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Arkiveringsdatum 220125:

Migrationsverket 22-01-19:

Stärkt mandat när EASO blir EUAA till sidans topp

Det europeiska stödkontoret för asylfrågor EASO omvandlas till en fullt utvecklad asylbyrå och byter från och med den 19 januari namn till EUAA. Byrån ska bland annat bistå EU-länder under särskilt tryck och förbättra tillämpningen av den gemensamma asylpolitiken.

Stödkontoret EASO med säte på Malta inrättades 2011 för att samordna och stärka det praktiska samarbetet mellan EU-länderna i asylfrågor. Nu blir stödkontoret en fullt utvecklad byrå (en beteckning på det som tidigare kallades myndigheter inom EU) med mer resurser och större befogenheter.

Ett led i reformen av EU:s asylsystem

Förändringen är ett led i den reform av det gemensamma europeiska asylsystemet (CEAS) som medlemsstaterna förhandlat om sedan 2016. Ett övergripande syfte är att förbättra det praktiska genomförandet av de gemensamma reglerna på asylområdet inom EU.

- Det är ett viktigt första steg i reformen av det gemensamma asylsystemet. En fullt utvecklad asylbyrå behövs för att stärka det praktiska samarbetet och främja en enhetlig och effektiv hantering inom unionen, säger Mikael Ribbenvik, Migrationsverkets generaldirektör som idag är ordförande för EASO och som även kommer att leda styrelsen för EUAA.

500 experter i reservpool

Asylbyrån ska bland annat tillhandahålla ökat tekniskt och operativt stöd till medlemsländerna. Det innebär bland annat att en reservpool med 500 experter från de 27 medlemsländerna ska vara tillgänglig för att bistå länder under särskilt tryck. På det sättet ska det gå snabbare att ge stöd när det behövs. Sverige ska ställa 19 nationella experter till förfogande.

Vägledning om ursprungsländer


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EUAA (tidigare EASO) 22-01-19:

New EU Agency for Asylum starts work with reinforced mandate till sidans topp

The European Union Agency for Asylum (EUAA) replaces the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) with more tools to support Member States in bringing greater convergence to asylum and reception practices at the EU's high standards.


In addition to the former functions of EASO, the new EUAA mandate:

1 Allows for the quick deployment of operational assistance to Member States, thus reacting faster to Member State needs;

2 Establishes a permanent asylum reserve pool of 500 Member State officials at the disposal of the agency;

3 Establishes a broader asylum training curriculum for national officials, with the goal of developing into the EU's accreditation body for international protection officials;

4 Enables the production of more practical guides, recommendations, tools and analysis which support the work of national asylum and reception authorities;

5 Establishes an independent Fundamental Rights Officer to ensure that the rights of asylum applicants are always safeguarded;

6 Gives an enhanced role to Civil Society Organisations through a more independent EUAA Consultative Forum;

7 Establishes EUAA liaison officers in EU Member States, as well as the possibility to do so in non-EU countries;

8 Enhances the agency's work with non-EU countries to support asylum and reception capacity building in line with international standards;

9 Establishes a complaints mechanism to ensure recourse for anyone who considers that their fundamental rights have been breached;

10 Allows for preparations for the establishment of a Monitoring Mechanism in the coming years.


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Arkiveringsdatum 211231:

Europeiska unionens råd 21-12-09:

Migrations- och asylpakten: Rådet antar förordning om EU:s asylbyrå till sidans topp

Rådet har antagit en förordning om inrättande av EU:s asylbyrå. Förordningen syftar till att förbättra tillämpningen av asylpolitiken inom EU genom att omvandla det befintliga Europeiska stödkontoret för asylfrågor (Easo) till en fullfjädrad byrå. Asylbyrån ska ansvara för att förbättra det gemensamma europeiska asylsystemets funktion genom att tillhandahålla ökat operativt och tekniskt stöd till medlemsländerna och genom att bidra till en mer enhetlig bedömning av ansökningar om internationellt skydd.

Förordningen om EU:s asylbyrå stärker Easos nuvarande mandat och underlättar utplaceringen av experter till medlemsländer som har begärt operativt stöd. Den nya lagstiftningen ökar byråns stöd till samarbete mellan EU-länder och tredjeländer och bidrar därmed också till solidariteten mellan medlemsländer och EU:s övergripande yttre dimension. Den tar också hänsyn till att diskussioner om en ny migrations- och asylpakt pågår och skjuter upp tillämpningsdatumet för övervakningsmekanismen till ett senare skede.


