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Arkiveringsdatum 220619:

Asylnytt 22-06-19:

Litauen/ Europadomstolen kritiserar att främlingspass nekades skyddsbehövande till sidans topp

En person som flytt från Tjetjenien i Ryssland sökte asyl i Litauen. Han fick inte flyktingstatus men beviljades tidsbegränsat uppehållstillstånd som alternativt skyddsbehövande. Han fick även främlingspass eftersom han inte hade möjlighet att få pass från Ryssland. Uppehållstillståndet förnyades efter ansökan en gång om året och varje gång förnyades även främlingspasset. Efter fem år med tillstånd beviljades mannen "permanent" tillstånd som även det skulle förnyas, vart femte år. När det permanenta tillståndet utfärdats en tredje gång, år 2018, fick mannen avslag på begäran om främlingspass, med motiveringen att Ryssland infört en möjlighet att ansöka om hemlandspass från utlandet. Mannen hade då bott nära 18 år i Litauen. Hans barn bor i Storbritannien och hans arbete kräver utlandsresor. Litauen anför att mannen aldrig fått flyktingstatus och att skyddsstatus upphört då han fått permanent tillstånd. Europadomstolen som nu behandlat ärendet påpekar att det även står i litauisk lag att fruktan att kontakta hemlandets myndigheter ska respekteras för personer med alternativ skyddsstatus samt att Litauen aldrig har undersökt om mannen fortfarande behöver skydd. Enligt Europadomstolen har Litauen inte visat att beslutet, som togs enbart på formella grunder, var nödvändigt i ett demokratiskt samhälle.

Application no. 38121/20, case of L.B. v. Lithuania (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 220429:

Amnesty International 22-04-13:

Sydafrika/ Migrants living 'in constant fear' after deadly attacks till sidans topp

The South African authorities must do more to protect migrants in Diepsloot, Johannesburg, who have repeatedly suffered from violent attacks by anti-migrant vigilante groups, Amnesty International said today following deadly unrest over the past week, which led to the killing of Zimbabwean national Elvis Nyathi.

Migrants in Diepsloot, located in the north of Johannesburg, told Amnesty International that they are living in constant fear and that they are being made scapegoats for rising levels of crime and unemployment in the area.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa has acknowledged the violence against migrants, especially Zimbabwean nationals, by anti-migrant "vigilante" groups comprised of non-state actors operating outside of the law, who claim to be ridding communities of crime. According to the government, at least seven people have lost their lives at the hands of these vigilante groups.

"The killings that have occurred in Diepsloot over recent days are not isolated incidents These attacks represent just the latest wave in a rising tide of violence against migrants in South Africa," said Shenilla Mohamed, Executive Director of Amnesty International South Africa.

"These assaults mirror the heavily-orchestrated, anti-migrant attacks we have seen recently in Soweto and Hillbrow over recent months. This ongoing violence also highlights the inaction of police and a lack of political will within government to address the problem. In each case, the deaths of locals and migrants were entirely preventable."


The protest was ignited by the alleged murders of seven people in the area. During the unrest, Zimbabwean national, Elvis Nyathi, was burned to death after he failed to present proof of his identity to vigilante groups who demanded to see it. It remains unclear whether anyone has been arrested over his murder.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220404:

Refugee Support Aegean, Pro Asyl 22-03-31:

Grekland/ Beneficiaries of international protection in Greece till sidans topp

Access to documents and socio-economic rights

The updated report on the situation of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, published today by RSA and Stiftung PRO ASYL, highlights chronic legal and practical barriers excluding them from the basic documents and socio-economic rights needed to rebuild their lives. Seven cases of refugees granted status by Greece and readmitted thereto by other European Union countries in the last two years illustrate the particular impact of these systemic obstacles on people returned to Greece.

