacks, torture, and arbitrary or inhumane detention.

After BVMN's success engaging with the UN's Committee on Enforced Disappearances (UNCED), where the committee included an overwhelming emphasis on pushbacks and the disappearance of migrants, calling on Greece to immediately refrain from pushback operations and collective expulsions, we seek to use this week to further such discussions in the UN debate forum.

Our team member Joseph Cripps was able to take the floor on Day One's Multi-Stakeholder Hearing and used the platform to highlight the mass proliferation of violence and shrinking civil society space across European transit and destination States, calling for full recognition of the human rights of POM and the implementation of national Independent Monitoring Mechanisms (IMM).


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Arkiveringsdatum 220518:

IOM 22-05-17:

First historic international migration review forum begins today till sidans topp

The International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) which begins today under the auspices of the UN General Assembly is the first opportunity for Member States, the UN System and other stakeholders to discuss the successes and challenges to the implementation the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) since its adoption in 2018.

IOM is the Coordinator of the UN Network on Migration which ensures effective and coherent system-wide support for the implementation of the GCM and supports the organization of the four-day IMRF.

Chaired by the President of the UN General Assembly, the Forum is a chance to consolidate collaborative action and recognize the invaluable contributions migrants make to our societies. It provides an opportunity to identify remaining challenges, and emerging migration issues requiring the attention of the international community.

"The Forum is an important moment for the international community to reflect upon the achievements to date in the implementation of the GCM, and the commitment made nearly four years ago in Marrakech to ensure the rights of migrants are respected," said IOM Director General António Vitorino.

"Many States have made progress in their efforts to better support and protect migrants. We look forward to their pledges for concrete action and a Progress Declaration that provides States the opportunity to reaffirm their commitment to achieve the GCM's 23 objectives during this Decade of Action."

The GCM is the first inter-governmentally negotiated agreement prepared under the auspices of the United Nations, covering all dimensions of international migration. The Compact respects states' sovereign right to determine who enters and stays in their territory, while highlighting the need to protect the human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status.

Läs mer (Extern länk)

IOM 22-05-20: First United Nations Forum on International Migration Concludes Today (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200125:

UNHCR 20-01- 17:

Key takeaways from the Global Refugee Forum till sidans topp

A month after the historic meeting wrapped up, these are the pledges and commitments that will boost opportunities for refugees and their hosts.

The first-ever Global Refugee Forum drew 3,000 participants from across the world to Geneva from 16-18 December. It aimed to reboot responses for the millions uprooted by wars and persecution and to support the communities that host them.

Now is a moment to look back at the wide-ranging and substantial commitments made at the Forum to improve the lives of 25.9 million refugees, together with their hosts, most of whom are in developing nations.

Some 840 pledges have been made, and they continue to come in a month after the event wrapped up at the Palais des Nations. Participants also shared more than 400 examples of good practices that show how the Global Compact on Refugees is already making a difference in the lives of refugee and host communities

Participants made 100 pledges in support of inclusive national policies. States and others pledged, for example, to support policies for refugees living outside camps, strengthened asylum systems, refugees' access to work and financial services, and the inclusion of refugees in national and local development plans and national systems for education and health.

More than half of the world's refugees are children. Above 140 pledges focused on expanding access to quality education for refugees and their hosts. Commitments ranged from early childhood, primary, and secondary education to tertiary, technical, and vocational education.


Hela referatet (Extern länk)

Summary of participation and pledges at the Global Refugee Forum (Extern länk)

Trafig comment by Jeff Crisp, Refugee Studies Centre, University of Oxford 20-01- 22: After the Forum: new directions in global refugee policy (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 200107:

UNHCR 19-12-18:

Global Forum pledges collective action for better refugee inclusion, education, jobs till sidans topp

A high-level meeting in Geneva of governments, international financial organizations, business leaders, humanitarian and development actors, refugees, and civil society representatives has secured wide-ranging and substantial commitments of support for refugees and the communities they live in, notably with important pledges of new long-term support for inclusion.

In all, over 770 pledges had been made from across the spectrum as of mid-Wednesday afternoon at the Global Refugee Forum, attended by some 3,000 participants, including refugees, and 750 delegations. These were in areas from employment, to places in schools for refugee children, new government policies, solutions like resettlement, clean energy, infrastructure and better support for host communities and countries.

Substantial support came from governments, civil society, refugee groups, sports associations, faith groups and the private sector, partnerships being key to successful outcomes for refugees and often under-resourced host countries.

For a complete list of pledges, see the dashboard. Further pledges are expected in the near future and indicators to assess success, for example in jobs created, school places and reduction of poverty levels, have been established to track progress. A stock-taking meeting will occur in two years.