Som en del av de förslag om migrations- och asylpakten som lades fram i september 2020 vidhöll EU-kommissionen sitt förslag från 2016 om förordningen om EU:s asylbyrå, och diskussionerna om den återupptogs. Rådets ordförandeskap och Europaparlamentet nådde en preliminär överenskommelse den 29 juni 2021. Parlamentet antog formellt förordningen den 11 november 2021.

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EASO 21-12-16:

Belgium: EASO launches operation to support reception authorities till sidans topp

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) will launch its 8th operation in an EU Member State in January 2022. The operational support for the Belgian Federal Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (FEDASIL) will focus on increasing reception capacity and improving reception quality, in the short and medium-term.

The Operational Plan was signed by the Executive Director of EASO, Nina GREGORI, and the Belgian Secretary of State for Asylum and Migration, Sammy MAHDI. At the request of the Belgian authorities, the agreement will see EASO providing reception assets and equipment, personnel and technical expertise. The Agency will work with FEDASIL in terms of increasing short and medium-term capacity while ensuring that reception standards are in line with the Common European Asylum System (CEAS).

EASO's operational support will be based on two pillars:

+ First response to address emergency reception needs, notably by increasing the number of reception spaces available and improving the quality of existing emergency reception facilities; and

+ Medium-term response to increase reception capacity, by conducting an evaluation for, and supporting the establishment of, a modular emergency reception centre, as well as the enhancement of arrival processes.

In the short term, EASO will provide up to 150 reception units in the coming months in order to support an increase of capacity. This may be supplemented by additional units in the medium term, based on a further needs assessment in respect of the development of a modular emergency reception centre.

Up to 100 EASO personnel may be deployed throughout the period, including Site Management Experts, Information Provision Experts, Social Workers, Trainers, Child Protection Experts, a Reception Center Designer and interpreters.


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ECRE 21-12-17: EASO to support authorities struggling with reception crisis (Extern länk)

Se även:

Europeiska unionens råd 21-12-09: Migrations- och asylpakten: Rådet antar förordning om EU:s asylbyrå (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 211122:

EU-parlamentet 21-11-11:

A strong EU Asylum Agency to support asylum systems in the member states till sidans topp

The new EU Asylum Agency will have enhanced operational and technical powers to facilitate cooperation among member states and contribute to converging asylum standards.

The legislation endorsed on Thursday by the European Parliament upgrades the existing mandate of the EU Asylum Support Office (EASO), which has been operational since 2011 and is based in Valletta, Malta.

The new agency will provide operational and technical assistance to member states at their request. This will include, for example, helping to identify and register third-country nationals or by assisting national authorities to manage the international protection procedure - including in crises and relocation and resettlement situations - and more generally with the implementation of the Common European Asylum System.

It will also be tasked with developing operational standards, analysis and guidelines as well as training on asylum-related matters.

The Fundamental Rights Officer

At the request of MEPs, the Agency will create a post for a Fundamental Rights Officer, who will be in charge of a newly established complaints mechanism. The Fundamental Rights Officer will be responsible for ensuring that the Agency complies with fundamental rights in the course of its activities. They will more generally be responsible for promoting the respect of fundamental rights in EU asylum policy.

A pool of at least 500 experts to assist countries in need

The Agency will set up a reserve pool of at least 500 asylum experts from member states that can be swiftly deployed as members of asylum support teams alongside the Agency's experts, and provide on-the-ground operational assistance..

Monitoring the situation in member states


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Arkiveringsdatum 210720:

EASO 21-07-15:

Lithuania to receive immediate operational support from EASO till sidans topp

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) could deploy up to 50 personnel, both in-country and via remote working, in support of the Lithuanian asylum authorities by the end of the year.

The Executive Director of EASO, Nina Gregori, and the Minister of the Interior of Lithuania, Agn? Bilotait?, have signed an Operating Plan on the margins of the Informal Justice and Home Affairs Council meeting held in Brdo, Slovenia.

The Operating Plan was agreed to in a record short period following the request of the Lithuanian Authorities in late June. Within days of receiving the request, EASO deployed an assessment team to the country in order to discuss the needs of the Lithuanian counterparts. The Operating Plan, which is EASO's sixth ongoing operation, is valid until the end of 2021, but can be renewed or adapted to developing needs thereafter.

