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Finland kan stänga gränsövergångar mot Ryssland
Finland förbereder sig att vid behov stänga gränsen mot grannen i öst.
"Vi kan begränsa eller stänga gränsövergångar", bekräftar inrikesminister Krista Mikkonen.
Just nu är det främst flyktingar från Ukraina som de finländska myndigheterna möter, men det finns beredskap för scenarier där Ryssland skickar flyktingar mot gränsen eller där många ryssar lämnar landet för att söka asyl.
Danmark/ Danmark avvisar ukrainska flyktingar - inreseregler stoppar genomresa
Ukrainska flyktingar har avvisats av Danmark vid gränsen till Tyskland, det rapporterar Danmarks Radio.
Anledningen är de danska inresereglerna - det krävs biometriskt pass med elektroniskt chip för att komma in i landet eller att man tänker söka asyl i Danmark.
De flyktingar som saknar ett sådant pass och vill resa vidare till Sverige kan således avvisas vid gränsen.
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Storbritannien/ January channel crossings up five-fold, "Illegal Entry" misleading
A five-fold increase of small boat crossings of the channel in January 2022 compared to the same period of 2021 is according to experts is mainly the result of push factors. The Home Office has been rebuked by the UK appeal court for erroneously describing asylum seekers "illegal". The Nationality and Borders Bill currently under examination by lawmakers has faced forthright criticism for shutting down safe routes and exposing LGBTI+ asylum applicants to harm. The high court is examining the lawfulness of asylum seeker phone seizures and searches.
More than 1,300 people arrived in Britain via the Channel in January this year - a number five times that of January 2021. Info Migrants speculate that such journeys may be driven by false beliefs about the UK as "benefit heaven", rumours surrounding Brexit and the discontinuation of Dublin returns, and attempts to reunite with families or broader diaspora communities. However, migration experts emphasise that, given almost all Channel arrivals seek asylum once in the UK, journeys are driven mainly by "push" factors (including war, persecution, widespread rights abuses, government oppression and environmental disasters, amongst others) rather than by "pull" factors.
According to Dr Peter William Walsh from Oxford University's Migration Observatory, research shows that those hoping to reach the UK have little or no knowledge of the country's asylum or benefit system. Further, smugglers may try to trick people seeking safety by "up-selling" Britain, as it represents their most lucrative destination.
The government says the controversial Nationality and Borders Bill, this week under scrutiny in the House of Lords, will curb crossings by criminalising "arrival" to the UK and punishing "illegal entry" with four years' imprisonment and "assisting unlawful immigration" with life sentences. Yet, NGOs supporting asylum seekers say they are yet to see the "chilling" provisions of the Bill have any effect on arrivals. So far in 2022, at least three people have died in France's Calais region whilst attempting to reach Britain.
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ECRE News 22-02-11: Macron calls on uk to offer safe routes, Home Office prioritises crackdown on "illegal migration" (Extern länk)
by Jennifer Rigby and James Crisp
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Storbritannien/ Channel: Crossings soar in 2021 with no legal routes, resettlement flops
In 2021, three times as many attempts to cross the Channel were recorded as in 2020. France is calling for an EU-UK treaty to open up "legal means" of reaching Britain, while UK officials say the hardline Nationality and Borders Bill will address the issue. In Calais, Afghans who fled the Taliban risk dying in freezing temperatures as NGO activities are limited by a 600,000 GBP loss of charity funding. The "warm welcome" the UK promised to Afghans in August is yet to eventuate: only a single family has benefitted from the Afghan Citizens Resettlement Scheme (ACRS).
35,382 people were recorded by French authorities as attempting to cross the Channel in 2021. 8,600 of those were rescued by French police while in distress at sea. This represents a three-fold increase on 2020, when much border-crossing was halted by the pandemic. Furthermore, French monitoring of the strait may be improving as the UK pressures its neighbour to "do its part" in controlling migration. The driver of risky journeys remains the lack of safe routes to seek asylum. According to Clare Moseley, founder of Care4Calais: "[Channel refugees] are some of the most vulnerable people in the world, having lost family members in bloody conflicts, suffered horrific torture and inhumane persecution. The Government tells us that people should travel by legal means, but if this were truly possible why would so many be risking their lives in flimsy boats?"