"Public support for asylum has wavered in recent years. And in many cases communities that host refugees have felt overwhelmed or forgotten," said UN High Commissioner Filippo Grandi. "But refugee situations are 'crises' only when we let them become so, by thinking short term, by failing to plan or work together across sectors, and by neglecting the communities they arrive in. At this Forum, we have seen a decisive shift towards the longer-term view."


Hela artikeln (Extern länk)

Dashboard with complete list of pledges (Extern länk)

ECRE 19-12-16: ECRE's Pledges at the Global Refugee Forum (Extern länk)

ECRE 19-12-20: EU MS pledge 30,000 resettlement for 2020, MEPs urges more ambition (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 191214:

UNHCR 19-12-03:

UNHCR arrangerar världens första Globala Flyktingforum - Global Refugee Forum till sidans topp

Det första Globala Flyktingforumet - Global Refugee Forum kommer att äga rum 17 och 18 december 2019 i Genève, Schweiz.

Tiotals miljoner människor är idag utsatta för krig, konflikt och förföljelse. Global Refugee Forum erbjuder en möjlighet för länder att utvärdera dagens läge, och förstärka den internationella insatsen. Arrangemanget följer det nya globala flyktingramverket som fastställdes i december förra året av FN:s generalförsamling, och utgör en del av dess genomförande.

Evenemanget anordnas på ministernivå, tillsammans med Schweiz, och har sammankallats i samarbete med Turkiet, Tyskland, Etiopien och Costa Rica. FN:s generalsekreterare förväntas närvara.

Det globala flyktingramverket syftar till att - i linje med principen om rättvis fördelning av bördor och ansvarstagande - främja den globala insatsen mot flyktingsituationer genom att erbjuda ett starkare stöd till de länder och samhällen som tar emot flyktingar, och utrusta flyktingar med redskap för att kunna leva ett självständigt liv. Det syftar även till att öka antalet platser för vidarebosättning för de mest utsatta flyktingarna och andra lagliga former för inresa till säkra tredje länder, samt att förbättra villkoren i flyktingarnas ursprungsländer.

Global Refugee Forum är ett unikt tillfälle för stater och andra aktörer att förenas kring nya slagkraftiga åtgärder för att minska belastningen i värdländerna, öka flyktingars självständighet och försöka hitta lösningar.

Detta forum kommer att sammanföra regeringar, internationella organisationer, lokala myndigheter, civilsamhället, den privata sektorn, mottagarsamhällen och flyktingar. Nya bidrag och förslag för att utveckla dessa målsättningar förväntas tas fram under, samt efter forumet.


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UNHCR 19-12-10:

Sporting world pledge support for refugees, ahead of Global Refugee Forum till sidans topp

Over 70 organizations join UNHCR and the International Olympic Committee to help young refugees discover their potential through sports.

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) announced today that more than 70 entities - including National Olympic Committees, international sporting federations, national associations, clubs, and civil society organizations working through sport - are pledging to provide sporting opportunities to young refugees.

Recognizing the transformative power of sport, UNHCR has worked closely with the Olympic Refuge Foundation (ORF) and the IOC on this global initiative, ahead of the first-ever Global Refugee Forum in Geneva on 17 and 18 December, 2019.

The three pledges are:

To promote and ensure access for all refugees, without distinction of any kind, to safe and inclusive sporting facilities.

To increase availability and access to organized sports and sport-based initiatives for refugee and hosting communities, actively considering age, gender, ability and other diversity needs.

To promote and facilitate equal access to and participation of refugees in sporting events and competitions at all levels.

"We wholeheartedly welcome these important commitments. They clearly demonstrate that the sporting world stands with refugees," said the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi.

"This genuinely global and collective effort is crucial for promoting sports programmes to help young refugees build confidence, their physical and mental health, discover their potential and restore the prospect of a better future."


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Arkiveringsdatum 191120:

ECRE 19-11-14:

Time to Commit: Using the Global Refugee Forum till sidans topp

ECRE's Recommendations for Implementation of the GCR in and by Europe, Focussing on Using the Global Refugee Forum

The Global Compact on Refugees (GCR) was adopted by a majority of UN Member States, including EU Member States (MS), in December 2018. The Compact is not legally binding and its implementation depends on the political choices of states. However, by signing up to the Compact, EU MS have committed to implement its four objectives laid down in paragraph 7: (i) ease pressures on host countries; (ii) enhance refugee self-reliance; (iii) expand access to third country solutions; and (iv) support conditions in countries of origin for return in safety and dignity.