Commenting on the new operation, Nina Gregori stated: "The speed with which we were able to operationalise our support is a testament to the resilience of the Agency in tangibly supporting any Member State whenever the need arises. EASO stands fully with Lithuania in light of the current migration challenges and we will immediately begin assisting both the asylum and reception systems. This is another demonstration of what EU solidarity actually means."

Lithuania has recently begun experiencing a dramatic increase in asylum applications from migrants crossing the border from Belarus. To date, the majority of applicants are Iraqi nationals. EASO will work closely with the national authorities, as well as the European Commission and FRONTEX in order to ensure a seamless and coordinated approach.

In particular, EASO will provide operational support in the three following areas:

+ Enhancing the capacity to register applications for international protection;


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Arkiveringsdatum 210701:

EU-parlamentet 21-06-29:

A new, stronger Asylum Agency for a more consistent asylum policy across the EU till sidans topp

+ Independent EU agency with beefed-up resources capable of supporting relocation and resettlement

+ 500 experts from member states to help in crisis situations

+ Fundamental Rights officer responsible for a new complaint mechanism

+ Mechanism to monitor that member states are implementing asylum rules will mostly apply from 31 December 2023 and fully once the Dublin rules are revised

With enhanced operational and technical powers, the new EU Asylum Agency will facilitate cooperation among member states and contribute to converging asylum standards.

The provisional agreement reached on Tuesday between EP negotiators and the Portuguese Presidency of the Council puts an end to several years of stalemate in the Council over the creation of the proposed Agency, which will turn the EU Asylum Support Office (EASO), into a fully-fledged agency. While the new compromise mostly confirms the political agreement reached in 2017, it also includes specific provisions on the entry into force of the monitoring mechanism, which will mainly apply from 31 December 2023.

The text strengthens the current EASO, operational since 2011, turning it into an independent agency that will develop operational standards, indicators, guidelines and best practices on asylum-related matters, and will provide operational assistance to member states including in crisis situations as well as on relocation and resettlement. In order to improve the functioning of the common asylum system, it will support practical cooperation and information exchange on asylum among member states. The agency will get additional financial and human resources, including enough of its own staff to form part of the asylum support teams and the teams of experts working on monitoring. Cooperation with third countries has also been strengthened.

The Fundamental Rights Officer


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EU-kommissionen 21-06-29:

Agreement reached on the new European Union Agency for Asylum till sidans topp

The Commission welcomes the agreement that the European Parliament and the Council have just found to transform the European Asylum Support Office into a European Union Agency of Asylum. It is a key initiative under the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. The new agency will help make asylum procedures in Member States of higher quality, more uniform and faster. Its new reserve of 500 experts will also provide more effective support to national asylum systems facing a high caseload, making the overall EU migration management system more efficient and sustainable.

Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, Margaritis Schinas, said: "When we presented our proposal for an EU Pact on Migration and Asylum last September, we were aiming at creating a coherent and well-functioning European asylum system. Today's agreement, is a first important building block in this process. Member States will now be able to rely on the full operational support of the EU Asylum Agency, both under normal circumstances and when they are in difficulty. The agency will make a tangible difference to asylum procedures, improving protection for individuals and addressing gaps to create greater convergence between Member States' asylum systems."

Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson, said: "The New Pact on Migration and Asylum is in motion. I am very pleased with this second legislative agreement since I took office. We need asylum decisions to be taken in a fast and fair manner and with the same high quality everywhere in Europe. And we need high and convergent reception standards across Member States. The new Agency will help achieve this, building on the excellent work of EASO. It will also help us move away from crisis into preparedness and response - a key step towards sustainable migration management in Europe."

A stronger agency to support the EU's asylum system


Hela pressmeddelandet (Extern länk)

EASO 21-06-29: EASO welcomes agreement establishing EU Agency for Asylum (Extern länk)

ECRE Editorial 21-06-11: EU Asylum Agency Moving Forward and the End of the "Package Approach"? (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210208:

ECRE 21-01-29:

Ecre policy note: Moving on with the EU Asylum Agency till sidans topp

In this policy note, ECRE in cooperation with Dutch Council for Refugees (DCR) presents its adapted recommendations for the EUAA based on research it carried out on the operations of EASO, and drawing on its Comments on the 2016 proposal and previous policy note on the role of the EUAA.

In September 2020, the European Commission presented a New Pact on Migration and Asylum. Even though the Communication on a New Pact on Migration and Asylum was presented together with a set of legislative proposals, the Commission did not throw the 2016 proposals overboard.

