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Arkiveringsdatum 220518:

ECHR / ELENA legal update 22-04-29:

Från Pakistan/ Return of a converted Christian would violate his Article 2 and 3 rights till sidans topp

On 26 April 2022, the Court gave its judgment in the case of M.A.M. v. Switzerland, concerning a Pakistani national whose asylum claim had been rejected. The applicant converted to Christianity whilst his asylum claim was being processed in Switzerland. Following its rejection, the applicant's appeal on the grounds of his recent conversion was subsequently rejected by the Federal Administrative Court. The applicant claimed to the Court under Articles 2, 3 and 9 of the Convention.

In its analysis of the complaints, the Court firstly noted that the state authorities were aware of the applicant's involvement and worship activities with the Salvation Army but failed to react or ask him about these activities. The Court furthermore noted the absolute nature of Article 3 rights and the vulnerable situation that asylum seekers find themselves in and reiterated the obligation on States to assess a risk of ill-treatment once they become aware of facts which may expose an individual to such a risk.


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Arkiveringsdatum 211104:

EASO 21-10-27:

Från Pakistan/ EASO publishes a COI report: Pakistan security situation till sidans topp

Today, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published a Country of Origin Information (COI) Report titled "Pakistan security situation report (October 2021)" . This report is an update to the previous EASO COI Report "Pakistan - Security Situation" published in October 2020.

In 2020 and during the first seven months of 2021, several armed militant groups, including Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan, Al-Qaeda, Islamic State Khorasan Province and Haqqani Network have been reportedly present in Pakistan and continued to carry out attacks in the country. The groups frequently used targeted killings, different types of IEDs, suicide attacks, kidnappings, grenade blasts, rocket attacks and sabotage acts.

During the reporting period, there has been a significant increase in targeted killings, blasphemy cases, forced conversions, and hate speech targeting religious minorities including Ahmadis, Shi'a Muslims, Hindus, Christians, and Sikhs in Pakistan. Militant groups continued to attack religious minorities in the country.

Pakistani security forces carried out 47 operations and raids against militants in 2020. During the same period, security operations and armed clashes were reported in all four provinces (Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan, Punjab and Sindh). These operations resulted in the killing of 146 people including 129 militants and 17 security forces personnel.

In 2020 and during the first half of 2021, 344 civilians were reportedly killed as a result of violence in Pakistan.


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Arkiveringsdatum 201124:

Asylnytt 20-11-24:

Från Pakistan/ Migrationsdomstol: Kvinna som anklagats som Ahmadiyya får stanna till sidans topp

Målet gäller en kvinna från Pakistan som tillhör en trosriktning, ahmaiyyamuslimer, som är illa sedda och har begränsade möjligheter att utöva sin tro. En ahmadiyyamuslim kan dömas till hårt straff för att ha kallat sig själv för muslim eller för att ha predikat eller förordat sin religion. Kvinnan studerade på en ort där hon kunde undanhålla sin tro. Men i hemtrakten har hon trakasserats. När hon varit i Sverige ett halvår med uppehållstillstånd för studier och återvänt till Pakistan blev hon anklagad och polisanmäld för att ha försökt omvända två flickor. Därför återvände hon till Sverige och sökte asyl. Migrationsverket fann motsägelser i uppgifterna om trakasserier och ansåg berättelsen om polisärendet vag och detaljfattig. Migrationsdomstolen avslog begäran om muntlig förhandlig och anser att landinformationen tillsammans med de uppgifter och förklaringar kvinnan lämnat sammantaget gör att det saknas anledning att ifrågasätta att hon har anklagats och polisanmälts. Oavsett vad polisanmälan leder till riskerar hon förföljelse i hemlandet. De internflyktsalternativ som Migrationsverket föreslagit är inte rimliga med tanke på att kvinnan inte har något nätverk där och tillhör en utsatt minoritet. Hon beviljas uppehållstillstånd som flykting. Domen är inte vägledande. Källa förvaltningsrätten i Göteborg.

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Arkiveringsdatum 201111:

EASO 20-10- 30:

Från Pakistan/ EASO publishes a COI report: Pakistan - Security Situation till sidans topp

The newly released report provides information on the security situation in Pakistan, which is relevant for the assessment of international protection status determination, including refugee status and subsidiary protection.

With just over 26 500 applications in 2019 and almost 12 000 from January to September 2020, Pakistan was the sixth most important country of origin for asylum applicants in the EU+ in both years. However, compared to the same period in 2019, the number of Pakistani applications between January and September 2020 decreased by 37 % due to the COVID-19 pandemic and related emergency measures. At the end of September 2020, close to 19 200 Pakistani cases were awaiting a first-instance decision, down from almost 21 200 cases at the end of 2019. The recognition rate for Pakistani nationals has been relatively low, with just 8 % receiving some form of EU-regulated protection between January and September 2020, down from 10 % during the same period in 2019.

The security situation in Pakistan has been influenced by both internal and external security issues. The main internal security challenges consist of political and economic instability, ethnic and sectarian conflicts, religious extremism and militancy; while external security challenges are linked to the relationship of Pakistan with neighbouring countries such as Afghanistan and India. Militant violence in the country is mainly caused by the separatist insurgency in Balochistan and the instability in the north-west of the country resulting from the 2001 toppling of the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

The report is divided in two parts: the first part provides a general description on the security situation in Pakistan; the second part explains the security situation per province in more detail, including information on population, background of the conflict, actors active; as well as quantitative and qualitative information on recent security trends and impact of violence on the civilian population.

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Arkiveringsdatum 191120:

EASO 19-10-31:

Från Pakistan/ Pakistan - Security situation till sidans topp

Today, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published a Country of Origin Information (COI) Report entitled 'Pakistan security situation'. The report is the fourth update of the security chapter of the EASO COI report on Pakistan, Country Overview, published in August 20151 and subsequently updated in July 2016, August 2017 and October 2018.

In 2018, the country ranked 4th in the top countries of origin in the EU+ countries,2 but the total number of Pakistani applicants decreased, from about 32 000 in 2017 to about 29 000 applications. By the end of 2018, the total number of pending cases at all instances decreased to some 44 000.

The EASO COI Report Pakistan security situation provides a general description of the security situation in Pakistan, covering the following topics: an overview of recent conflicts in the country; actors in the conflict; an overview of recent security trends and armed confrontations; the impact of the violence on the civilian population; and the impact of the violence on the state ability to secure law and order.

The second part of the report provides an overview of the security situation in a more detailed description of the different regions in Pakistan. In each regional chapter, a short description is given of the region, the background of the violence as well as the actors present in the region, followed by a description of the security trends, and the impact of the violence on the population.


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Arkiveringsdatum 191025:

Asylnytt 19-10-24:

Från Pakistan/ FN:s kommitté mot tortyr publicerar ärenden från augustisessionen till sidans topp

Förutom de ärenden som refererats ovan har FN:s kommitté för övervakning av Konventionen mot tortyr och annan grym, omänsklig eller förnedrande behandling (CAT) publicerat ytterligare 4 ärenden som rör utvisningar från kommitténs session i juli-augusti. Två som prövades i sak rörde utvisningar till Etiopien respektive Sri Lanka. Tre ärenden lades ner på grund av att anmälningarna ansågs ogrundade. De gällde utvisningar till Kongo och Indien.

I listan över ärenden finns nu även ett par sent publicerade från vårsessionen, ett rörande en utvisning till Pakistan som prövades i sak men föll bland annat på grund av trovärdighetsbrister och ett rörande Sri Lanka som inte hade prövats i högsta instans i det nationella målet.

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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.