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Storbritannien/ Olyckan i Engelska kanalen: Sjuåring bland offren
Alla 27 migranter som drunknade i Engelska kanalen för några veckor sedan är nu identifierade, meddelar åklagarmyndigheten i Paris.
Den siste att bli det var en 29-årig vietnamesisk man.
De flesta olycksoffren var irakiska kurder. Även fyra afghaner och tre etiopier dog samt en somalier, en egyptier och en iransk kurd.
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AYS 21-12-20: Legal action against French and British authorities launched (Extern länk)
Storbritannien/ Dödligaste migrantolyckan i Engelska kanalen
Dödssiffran stiger efter olyckan i Engelska kanalen. Över 30 migranter har drunknat utanför franska hamnstaden Calais.
Olyckan är den hittills dödligaste i migranternas försök att ta sig från Frankrike till Storbritannien.
Människorna från en trolig förlisning i den kalla Engelska kanalen upptäcktes av en fiskare på onsdagseftermiddagen. När räddningspersonal anlände till katastrofområdet upptäcktes en tragedi som var värre än väntad.
Först hittades fyra döda, sedan upplyste polis och en lokal borgmästare att dödssiffran stiger. Vid 19-tiden uppgav borgmästare Franck Dhersin i den franska kuststaden Teteghem att man hittat 31 döda, och att två fortfarande saknades.
Sökning pågår
Timmar senare hade tre helikoptrar och tre räddningsbåtar tagit sig till olycksplatsen i försök att finna överlevande.
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AYS 21-11-24: "Deadliest Day" on British coast. Thirty-one lost lives in Channel (Extern länk)
UNHCR 21-11-25: UNHCR saddened by English Channel tragedy - urges action to prevent further loss of life (Extern länk)
Human Rights Watcb 21-11-25: Tragedy in English Channel should be turning point in border standoff (Extern länk)
ECRE News 21-11-19: Most channel arrivals are entitled to protection, only five people returned to the EU in 2021 (Extern länk)
Sveriges Radio Ekot 21-11-25: Stor frustration över flyktingsmugglarnas verksamhet (Extern länk)
Storbritannien/ Katrine Marçal: Migrantbåtarna över kanalen har blivit en jättefråga
Minst 27 migranter drunknade i Engelska kanalen när deras båt kapsejsade under ett försök att ta sig till Storbritannien. Tragedin har satt fokus på relationen mellan Storbritannien och Frankrike efter Brexit.
När Priti Patel blev brittisk inrikesminister 2019 lovade hon att göra allt för att stoppa de små och ofta livsfarliga båtar som migranter och asylsökande använder för att försöka ta sig till Storbritannien från Frankrike.
Istället har det blivit precis tvärtom.
2019 när Priti Patel bestämde sig för att ta i med hårdhandskarna tog sig 1 800 personer över den Engelska kanalen för att söka asyl i Storbritannien. Året därpå var siffran 8 420. I år är det redan över 23 500 personer som har riskerat livet ute på vattnet och lyckats ta sig över till England.
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SvT Utrikes 21-11-25: Macron och Johnson eniga: Ska trappa upp insatserna efter tragedin (Extern länk)
SvT Nyheter 21-11-28: Migrantbåtar ska upptäckas med spaningsflyg (Extern länk)
Efter dödsolyckan i Engelska kanalen i förra veckan då 27 migranter miste livet varnar migrantorganisationer för att fler båtar är på väg från Frankrike och att vintervädret inte kommer att stoppa dem.
- En del tror nog att kylan sätter stopp för båtarna. Men det stämmer inte. Den enda skillnaden är att färden blir mycket farligare, säger Bridget Chapman, talesperson för Kent Refugee Action Network i Folkestone.
Antal migranter som tagit sig över Engelska kanalen har tredubblats i år, jämfört med förra året. En av orsakerna är att Frankrikes och Storbritanniens regeringar genom har gjort det mycket svårare för migranter att ta sig genom kanaltunneln på undersidan av en lastbil. Dessutom korsar färre lastbilar gränsen på grund av brexit och coronapandemin.