This report provides an update on the situation of beneficiaries of international protection in Greece, including readmitted status holders from other European countries. As highlighted in previous reports, the Greek government maintains a policy expecting immediate autonomy and self-sufficiency of persons granted international protection. This policy, in conjunction with chronic legal and practical barriers to access to basic socio-economic rights may in many cases result in homelessness and extreme deprivation contrary to the prohibition on inhuman and degrading treatment under Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) and Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union.

2. In the past year, the Greek government has stressed the "structural imbalances between Member States as regards the prospects of integration and the level of benefits associated therewith, as well as the prospects of access to the labor market considering the persisting high unemployment rate in Greece". The government has particularly emphasised that "we have however, since 2010, to restrict our welfare state provisions" and that support programmes for beneficiaries of international protection "are at risk given substantial reduction to funding".


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Arkiveringsdatum 220316:

Refugee Support Aegean 22-03-04:

Grekland/ Recognised refugee returned, destitute, forgotten and undocumented till sidans topp

Farhad*, a 31-year-old recognised refugee, was returned from Germany to Greece at the beginning of July 2021 after spending more than five years in Germany waiting for his asylum claim to be processed. It was a time when German jurisprudence considered, as a general rule, that beneficiaries of international protection should not be returned back to Greece, as they would face inhuman and degrading treatment.

Farhad, the son of a family of twelve, fled Afghanistan together with his family to save his life. He had been employed with the Special Forces of Afghanistan and his life was under threat from the Taliban. Farhad had already been injured during an explosion and other attacks by the Taliban when he decided to flee his country. He still carries the signs of the attacks on his body and suffers from the mental trauma to date.

Farhad arrived on Chios in 2016 together with his parents, his handicapped sister and other siblings, and sought asylum. While their asylum application was pending, they were faced with squalid reception conditions and the lack of any social support and welfare, and therefore decided to flee Greece. After a long trip through different countries with many hardships, they managed to reach Germany and sought asylum in May 2016. While Farhad's parents, minor siblings and disabled sister received German residence permits (Abschiebungsverbot), Farhad and his other adult sister were not considered vulnerable and saw their asylum claims rejected by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) as inadmissible in 2018. Farhad's rejection was based on the fact that he had been granted refugee status by Greece, a fact that he was not aware of as neither him nor anyone in his family had been informed of a decision granting them protection before leaving Greece.


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Arkiveringsdatum 211231:

ELENA legal update 21-12-10:

Italien/ Germany: Court prohibited the deportation to Italy of a man with protection there till sidans topp

On the 25 November 2021, the Münster Higher Administrative Court ordered to annul the decision of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees of 14 November 2016 - with the exception of the finding that the applicant may not be deported to Somalia - and to declare that the applicant is prohibited from being deported to Italy pursuant to section 60 (5) of the Residence Act.

The applicant is a national from Somalia, born on 5 December 1996. He entered the Federal Republic of Germany on 30 May 2016 and submitted an application for asylum to the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees on 21 June 2016. Following a EURODAC order, the Federal Office knew that the applicant had first entered Italy in 2014 and then travelled to Sweden in 2015. The Swedish authorities sent a communication from the Italian authorities dated 30 September 2015 stating that the applicant had been granted subsidiary protection in Italy. In its decision of 14 November 2016, the Federal Office rejected the applicant's asylum claim as inadmissible and, even if the applicant was not to be deported to Somalia, it nevertheless requested him to leave the Federal Republic of Germany within one week from the notification of the decision.

The Higher Administrative Court held that the decision of the Federal Office of 14 November 2016 was unlawful and in violation with the applicant's rights. The Court was convinced that, in the event of his return to Italy, the applicant would face a serious risk of degrading treatment within the meaning of Article 3 of the European Convention of Human Rights (ECHR). (...) Based on its findings that the applicant would most probably not be able to obtain accommodation, access the labour market, nor receive the citizen's social benefits, and citing judgment C-163/17 , Jawo, the Court held that the return of the applicant to Italy would constitute a violation of Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union (CFR) and Article 3 ECHR.