In its Communication, the Commission clarified that the previous proposals to reform the Common European Asylum System (CEAS) remain valid, unless explicitly revoked or amended, and that the new Pact maintains as far as possible the compromises reached between the European Parliament and the Council. This is where the file on the new EU Asylum Agency (EUAA) is to be found: negotiations will continue based on the 2016 proposal and the interinstitutional agreement that was reached between the European Parliament and the Council on 27 June 2017.

Two linked issues arise. First, process: will the EUAA file move forward or will the "package" approach prevail, meaning that nothing is agreed until everything is agreed? Recent events indicate that certain Member States will not allow the EUAA proposal to advance without progress on all files. Indeed, the outgoing German Presidency had hoped that it would broker an agreement among the Member States on the EUAA but its Presidency Progress Report, shows that has not happened. It is now up to the Portuguese Presidency to achieve further progress on this file.

ECRE proposes separating the EUAA debate from the rest of the proposals in order to allow the EUAA to reach its full potential and also to ensure that the role of the EUAA is not adapted based on a more restrictive vision of limiting asylum in Europe.

As for content, the question arises whether the co-legislators will agree on an agency with a stronger protection-oriented mandate, based on a long-term vision?

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Arkiveringsdatum 210125:

EASO 21-01-13:

EASO operations expand to all major EU countries of first arrival till sidans topp

In 2021, EASO's operational support to national asylum and reception authorities will cover all five Mediterranean EU Member States which receive the most asylum applications, accounting for 50% of the Agency's budget.

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has begun operational support to the reception authorities in Spain, as was recently announced following the signature of the Operating Plan for the country. Spain is now EASO's fifth ongoing operation, building on, and adding to, the unprecedented levels of support and productivity reached in 2020 in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta.

In 2021, EASO will deploy approximately 2 000 personnel to the five Member States, including almost 1 000 in Greece. While deployed personnel in Greece will remain stable compared to 2020, notable increases will be registered in Cyprus (84 in 2020; 185 in 2021 [+120 %]) and Malta (65 in 2020; 149 in 2021 [+129 %]). Personnel include caseworkers, interpreters, vulnerability experts, field support staff, reception staff, research officers and administrative staff.

Over the next 12 months, the Agency will commit over EUR 70 million to its operations, which equates to approximately half of EASO's overall budget. Over EUR 45 million (64 %) of this will be committed to operational activities in Greece.

Each annual Operating Plan follows a needs assessment which is carried out together with the respective national authorities, and is therefore tailored to the Member State in question. While support to Spain will focus on developing a new model for reception of asylum applicants, EASO's operation in Italy will continue to focus on asylum processes quality, standardisation and on second instance (appeals) procedures in light of less pressures on the country's first instance and reception infrastructure. It will also provide broader support to the reception system and respond to ad hoc disembarkation and voluntary relocation events.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210111:

EASO 20-12-18:

EASO launches new operation to support reception system till sidans topp

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) to support the Spanish authorities in developing and implementing a new model for the reception of asylum seekers in line with EU standards.

The Executive Director of EASO, Nina Gregori, and the State Secretary for Migration of Spain, Hana Jalloul Muro, signed an Operating Plan for 2021 which will see the Agency immediately commence work to support the reception authorities in Spain.

The Operating Plan follows a Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) carried out by EASO and the Spanish Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, between mid-September and the end of October 2020. The JRNA helped identify the needs of the Spanish authorities, which EASO will now assist in addressing.


In addition to establishing a new dedicated team at EASO Headquarters in Malta, the Agency will deploy personnel to Spain.

In particular, EASO will:

+ Support in the transition towards a new model for reception in the country;

+ Enhance structural processes in support of the Spanish reception system;

+ Contribute to strengthening capacity within the Spanish reception system through professional development, tools and materials;

+ Provide enhanced capacity to reception services in the Canary Islands; and

+ Support the Spanish authorities in the area of resettlement.

Spain will become EASO's fifth ongoing operation, the others being in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta. The Agency has approximately 2 000 personnel deployed in these Member States, which is an unprecedented level of support, and recently announced that it had more than doubled it operational productivity in 2020.

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Arkiveringsdatum 201124:

EASO 20-11-19:

EASO more than doubles operational productivity in 2020 till sidans topp

Despite challenges posed by COVID-19 in 2020, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) has dramatically upscaled its operational presence and increased support to Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta, in some cases by between twice and three times 2019 levels.

