Sponsrad av Fridh Advokatbyrå
EU:s flykting- och gränspolitik
Allmänt om migration, statistik
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Externalisation instead of relocation as part of "voluntary solidarity mechanism"
The EU's Justice and Home Affairs Council, which is meeting today and tomorrow, looks set to adopt a "voluntary, simple and predictable solidarity mechanism" designed to reduce the "pressure" on southern EU states experiencing the arrival of substantial numbers of refugees. Relocation to other member states is described as "the preferred method of solidarity", but financial support for externalised migration control, border surveillance and other repressive measures would also be a possibility.
The draft declaration (pdf) is part of the "gradual approach" to the Pact on Migration and Asylum introduced by the French Presidency of the Council earlier this year. It states that:
"...the following common criteria need to be followed in order to ensure the predictability of the mechanism:
- relocations should primarily benefit Member States confronted with disembarkations following search and rescue operations in the Mediterranean and Western Atlantic route and also apply to other situations to take into account Cyprus' current situation or possible evolutions in the Greek islands;
- relocations should primarily apply to persons in need of international protection, giving priority to the most vulnerable ones;
- to ensure the predictability of the mechanism, a total annual relocation volume will be set;
- each contributing Member State should present a relocation pledge on the basis of an indicative target number of relocations based on the population and the GDP, while maintaining the possibility of going beyond this share;
Hela artikeln med länkar till källor (Extern länk)
Statewatch 22-05-24: Update on state of play of external cooperation in the field of migration policy (Extern länk)
Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.
Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.