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ELENA legal update 21-12-10:

Grekland/ Court: Refugee with status in Greece eligible for procedure in Germany till sidans topp

Higher Administrative Court of Bremen decides on a claim of a Syrian national's with a protection status in Greece

On the 16 November 2021, the Higher Administrative Court of Bremen made its decision in the case of a Syrian national in Germany who had international protection in Greece. The applicant arrived in Greece in 2017 and was granted international protection in March 2018. In March 2019, the applicant then travelled to Germany and claimed asylum. In May of that year, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees rejected his asylum claim as inadmissible on the basis of Section 29 of the Asylum Act and due to the fact that international protection had already been granted in Greece and the humanitarian conditions for beneficiaries of protection there did not reach a threshold of Article 3 ECHR. The applicant subsequently appealed this decision.

The Court firstly noted that although the inadmissibility decision follows the domestic Asylum Act and Article 33 of the Asylum Procedures Directive, it is not compatible with EU law. The Bremen Court elaborated on this by explaining that Article 4 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU which prohibits any form of inhuman or degrading treatment is of a general and absolute nature. Therefore, this guarantee also applies after the conclusion of the asylum procedure and thereby prohibits a Member State rejecting an asylum application as inadmissible on the basis of international protection in another Member State, if the person concerned faces a serious risk of inhuman or degrading treatment in that Member State within the meaning of Article 4 CFR.

The Court proceeded to explain that a high threshold needs to be reached for there to be an assumed violation of Article 4 CFR or Art. 3 ECHR. In the case at hand, the Court found that on evaluation of the available evidence and current press reports it is to be assumed that on the applicant's return to Greece he would not find dignified accommodation or be supported by Greece in a housing program.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210808:

Foodtank July 2021:

Internationellt/ 19 Refugee-Powered Culinary Programs till sidans topp

Culinary arts programs can equip participants with kitchen, hospitality, and business skills that individuals need for a successful career in food and beverage. These programs can be especially important for refugees and displaced persons who are trying to start new lives. More than 82 million have been forcibly displaced across the globe. The COVID-19 pandemic further exacerbated food scarcity, mental distress, and resulting health disparities for refugee communities.

Syrian lawyer and chef Kamal Naji, based in the Netherlands, insists that relief lies in gastrodiplomacy - food can "break stereotypes between refugees and citizens of host countries" and facilitate societal integration, she says.

Around the world, passionate chefs and activists are using culinary arts programs to create inclusive spaces for refugees to feed their futures and their communities. Here are 19 individuals and organizations using food to support asylum seekers.

1. Hamed Ahmadi, Italy

In 2016, Hamed Ahmadi, an Afghan political refugee now living in Venice, Italy helped open Africa Experience alongside three other refugees. The restaurant employs cooks from Nigeria, Ethiopia, and Guinea who have no prior food service experience. They have also opened Orient Experience, a catering service that collaborates with migrant reception centers. Locals and refugees come for budget-friendly, plant-based options like injera with tomato and lentil salad, but stay for the sense of community.

2. Beyond the Plate, United States


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Arkiveringsdatum 210208:

ELENA legal update 21-02-05:

Grekland/ Court cancels removal of international protection beneficiary to Greece till sidans topp

On 21 January 2021, the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine Westphalia published its judgment concerning the removal of an Eritrean national to Greece.

The applicant made an application for international protection in Germany in July 2018. A EURODAC search revealed that the applicant had previously received international protection in Greece in January 2015. The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees subsequently rejected the applicant's asylum application as inadmissible and issued a deportation order against him to Greece. The applicant unsuccessfully appealed to the Administrative Court. The applicant further appealed to the Higher Administrative Court.

Referring to, inter alia, the CJEU's judgment in Ibrahim, the Higher Administrative Court, stated that Art. 33(2)(a) of the Procedures Directive (Directive 2013/32/EU) is transposed into domestic law in such a way as to prohibit the rejection of an application for international protection as inadmissible when an applicant has already received refugee status or subsidiary protection in another Member State, if the living conditions in that Member State would expose him to a serious risk of inhuman or degrading treatment under Article 4 of the Charter or the corresponding Article 3 ECHR. It further recalled that the CJEU assumes a violation of Article 4 of the Charter if the indifference of the authorities of a Member State would have the effect of placing a person wholly dependent on public assistance, irrespective of their will or personal choices, in a situation of extreme material poverty which would not allow him to satisfy his most basic needs- in particular the ability to feed himself, to wash himself and to find accommodation.