EASO currently has 1 600 personnel deployed operationally providing support to the respective asylum and reception authorities. With approximately 900 personnel in Greece, 500 in Italy, 110 in Cyprus and 85 in Malta, this equates to more than a 50 % increase over the end of 2019, with personnel in Greece almost doubling.

Up to the end of September 2020, the Agency substantially reinforced its operational productivity when compared to the same period in 2019. This includes carrying out over 12 400 asylum interviews (+74 %) and the drafting of close to 12 000 recommendations (+96 %) for decision by the authorities of Cyprus, Greece and Malta. Furthermore, over 23 000 registrations for international protection were carried out by EASO personnel in its operations during the same period.

Backlog of interviews on Aegean islands almost eliminated

Overall, in Greece, the Agency has increased productivity by 160 % and is now present in over 40 locations (out of almost 90 in all four Member States). EASO is currently working with the national authorities to reduce backlogs in the north of the country through 'Project North'. This will see the establishment of 7 new hub sites for asylum interviews, covering 14 locations.

On the Aegean islands, the dramatic increase in productivity for interviews conducted (+170 %) means that the backlog in interviews has almost been eliminated. Furthermore, between January and September 2020, EASO issued +211 % more recommendations in Greece than the same period in 2019.


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Arkiveringsdatum 201002:

EASO 20-09-15:

Lesvos: Asylum interviews to resume till sidans topp

Approximately 160 EASO personnel assisting in ensuring that asylum procedures are not disrupted. Agency also supporting establishment of emergency reception facility.

The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) confirms that its personnel will be resuming interviews for international protection on Lesvos in the coming days. Interviews were temporarily suspended following large fires which destroyed the Moria reception facility on 8 and 9 September 2020.

Other elements of EASO's operational activities on Lesvos, such as the drafting of Opinions, as well as Relocation workflows, were unaffected by the fires and continued without disruption.

Together with the European Commission and other EU actors, EASO has been in constant contact with the Greek authorities to offer any assistance possible, including ensuring that applicants for international protection are able to continue their procedures.

EASO also confirms that, contrary to some speculation, the destruction of EASO's facilities in Moria did not result in the loss of documents relating to applications for international protection. All such documents are not stored by EASO, and in any case are done so electronically. Furthermore, interviews carried out by EASO personnel did not take place in Moria, but rather at EASO's dedicated premises in Pagani.

EASO, which has approximately 160 personnel deployed in Lesvos, including caseworkers, registration assistants and reception assistants, has also re-deployed personnel to assist the Greek authorities with the ongoing establishment of an emergency reception facility in Kara Tepe. The Agency also stands ready to engage in the establishment of a new reception facility built to EU standards.

The Agency is fully engaged with the Greek authorities, as well as the European Commission, in addressing not only the immediate needs in Lesvos, but also in terms of finding long term solutions in line with European legal obligations and best practices.

Any further information may be obtained from the European Asylum Support Office on the following email address: press@easo.europa.eu

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Arkiveringsdatum 200208:

EASO 20-01-28:

EASO operations in Greece to expand significantly till sidans topp

The Agency's operations in Greece are expected to double in size to over 1000 personnel in 2020; Hosting agreement signed to improve efficiency of support through legal and administrative clarity.

On 28 January 2020, the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) and the Greek government signed a Seat Agreement for the Hosting of the EASO Operational Office in Greece. The agreement was signed in Athens by the Executive Director of EASO, Nina Gregori, and the Greek Alternate Minister for Migration and Asylum, Giorgos Koumoutsakos.

Commenting on the signing of the agreement, Ms Gregori stated: "EASO has been continuously increasing its operational support and cooperation with the Greek authorities since 2011. We have already started further expanding our support in the country in these weeks, and today's agreement gives us the needed administrative and legal framework to do so effectively. I want to thank Alternate Minister Koumoutsakos for the renewed effort he put into ensuring that the agreement was finalised as a priority. This continued constructive approach reflects the long-standing and ongoing excellent working relationship EASO has in partnering with our Greek colleagues."

The hosting agreement gives legal and administrative clarity to the status of EASO in the country, including that of its staff and assets, thus allowing the Agency to be better able to support the Hellenic asylum and reception authorities.


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EASO 20-01-07: EASO operations to double in size this year (Extern länk)

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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.