In December 2019, UNHCR organises the first ever Global Refugee Forum bringing together UN Member States at ministerial level, international and regional financial institutions, regional organisations, local authorities, civil society, including faith-based organsiations, academics, and the private sector to announce concrete pledges and contributions towards the realisation of the objectives of the Compact.

The Global Refugee Forum will be an important opportunity for the EU to demonstrate that it is committed to implementing the GCR and to sharing responsibility for welcoming and supporting refugees, including by enhancing protection for refugees both within and outside Europe. This Policy Note focus on the aspects of the GCR which, based on ECRE's analysis, require specific action by either EU institutions or Member States to fulfil the objectives of the Compact. It also sets out concrete recommendations regarding related pledges that could be made at the Global Refugee Forum.

Read the policy note (Extern länk till pdf-fil)

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Arkiveringsdatum 190826:

UNHCR 19-08-22:

First Global Refugee Forum, 17 and 18 December 2019, Palais des Nations, Geneva till sidans topp

On 17 and 18 December 2019, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency and the Government of Switzerland will jointly host in Geneva a world meeting on refugees, the first-ever Global Refugee Forum (GRF). The two-day global conference is the first gathering at the Ministerial level to follow up on the practical implementation of the Global Compact on Refugees, affirmed at the UN in New York in December 2018.

More than 70 million people today are forcibly displaced by violence and persecution around the world. The aim of the Global Refugee Forum is to accelerate actions by governments, the private sector, international institutions and organisations, the non-governmental sector, and civil society in implementing the new Global Compact on Refugees. The Global Refugee Forum is meant to generate impactful commitments and other pledges from these actors, geared towards making tangible, long-term policy and practice shifts to improve the lives of refugees and host communities worldwide.

The contributions that will be made at the Forum are expected to take numerous forms including, for example, financial, material, and technical assistance; resettlement places and complementary safe and legal pathways for admission of refugees; and other actions, such as legal and policy changes to enable greater refugee inclusion in national systems through a whole of society approach.

The Forum will bring together leaders and influential figures from all of these areas. In addition to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi, the Secretary-General of the United Nations António Guterres is expected to attend. The participation of Heads of State/Government for co-convening countries will be confirmed closer to the event.

The Global Refugee Forum will also be an occasion for the international community to showcase and exchange good practices at national, regional or global levels.

The first Global Refugee Forum will focus on six thematic areas: arrangements for burden and responsibility-sharing, education, jobs and livelihoods, energy and infrastructure, solutions, and protection capacity.

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Arkiveringsdatum 190801:

EASO 19-07-22:

EASO and IOM sign Working Arrangement till sidans topp

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) have established a formal cooperation framework to guide the relevant areas of common work in the fields of international protection and migration management.

The Working Arrangement was signed today by the Executive Director of EASO, Nina Gregori, and the Director General of the IOM, António Vitorino, in Paris.

The Working Arrangement covers cooperation in several areas where EASO and the IOM's mandates converge in ensuring that the rights of migrants and applicants for international protection are safeguarded, while supporting national governments in meeting their obligations and needs. These areas include early warning, preparedness and contingency, the reception conditions of applicants, returns to countries of origin, resettlement, voluntary relocation and supporting migrants with vulnerabilities and specific protection needs.

Cross-cutting areas of cooperation are also included in the Working Arrangement, such as training initiatives, exchange of expertise and joint work on capacity-building activities for national authorities.

Commenting on the signing of the Working Arrangement, Nina Gregori stated: "EASO and the IOM have worked together for several years in helping authorities safeguard the rights of migrants and applicants for international protection. I welcome today's formalization of this cooperation, which strengthens the important work both parties carry out and is another example of the EU's emphasis on strong international synergies in migration and asylum management."


Pressmeddelandet (Extern länk)

Working Arrangement between the European Asylum Support Office and the international Organization for Migration (Extern länk till pdf-fil)

Se även:

EASO 19-07-18: EASO and Frontex sign updated Cooperation Plan (Extern länk)

Updated cooperation plan between the European Border and Coast Guard Agency and the European Asylum Support Office (Extern länk till pdf-fil)

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Arkiveringsdatum 190721:

UNHCR 19-07-03:

UNHCR anordnar första Global Refugee Forum till sidans topp

FN:s flyktingorgan, UNHCR, är glada att kunna meddela att Global Refugee Forum för första gången kommer att arrangeras den 17 och 18 december 2019 i Genève, Schweiz.

Evenemanget anordnas på ministernivå, tillsammans med Schweiz, och har sammankallats i samarbete med Turkiet, Tyskland, Etiopien och Costa Rica. Ytterligare arrangemang håller på att utforskas och kommer att så småningom offentliggöras. FN:s generalsekreterare förväntas närvara.