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Storbritannien/ Channel: Lack of regular routes drives dangerous journeys
An uptick in Channel crossings illustrates that people are increasingly forced to reach the UK via small boats due to a lack of safe and legal avenues to protection. Two people have died making the journey in the past week, while another is missing. UK border officials are reportedly refusing to implement boat turnbacks for fear they will lead to more deaths at sea. Two activists are continuing a hunger strike in Calais to protest the repeated destruction and eviction of migrant camps.
2,669 people reached the UK via sea in October 2021, despite seasonal low temperatures. A record high of 853 migrants arrived on one day in November, surpassing previous records for daily arrivals. Media branding the 20,200 arrivals so far this year a "massive increase" however tend to compare to figures from 2020, when a arrivals were at a near-all-time low due to the coronavirus pandemic stalling international journeys.
The number of sea arrivals is not high in comparison to other European states where: 34,000 people arrived on Italy's shores in 2020, and 40,000 arrived in Spain, while only 8,500 arrived without authorisation by sea in Britain in 2020. Nor is the UK a comparatively popular destination for asylum claims, with only 29,450 applications last year, while Germany and France received 102,500 and 81,800 respectively. The increase in small boat arrivals however is a result of restrictive policies aimed at preventing the arrival of asylum seekers via regular means.
"Limited access to, or inadequate safe and legal avenues, are contributing to more people taking alternative means, including crossing the Channel in small boats," said the UN Migration Agency (IOM) spokesperson. The thinktank Migration Policy Group (MPG) and NGOs have recommended the UK establish resettlement schemes, humanitarian visas and work permit schemes in order to reduce human smuggling and trafficking as well as tragedies at sea.
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Storbritannien/ Frankrike tömmer flyktingläger
Ett migrantläger i norra Frankrike som hyst cirka 1 000 personer har evakuerats efter order från inrikesministern Gérald Darmanin.
Lägret ligger i den lilla staden Grande-Synthe, nära Dunkerque vid Engelska kanalen. Migranterna kan söka asyl i Frankrike och på så sätt få tillgång till andra härbärgen, vilket många nekar till eftersom de hoppas kunna ta sig vidare till Storbritannien.
Relationen mellan Frankrike och Storbritannien har den senaste tiden varit ansträngd av flera skäl, ett av dem är migrationsflödet från den franska kusten.
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Storbritannien/ Still ignoring the realities of life for refugees and migrants in Calais
Alf Dubs
This week marks five years since French authorities began an operation to dismantle the "Jungle" camp in Calais, destroying the makeshift shelters, restaurants and places of worships that had housed up to 10,000 people at its peak.
At the time, conditions for refugees in Calais were well known in the UK - the issue was regularly debated in parliament and the destruction of the camp was covered widely. But once it was gone, the visible symbol of the humanitarian crisis on the UK-French border was gone too. And with it went much of the attention.
Today, the situation in Calais receives little consideration here in the UK. While we've seen renewed focus on the numbers of boats crossing the Channel, there is rarely any mention of what people go through in Calais before crossing, or why some feel unable to stay in France.
Thus, one of the repeated refrains of our government - that people should stay in France because it is "safe" - goes largely unchallenged and many do claim asylum there. But the reality is, conditions for refugees in Calais are among the worst they've ever been. Just 30km from the UK, the suffering of displaced people is constant and severe.
French authorities remain determined to ensure that no such camp develops again. This has resulted in an active policy of "evictions" of any locations where displaced people gather - be it woods, fields, car parks or industrial wasteland.
According to a recent report by Human Rights Watch, the aim of these operations is "to push migrant adults and children out of Calais", but in fact the evictions have not stopped people from travelling to the UK-French border in the hope of somehow reaching Britain. Indeed, the numbers of refugees in northern France has been growing in recent months, and estimates suggest around 2,000 are currently in Calais.
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Europa/ EU om våld vid gränser: "Chockerande"
"Chockerande", säger EU:s inrikeskommissionär Ylva Johansson om hur flyktingar och migranter med våld pressas tillbaka vid EU:s yttre gränser.
En utredning krävs - samtidigt som hon själv får kritik för att ha agerat för mjukt mot medlemsländerna.
"Skuggarméer" av maskerade män trycker tillbaka flyktingar och migranter i Kroatien, Grekland och Rumänien, enligt en rapport i onsdags från journalistgruppen Lighthouse, som publicerats av flera europeiska tidningar och tv-kanaler.
