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Arkiveringsdatum 220518:

Human Rights Watch 22-05-01:

US is Playing Politics with Migrant Lives till sidans topp

Clara Long, Ari Sawyer

The Trump administration's three-year campaign to block access to asylum seekers at the U.S.-Mexico border led to its use of a scorched-earth tactic at the start of the coronavirus pandemic - border expulsions under orders from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC has finally terminated its expulsion order known as Title 42, effective in May, after which the Biden administration can resume asylum processing. This has prompted politicking to maintain the border closure, including by prominent members of the president's own party.

On April 25, a federal judge temporarily blocked the Biden administration from ending Title 42. But even before that happened, there was talk that the repeal would be delayed. Several Democratic senators have signed onto a bill to keep the measure in place.

In this critical moment, the administration should clearly refine and defend its plans to restore access to asylum and vigorously oppose any legislative efforts to maintain the expulsions.

Expulsions make the border less safe, particularly for those who make repeated dangerous attempts to cross. Each time, migrants and asylum seekers are often increasingly exhausted, dehydrated, and sick. Once expelled, they have been met with cruelty and targeted violence in northern Mexico, remote areas of the jungle in Central America, or their countries of origin. This includes Haiti, where the government has lost control over strategic areas to the hands of dangerous armed gangs, leaving expelled people unprotected.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210904:

Human Rights Watch 21-08-06:

178 groups denounce Biden administration's continued violation of refugee protections till sidans topp

Dear President Biden:

As the world marks the 70th anniversary of the Refugee Convention, our 178 faith-based, humanitarian, legal services, immigration, and human rights organizations write to express profound disappointment that your administration's actions are undermining refugee protections globally and violating refugee law at home. We are gravely concerned that the administration issued a new order this week to continue to block and expel asylum-seeking families and adults to life-threatening dangers, is escalating the use of fundamentally flawed expedited removal, has massively increased detention of adults seeking protection, and continues to make statements that undermine the right to asylum.

We are horrified that your administration has embraced and doubled down on the Trump-era Title 42 policy by announcing it will use a new Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) order, which the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is wielding to continue to block and expel families and adults seeking refugee protection in violation of U.S. refugee law. This order, like its predecessors, uses public health as a pretext to circumvent U.S. refugee laws and treaties. We urge that you immediately end this travesty.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210701:

Human Rights Watch 21-06-30:

Over 100 groups urge Biden to fully rescind Title 42 expulsions till sidans topp

Dear President Biden:

We, the 105 undersigned organizations, write to express our alarm and disappointment that your administration is reportedly considering plans to continue to use the unlawful Title 42 expulsion policy to block and expel adult asylum seekers for at least two more months and may use punitive measures such as ankle monitors and expedited removal in processing families. Not only does the Title 42 policy violate U.S. refugee law and treaties, but it also endangers people seeking U.S. protection, with over 3,250 kidnappings, rapes, and other attacks on people expelled or blocked at the U.S.-Mexico border since you took office. This number rises every day your administration fails to end this policy. We urge your administration to fully rescind this policy for all populations, comply with U.S. refugee law, and ensure that Black, LGBTQ and other adult asylum seekers, many of whom have been turned back or expelled at ports of entry, as well as families and children, have swift access to the U.S. asylum system.

Over 100 Groups Urge Biden to Fully Rescind Title 42 Expulsions

Many of our organizations have repeatedly called on your administration to end the Title 42 expulsion policy and restart asylum processing for people seeking refuge. Rational, science-based measures, recommended by public health experts exist to mitigate COVID-19 concerns and safely process asylum seekers at the border.


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Arkiveringsdatum 200624:

American Immigration Council 20-05-27:

The Impact of COVID-19 on noncitizens and across the U.S. immigration system till sidans topp

By Jorge Loweree, Aaron Reichlin-Melnick and Walter Ewing, Ph.D.

The COVID-19 (the novel coronavirus) pandemic, and the federal government's response, has disrupted virtually every aspect of the U.S. immigration system. Visa processing overseas by the Department of State, as well as the processing of some immigration benefits within the country by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), have come to a near standstill. Entry into the United States along the Mexican and Canadian borders, including by asylum seekers, has been severely restricted. Immigration enforcement actions in the interior of the country have been curtailed, although they have not stopped entirely. Tens of thousands of people remain in immigration detention despite the high risk of COVID-19 transmission in crowded jails, prisons, and detention centers that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) uses to hold noncitizens. The pandemic led to the suspension of almost all immigration court hearings and limited the functioning of those few courts which remain open.

This report seeks to provide a comprehensive overview of COVID-19-related disruptions throughout the immigration system and identifies recommendations for adjustments and improvements to the federal response. Given that the landscape of immigration policy is changing rapidly in the face of the pandemic, this report will be updated as needed.


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Arkiveringsdatum 191214:

Human Rights Watch 19-12-09:

Utah governor to Trump: 'Allow us to accept more refugees' till sidans topp

Recently, Gary R. Herbert, the Republican governor for the US state of Utah, sent a letter to President Donald Trump saying Utah would like to sponsor more refugees because, "We empathize deeply with individuals and groups who have been forced from their homes and we love giving them a new home and a new life." It was a refreshing appeal, recalling the country's historically supportive approach toward refugee resettlement.

But that's probably not the response Trump had in mind when he signed an executive order in September saying refugees would only be resettled in places where both state and local officials indicated in writing their willingness to receive refugees. The intent of that order, to undercut refugee resettlement, was underscored by the Trump administration lowering the annual refugee admissions cap to 18,000, the lowest annual ceiling in the nearly three-decade history of the US refugee resettlement program. In October, the first month of the new fiscal year, the number of refugees admitted to the United States reached a new low: zero.

"We know the need [for resettlement] has not decreased," Governor Herbert's letter said, "and are eager to see the number of admittances rise again."

US support for refugees is longstanding and bipartisan. In the months following the fall of Saigon in 1975, President Gerald Ford, a Republican, admitted more than 130,000 Vietnamese refugees. Starting with the Refugee Act of 1980 and continuing for the next 37 years of Republican and Democratic administrations, the United States admitted more than 3 million refugees, an average of about 82,000 per year. When President Ronald Reagan said the US would "continue to share in the responsibility of welcoming and resettling those who flee oppression," he voiced sentiments that have been echoed in word and deed by every president of the modern era until Trump.

In his letter, Governor Herbert wrote, "This marvelous compassion is simply embedded into our state's culture." Let's hope governors of the other 49 US states share that compassion and the courage to tell President Trump the same.

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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.