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Arkiveringsdatum 220619:

TT / AP / SvD 22-06-11:

Upprört över flytt av migranter till Rwanda till sidans topp

Efter att en domstol i veckan banat väg för att flyga migranter från Storbritannien till Rwanda, växer kritiken mot den kontroversiella åtgärden. En av de upprörda uppges vara den brittiske tronarvingen prins Charles som rapporteras ha kallat de planerade flygningarna "förfärliga".

Det var i fredags som ett domstolsbeslut öppnade för att ett första flyg, enligt avtalet mellan Storbritannien och Rwanda, kan lyfta på tisdag med drygt 30 personer ombord. Väl framme i det afrikanska landet kommer deras ansökningar om asyl att prövas.

Den kontroversiella hanteringen av flyktingfrågan är ett försök från den brittiska regeringen att minska antalet migranter som kommer till Storbritannien via Engelska kanalen.

Flera människorättsorganisationer och bland andra FN:s flyktingorgan UNHCR har riktat skarp kritik och uttryckt "starkt motstånd och oro" över uppgörelsen.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220518:

EU Migration Law Blog 22-05-17:

Externalisation of asylum in Europe: Unpacking the UK-Rwanda Asylum Agreement till sidans topp

By Nikolas Feith Tan, senior researcher at the Danish Institute for Human Rights

The UK-Rwanda Asylum Partnership Agreement (APA) is the latest in a line of cooperative asylum arrangements that seek to shift asylum responsibility from destination states in the Global North to countries in the developing world. Such arrangements are generally for the purpose of deterring and deflecting protection seekers and, as such, the APA should be understood as a form of externalisation, an umbrella concept for the efforts of certain states to externalise certain basic functions (in this case asylum processing and protection) in the areas of border control and asylum.

It is important to locate the APA in its broader practice of related (but not identical) arrangements, which include US third country processing of intercepted asylum seekers at Guantanamo Bay, Australian-led attempts at third country processing and protection in Nauru and Papua New Guinea (PNG), the EU-Turkey Statement, Israel's 'voluntary departure' programmes involving the transfer of Eritrean and Sudanese asylum seekers to Rwanda and Uganda, and the short-lived US-Guatemala Asylum Cooperation Arrangement. Almost 20 years on, the APA also resonates with the UK's 'New Vision for Refugees', which included the processing of asylum seekers in transit states after arrival in the EU. And most recently, the UK would appear to have beaten Denmark to the line in announcing a transfer arrangement with Rwanda, a policy vision reflected in Danish legislation since June 2021.

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Se även:

Dr. Maja Grundler and Elspeth Guild in EU Migration Law Blog 22-04-29: The UK-Rwanda deal and its Incompatibility with International Law (Extern länk)

Tamás Molnár, FRA, in EU Migration Law Blog 22-03-25: EU Member States' international responsibility when cooperating with third countries: grey zones of law (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 220413:

Katrineholms-Kuriren ledare: 22-04-12:

Polens och Ungerns gränsövergrepp måste bestraffas till sidans topp

Människor som flyr till EU från krig, förtryck och annat elände bör välkomnas och ges en fristad här. Dessa människor ska ges upprättelse och en verklig chans till etablering. Att återvända till sitt forna hemland ska vara deras, och ingen annans beslut.

Detta är principer som borde vara styrande i flyktingpolitiken. Men så är det inte i verkligheten. Inte i Sverige, inte i EU. På en del håll, däribland Ungern och Polen bedrivs till och med en rasistisk gränspolitik. Detta gjordes klart av den internationella juridikbloggen Opinio Juris nyligen.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220215:

ECRE News 22-01-21:

Zemmour fined for hate comments on teen migrants till sidans topp

An extreme right candidate in France's upcoming presidential race has been fined 10,000 euro over hateful remarks towards young unaccompanied child migrants. New statistics on 2021 asylum requests show a general drop since 2019, with Afghans constituting the majority group of people seeking protection. A man has died while trying to mount a lorry near Calais, and another life was lost when a dinghy capsized in the Channel. A new Human Rights Watch (HRW) report highlights inhumane living conditions, police abuse, and racist violence suffered by people on the move.