Lighthouse har bland annat filmat så kallade "pushbacks" vid kroatisk-bosniska gränsen och sedan noga granskat vilka som låg bakom.
"Männen hade utrustning och uniformer som används av den kroatiska polisens kravallpolisgren. Tyska (tv-kanalen) ARD har intervjuat visselblåsare från samma styrka, som säger att de här insatserna är en del av den nationella insatsen Koridor, som delvis finansieras av EU-medel", skriver Lighthouse bland annat.
"Organiserat våld"
Uppgifterna har snabbt fördömts av exempelvis Amnesty International, som anklagar EU-kommissionen för att blunda för "förbluffande brott mot EU-regler".
Ansvariga inrikeskommissionären Ylva Johansson lovar dock en omedelbar undersökning.
- Jag reagerar väldigt starkt på det här. Vissa av de här uppgifterna är chockerande. Naturligtvis måste det här utredas. Det verkar visa ett organiserat våld vid våra yttre gränser och det verkar finnas övertygande bevisning för att EU-medel missbrukas. Det här är väldigt oroande, säger Johansson på en pressträff i Bryssel.
Möter ministrar
Inrikeskommissionären har redan planerat in möten med inrikesministrarna från Grekland och Kroatien för att diskutera rapporten.
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Storbritannien/ Fler än 1100 migranter stoppade
Storbritannien har på två dagar stoppat fler än 1 100 migranter som försökt korsa Engelska kanalen, säger landets inrikesminister Priti Patel.
Spänningar mellan Storbritannien och Frankrike har stegrat då antalet migranter som försökt ta sig över kanalen sedan Storbritannien lämnade EU har ökat.
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Tyskland/ Nya flyktingläger längs gränsen mellan Polen och Tyskland
Allt fler migranter tar sig via Lukasjenkas Vitryssland, genom Polen och sedan vidare in i Tyskland.
Det är människor som kommer från bl.a Afghanistan och Syrien och antalet har ökat snabbt under de senaste dagarna.
Hör Ekots Tysklandskorrespondent Caroline Salzinger på plats vid Eisenhuttenstatt, vid gränsen till Polen där det finns ett mottagningsläger. Hör också Lubna El-Shanti, Ekots Östersjökorrespondent och Susanne Palme, Ekots EU-kommentator.
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TT / AB 21-10-13: Fler migranter kommer via Belarus (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Danmark betalade britterna för att ta emot tolkar
Danmark har betalt Storbritannien för att landet ska ta emot 23 afghanska tolkar, som har hjälpt danska styrkor, skriver tidningen Berlingske.
Tolkarna har fått uppehållstillstånd i Storbritannien efter det att Danmark betalat ett hemligt belopp.
Poul Hauch Fenger, asylrättsexpert: "Jag har aldrig tidigare, varken under min tid i FN eller EU eller som advokat i Danmark, sett något liknande. Danmark betalar sig ur ett juridiskt ansvar för tolkarna."
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Storbritannien/ Brittiskt migrantstopp får fransk kritik
Storbritannien har klubbat igenom sina planer på att stoppa fartyg som transporterar migranter till landet, rapporterar brittiska medier.
Beslutet möts av skarp fransk kritik.
Hittills i år har hundratals små båtar korsat Engelska kanalen, som är hårt trafikerad av stora fraktfartyg. Bara under en dag i augusti räddade eller fångade brittiska myndigheter 828 människor som försökt sig ta den vägen från Frankrike till Storbritannien.
Ta kontroll
Att "ta tillbaka kontrollen" över landets gränser var ett av brexitkampanjens paradargument inför omröstningen 2016 som ledde till att Storbritannien senare lämnade EU.
Personal vid gränsen kommer nu att få träning i att stöta bort båtar från brittiskt vatten, men kommer bara att göra det när det bedöms säkert, enligt en regeringstjänsteman som vill vara anonym.