Tiotals miljoner människor är idag utsatta för krig, konflikt och förföljelse.Global Refugee Forum erbjuder en möjlighet för länder att utvärdera dagens läge, och förstärka den internationella insatsen. Arrangemanget följer det nya globala flyktingramverket som fastställdes i december förra året av FN:s generalförsamling, och utgör en del av dess genomförande.

Det globala flyktingramverket syftar till att - i linje med principen om rättvis fördelning av bördor och ansvarstagande - främja den globala insatsen mot flyktingsituationer genom att erbjuda ett starkare stöd till de länder och samhällen som tar emot flyktingar, och utrusta flyktingar med redskap för att kunna leva ett självständigt liv. Det syftar även till att öka antalet platser för vidarebosättning för de mest utsatta flyktingarna och andra lagliga former för inresa till säkra tredje länder, samt att förbättra villkoren i flyktingarnas ursprungsländer.

Global Refugee Forum är ett unikt tillfälle för stater och andra aktörer att förenas kring nya slagkraftiga åtgärder för att minska belastningen i värdländerna, öka flyktingars självständighet och försöka hitta lösningar.

Detta forum kommer att sammanföra regeringar, internationella organisationer, lokala myndigheter, civilsamhället, den privata sektorn, mottagarsamhällen och flyktingar. Nya bidrag och förslag för att utveckla dessa målsättningar förväntas tas fram under, samt efter forumet.


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IOM 19-07-17:

UN launches multi-partner trust fund office to support cooperation on regular migration till sidans topp

UN Member States and UN entities Tuesday (16/07) unveiled a new trust fund in support of achieving safe, orderly and regular migration.

The initiative, The Multi-Partner Trust Fund Office (MPTF), was called for by the Global Compact on Migration (GCM), adopted by the UN General Assembly in December 2018. The aim is to provide financing for innovative programmes designed to support States' migration priorities, ensure the better protection of migrants, foster cooperation, and further the promotion of migration governance that benefits all.

"The Migration Fund can provide the impetus for all of us to take the next step; to bring the Migration Compact to life, to move us closer to realizing the SDGs, and to effect positive change in the field of migration," explained Amina Mohammed, UN Deputy Secretary-General, at the launch held at the UNICEF's New York headquarters.

For his part, António Vitorino-Director General of the International Organization for Migration and chair of the UN Network on Migration-compared the positive impacts of safe and regular migration with the 'tremendous human and economic losses incurred when migration is poorly managed. DG Vitorino noted that migrants make up 3.4 per cent of the world population and contribute 10 per cent of global GDP, with 85 per cent of migrants' earnings contributing to their host countries's economies, and only a small proportion being remitted back to their homelands.

Nonetheless, migration today continues to be a life-threatening transaction for far too many men, women and children. According to UN figures, since 2014, over 32,000 migrants worldwide have lost their lives or gone missing along migratory routes. Many have fallen victim to trafficking, arbitrary detention and exploitative or forced labour. Many more victims remain unaccounted for.

Migration governance, DG. Vitorino added, is "one of the most urgent and profound tests of international cooperation in our time."


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More information on the Migration MPTF (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 190703:

Europarådets parlament 19-06-27:

Combating violence in all its forms against migrant children till sidans topp

The Assembly today expressed its concern about the "serious threats" faced by migrant children on their way to Europe and important gaps in the policies and procedures, which limit the legal opportunities for migration in Europe. "Once in Europe, migrant children can also be subject to abuse in detention centres or transit zones, sexual assault and violence, or live on the streets to avoid deportation. They are also at risk of being sexually exploited or of being exploited as undocumented workers," the parliamentarians said.

In a resolution unanimously adopted on the basis of the report by Rósa Björk Brynjólfsdóttir (Iceland, UEL), the Assembly proposed a number of means at the legislative level and as regard policy implementation, to prevent violence against migrant children. In particular, it called on States to "create channels for safe, legal and regular migration", prohibit the detention of migrant children, and provide legal safeguards for their access to asylum procedures. National legislation should also protect them from all forms of exploitation and prohibit invasive age-assessment practices.

PACE stressed the need for a "common strategy" to be adopted by the governments of the member States on how to combat violence against migrant children in all its forms and to ensure the broad protection of their human rights.

Finally, the Assembly recommended that the Committee of Ministers adopt as soon as possible guidelines on guardianship and age assessment and ask the Steering Committee for Human Rights (CDDH) "to consider the possibility of developing European standards for reception centres for migrant children."

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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.