On the basis of publicly available information, the Court considered that it would be unlikely for the applicant to find decent accommodation and gainful employment in Greece. Moreover, it also noted that he would not have access to social benefits and therefore would not be a position to reasonably secure the minimum level of subsistence.


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Arkiveringsdatum 200831:

UNHCR 20-08-14:

Kanada/ UNHCR: Residency to asylum-seekers working on COVID-19 frontlines till sidans topp

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, welcomes Canada's announcement to open pathways to permanent residency for asylum-seekers in the healthcare sector who have worked on the frontlines of the country's COVID-19 response.

"This is an exemplary act of solidarity which recognises the service and dedication of some of the most marginalized and vulnerable members in society. It is a reminder of the exceptional contributions refugees and asylum-seekers make to the communities that welcome them," said Rema Jamous Imseis, UNHCR's Representative in Canada.

UNHCR understands the decision will benefit asylum-seekers across the country who meet eligibility requirements and who have been playing a crucial role in healthcare institutions during the pandemic.

"We have seen firsthand, across the world, that refugees, asylum-seekers and displaced people have skills and resources that can be part of the solution," Jamous Imseis said.

"They risk their own lives to support and care for others in the fight against COVID-19. From Colombia to Bangladesh, from Uganda to Canada, incredible stories have emerged as people come together to battle a disease that knows no borders".

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Arkiveringsdatum 200224:

Asylnytt 20-02-24:

Norge/ Europadomstolen: Familjeliv kränktes genom dåligt skött familjehemsplacering till sidans topp

En ung kvinna som fått asyl i Norge med sitt spädbarn bedömdes inte kunna ta hand om barnet. Barnet placerades i familjehem då mamman var sjutton år och barnet tio månader gammalt. Efter fyra och ett halvt år beslutade norska myndigheter om att familjehemsföräldrarna skulle få adoptera barnet mot mammans vilja. Mamman accepterar placeringen men ville inte att kontakten skulle brytas och kritiserar bland annat att barnet placerats i en kristen familj trots att hon själv är muslim. Enligt de norska myndigheterna har barnet mått dåligt efter träffarna med mamman och därför har dessa minskats i antal tills de bara mötts ett par gånger om året. Vittnesmål från experter går isär, då det är oklart vad barnets reaktioner beror på. Europadomstolen anser att de norska myndigheterna inte har skött ärendet med tillräcklig respekt för familjelivet från början. Dessutom har den högsta domstolen i Norge resonerat som om den sökande begärt att placeringen skulle avbrytas snarare än att hon begärt att kontakten inte ska avbrytas för all framtid. Norge har brutit mot Europakonventionens artikel 8.

Application no. 15379/16, Abdi Ibrahim v. Norway (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 190703:

Europarådet 19-06-20:

Europa/ Refugees and diverse societies, which policies for the intercultural city? till sidans topp

The Intercultural Cities (ICC) programme has launched a series of didactic and awareness videos addressing local governments wishing to evolve as intercultural municipalities. The videos give insights on how to adapt cities' institutions and services to the needs of a diverse population by implementing intercultural integration strategies that guarantee equal opportunities for everyone, without ever compromising the existing principles of respect to human rights, democracy and the rule of law.

Who are the Refugees? How can their talents benefit their new societies? What can local policies do to ensure their dignity is respected? How an intercultural integration approach can help making diversity an advantage for all?

This video, the second of the series, will introduce policy makers, practitioners and local authorities' technical staff to the main principles of the intercultural approach to refugee inclusion. A shorter version for general awareness purpose is also available

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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.