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Sveriges Radio Ekot 21-09-09: Storbråk om hårda metoder mot flyktingar (Extern länk)
AYS 21-09-13: British Border Forces train to push back people (Extern länk)
Storbritannien/ Plans to return boats face headwind as channel crossings rise
The Home Secretary Priti Patel wants to authorise the Border Force to turn back boats crossing the channel, despite opposition from France, trade unions, international lawyers, refugee advocates and the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR). As many as 1,200 people crossed the Channel in small boats on 6 September, marking the largest number of arrivals on record in a single day. NGOs condemn government attempts to criminalise journeys, saying Afghans making the Channel crossing should not be vilified. The UK Home Office spent almost nine million GBP on the deportation of less than 900 people in 2020, including 500,000 GBP for planes that never left the tarmac.
After a two-week lull due to poor weather conditions, crossings of the channel from France to the UK started up again on 5 September with 158 arrivals. The following day, rescue organisations estimated that more than 1,000 people made the crossing, breaking the previous daily record of 828 arrivals from 21 August. The Home Office is yet to confirm figures but said on 6 September that the number was closer to 850. Crossings continued over the following days, with 456 people arriving on 7 September and 301 on 8 September. More than 14,000 people have crossed into the UK aboard small boats this year, surpassing the 8,417 successful journeys that were recorded in 2020.
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Tyskland/ Will the German state intervene to reunite the evacuees with their families?
No progress has been made at making it possible for people who are on a 'stand by' within the US Air Force Base Ramstein in Rhineland-Palatinate, to reunite them with their close family members. As the wait for a flight to the USA or other countries (like Albania, North Macedonia, Uganda) who accepted to be the host to the people while the US arranges their visas for a transfer to the States, they are not allowed to leave the Air Base and therefore cannot really enter Germany. Some of these people who have previous ties to Germany have reportedly been promised a chance to arrange a stay in the country and not leave for the US. However, that promise seems unlikely to be fulfilled because of a lack of any apparent authority or official address they can turn to for help and guidance with the next steps.
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Europa/ Courts chip away at migrant 'pushback' practices in EU
Local courts in several EU countries, including Austria, Italy, and Slovenia, have ruled in favour of refugees and migrants who were pushed back over the bloc's external borders, but can they stop the practice altogether?
It was raining. Ayoub and his six companions were soaked through and shivering in the late September cold on the border between Slovenia and Austria. "Asylum, Asylum," they said repeatedly to the Austrian police who had stopped them.
The men did not receive asylum. They got blankets and water, but no food. And they were ordered to strip and bend over so police could make sure there was nothing hidden in their anal region.
Ayoub, from Morocco, kept repeating "asylum" in English and French. But none of them had ID papers and the police officers decided to send them back to Slovenia, which sent them back to Croatia, which escorted them back to the border with Bosnia and Herzegovina, the external border of the European Union.
It's a familiar story from NGO and media reports covering the plight of refugees and migrants trying to reach Western Europe from Asia, the Middle East and Africa. But this particular one comes not from an article in a newspaper but a court verdict, issued on July 1 in Styria, southeast Austria, and upholding a complaint filed by Ayoub.
"The refoulement of the applicant... was unlawful. The complete undressing in the course of the search of the applicant... was unlawful," the Styria Regional Administrative Court ruled.
Such verdicts, of which the Styria court's is only the latest, are fuelling hope among human rights organisations and activists that something can be done to stop the practice of unlawful "pushbacks", not just by Croatia on the EU's rim, but between EU neighbours like Austria and Slovenia too.
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Storbritannien/ 'I cry all the time': the plight of Afghan refugees in Calais
Salaam Khan had not long ago woken up after another fruitless night attempting to cross the Channel from Calais and was on alert for the arrival of the French police. They come most mornings to confiscate the tents of the hundreds of migrants and refugees sleeping on the city's outskirts.
"It's a new day and the same shit," he said.
They call it "the chance" - to get to the UK hidden in a lorry - and a year since he reached Calais from Afghanistan, Khan, 23, has become used to the pattern of the day centred around it. More Afghans are joining him every day - unaccompanied children, former soldiers and others who have left violence in their provinces but are now stuck at a border they have no safe route across.
"I cry all the time. What can we do now? The British government won't allow us to go and if I go back they'll kill me," says Khan. His family are subsistence farmers and since the rapid Taliban territorial takeover of the past week, he has not been able to get through to them.
"This is our life, I've been trying a year by getting on trucks. Sometimes I'm here, sometimes I go to Paris. I go there when I'm tired, when I'm broken," says Khan. "I'll go for a week and then I come back ready to try again."
He cuts the conversation short. The sun was setting and it was time for him to find a truck.
Though French authorities dismantled the notorious Calais refugee camp, and before that the previous camp at Sangatte, there are now other smaller settlements scattered around the city and nearby. Khan's location has adopted the "jungle" name of the original Calais camp - which suits the overgrowth by the city hospital where they nestle their tents.
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Storbritannien/ Nytt rekord: Över 1 000 försökte korsa kanalen
Över 1 000 personer på ett dygn - det är det dystra nya dagsrekordet på den farliga människosmugglingsrutten över Engelska kanalen.
Det var i lördags som brittiska myndigheter räddade eller fångade in sammanlagt 828 personer, i ett 30-tal mindre båtar, som olovligen försökte ta sig från Frankrike till Storbritannien, rapporterar BBC och andra brittiska medier. Franska kolleger stoppade samma dag 10 båtar med totalt 193 människor i.
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Sveriges Radio Ekot 21-08-20: Inga undantag för afghaner som tar sig till Storbritannien illegalt (Extern länk)
Danmark/ Minister: Danmark bör ta emot afghanska tolkar
Danmarks utrikesminister Jeppe Kofod (S) är redo att låta afghaner som arbetat för de danska styrkorna i Afghanistan komma till Danmark om de hotas i hemlandet.
- Vi är redo att med mycket kort varsel evakuera i synnerhet hotade lokalanställda i Afghanistan och flytta hanteringen av deras ärende från Afghanistan till Danmark, säger han till dagstidningen Berlingske.
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Storbritannien/ Rekordmånga korsade Engelska kanalen
430 migranter tog sjövägen till England under gårdagen. Det är den högsta siffran någonsin, enligt den brittiska regeringen som nu diskuterar hårdare straff för både migranter och människosmugglare.
Måndagens siffra överstiger det tidigare rekordet från september i fjol, rapporterar den brittiska nyhetsbyrån PA. Då gjorde totalt 416 personer olagligen den riskfyllda resan över Engelska kanalen under ett dygn.
Rekordet kommer samtidigt som en ny brittisk lagstiftning diskuteras i parlamentet. Den nya lagen skulle kasta omkull gällande asylregler och innebära betydligt hårdare straffbestämmelser: fängelsestraff på upp till fyra år för den som olagligen tar sig in i Storbritannien och livstid för människosmugglare.
Lagförslag får kritik
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Storbritannien/ On patrol with Channel Rescue: the clifftop spotters watching out
The spotters with their binoculars on the clifftops tracked the overcrowded boat with increasing nervousness as it appeared to be heading for disaster on the rocks off the south-eastern tip of England.
Their frantic waves appeared to work and the orange inflatable edged towards the safety of the shore as the spotters abandoned their post and ran to the stony beach. As they arrived, the 20 or so migrants started to jump into the sea, threatening to overturn the small boat with some of the most vulnerable passengers still inside.
The aftermath is captured on shaky mobile phone footage by a witness at Kingsdown Beach, just along the coast from Dover, the traditional main entry point to the UK. The migrants tossed their lifejackets aside and scattered, leaving just the two spotters by the boat and a hostile group of holidaymakers who suspected them of complicity in people smuggling.
"Who were those blokes who came down from over here to hold it [the boat]?" says one. "They have to be in with it, don't they?"
The witness later challenges the two men. "You're aiding and abetting aren't you?" he says. "Don't worry, the police are coming."
Perceptions matter in the feverish atmosphere of Britain's immigration debate. The two men had nothing to do with a people smuggling operation but are from a band of 50 volunteers, known as Channel Rescue, dedicated to assisting the thousands who have travelled in small boats to the UK in 2021.
But the footage rapidly went viral and was picked up by Nigel Farage, an anti-immigration politician turned broadcaster. It has been viewed more than 215,000 times on Twitter. "This is really shocking. A reception committee that guided one of the boats to shore today," wrote the former head of the pro-Brexit UK Independence Party on Twitter.
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Storbritannien/ Channel crossings: Prosecutors drop charges against 11 migrants
Migrants to be released from prison but kept in immigration detention after Border Force targeted them with drones
Charges against 11 migrants who were prosecuted for steering small boats across the English Channel have been dropped.
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said the cases no longer met its threshold for charge following a successful appeal by an Iranian asylum seeker.
It comes amid a significant rise in the number of migrants attempting to reach the UK in dinghies, following a drop in ferry and lorry traffic.
The CPS said it had presented no evidence against the 11 migrants at a Canterbury Crown Court hearing on Friday.
A twelfth migrant who had not yet been charged is also to have proceedings against them discontinued.
The 12 migrants will be released from criminal custody, but continue to be held in immigration detention.
All were charged with the offence of assisting unlawful immigration, which has been controversially used to jail several asylum seekers who steered dinghies.
A CPS spokesperson said: "We keep all cases under constant review and have decided not to proceed with 12 cases involving small boat pilots as they no longer meet our legal test for prosecution.
"Seven cases involving eight defendants are still active, and nothing should be published that could jeopardise the defendants' right to a fair trial.
"We have been working with law enforcement agencies to develop updated immigration legal guidance, setting out our approach to small boats and other illegal entry cases."
The cases were dropped because of a Court of Appeal judgment in April, which resulted in the conviction of an Iranian asylum seeker who was jailed for two years being quashed.
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Storbritannien/ Ettåring hittad död vid Norges kust - har identifierats
Norsk polis uppger att en kropp de hittat vid kusten tidigare i år tillhör en 15 månader gammal pojke som dött i Engelska kanalen.
Ettåriga Artin har varit anmäld försvunnen i flera månader. Men på måndagen uppgav norsk polis att de identifierat ett barn som hittats död på en strand i Norge i början på januari.
Artin och fyra av hans familjemedlemmar miste livet när de försökte korsa kanalen för att ta sig till Storbritannien, skriver BBC.
Två poliser hittade Artins kropp på Norges västkust, vid staden Karmøy, på nyårsdagen. Men först nu har de med hjälp av dna-analys fått klarhet i vem pojken var.
- Vi hade inte någon saknad bebis rapporterad i Norge, och ingen familj hade kontaktat polisen, sa Camilla Tjelle Waage, chef över polisutredningar, till BBC.
"Vi har inget val"
I sms som BBC har tagit del av, som ska ha skickats från mamman i familjen, skriver hon om faran med att korsa kanalen men konstaterar att "vi har inget val".
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Storbritannien/ UK continuing operations against "illegal immigration" in Libya
A report by The Libya Observer looks at a meeting between UK and Libyan officials at which issues concerning immigration, terrorism and human trafficking were discussed. The UK's defence secretary reportedly said that the UK is working with Libya on "anti-terrorism and illegal immigration training programs".
"The Libyan Interior Minister, Khalid Mazen, said there are about 700.000 illegal immigrants in Libya, adding in a meeting with the British Defense Secretary, Ben Wallace, and Secretary for Middle East and North African Affairs, James Cleverly, in Tripoli that what Libya is going through due to the phenomenon of illegal immigration is challenging.
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The Libya Observer 21-06-10: 700.000 illegal immigrants residing in Libya, Interior Minister says (Extern länk)
Storbritannien/ Asylum-seeker cleared of charges, bar on challenges to deportation
An asylum-seeker caught steering a boat across the English Channel was cleared of smuggling charges after spending 17 months in jail. Immigrants and trafficking victims were also detained in solitary confinement for prolonged periods of time in prisons due to Covid-19 measures. Meanwhile, a Judicial Review Bill will strip refugees and asylum-seekers' right to challenge deportation orders as the government's New Plan for Immigration comes under heavy criticism from UNHCR.
The Court of Appeal overturned the conviction of Fouad Kakaei, an Iranian asylum-seeker jailed for 17 months on smuggling charges for helping to pilot a boat with other migrants on board in the English Channel. He was rescued by UK Border Force officials while crossing the Channel in December 2019 and was sentenced to two years and two months in prison in January 2021 by the Canterbury Crown Court, after admitting that he had taken a turn steering the defective boat as he "didn't want to die at sea". At his retrial before the Court of Appeal this week, his lawyers successfully argued that "he should not have been found guilty of breaking immigration laws because he was intending to be rescued at sea so he could claim asylum". The verdict brings hope that other asylum-seekers currently jailed on smuggling charges will be able to challenge their detention and be freed.
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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.
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