Eric Zemmour, a far-right candidate in the 2022 French presidential elections, has been fined for inciting racial hatred. A French court convicted Zemmour over remarks made in 2022 in which he called young unaccompanied teens killers, thieves and rapists. The candidate has accumulated legal proceedings for similar statements and was convicted of inciting racial hatred in 2011 and inciting religious hatred in 2019.

The "Great Replacement" conspiracy, according to which a 'white French nation' is under attack from an organised invasion of Muslims and black people, is a central plank of Zemmour's campaigning. The far-right pundit denounced this third conviction as politically motivated and "stupid", but has notably fallen to fourth place in the polls at 13 per cent.

The human rights group la Ligue des droits de l'Homme (LDH) welcomed the ruling, noting that: "it is an important decision because behind this media theatre, there is a political project, a project of hatred which tends to stigmatize people because of their origin [...] Unaccompanied minors who come to seek protection in France [...] are not and will never be useful scapegoats for any presidential ambition".


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ECRE News 22-02-04:

January channel crossings up five-fold, "Illegal Entry" deemed misleading till sidans topp

A five-fold increase of small boat crossings of the channel in January 2022 compared to the same period of 2021 is according to experts is mainly the result of push factors. The Home Office has been rebuked by the UK appeal court for erroneously describing asylum seekers "illegal". The Nationality and Borders Bill currently under examination by lawmakers has faced forthright criticism for shutting down safe routes and exposing LGBTI+ asylum applicants to harm. The high court is examining the lawfulness of asylum seeker phone seizures and searches.

More than 1,300 people arrived in Britain via the Channel in January this year - a number five times that of January 2021. Info Migrants speculate that such journeys may be driven by false beliefs about the UK as "benefit heaven", rumours surrounding Brexit and the discontinuation of Dublin returns, and attempts to reunite with families or broader diaspora communities. However, migration experts emphasise that, given almost all Channel arrivals seek asylum once in the UK, journeys are driven mainly by "push" factors (including war, persecution, widespread rights abuses, government oppression and environmental disasters, amongst others) rather than by "pull" factors.

According to Dr Peter William Walsh from Oxford University's Migration Observatory, research shows that those hoping to reach the UK have little or no knowledge of the country's asylum or benefit system. Further, smugglers may try to trick people seeking safety by "up-selling" Britain, as it represents their most lucrative destination.

The government says the controversial Nationality and Borders Bill, this week under scrutiny in the House of Lords, will curb crossings by criminalising "arrival" to the UK and punishing "illegal entry" with four years' imprisonment and "assisting unlawful immigration" with life sentences. Yet, NGOs supporting asylum seekers say they are yet to see the "chilling" provisions of the Bill have any effect on arrivals. So far in 2022, at least three people have died in France's Calais region whilst attempting to reach Britain.


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ECRE News 22-02-11: Macron calls on uk to offer safe routes, Home Office prioritises crackdown on "illegal migration" (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 220125:

TT / AB 22-01-17:

Zemmour får böta för uppvigling till sidans topp

Tre månader före årets franska presidentval döms kandidaten Éric Zemmour till dryga böter för "uppvigling till rashat".

Hans plats i startfältet är samtidigt fortfarande oviss.

Debattören och provokatören Zemmour får böta motsvarande 100 000 kronor för uttalanden i tv-kanalen C News i september 2020.

I en diskussion om terrorism gick han då till attack mot ensamkommande flyktingbarn.

- De har inget här att göra. Det är tjuvar, de är mördare, de är våldtäktsmän. Det är allt vad de är. Det gäller att skicka tillbaka dem och stoppa dem från att komma hit, sade Zemmour - som då ännu var långt ifrån att avisera några tankar på att kandidera i presidentvalet.



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Arkiveringsdatum 211231:

Dagens Nyheter kultur 21-12-23:

Polen fortsätter att kriminalisera desperation och livsförhoppningar till sidans topp

Gabriel Itkes-Sznap

Situationen vid Polens östra gräns har inte förbättrats. Nyligen hittades en förfrusen och uttorkad gravid kvinna död i skogen. När en demokrati utfärdar undantagstillstånd bör man fråga sig vad för slags normalläge detta tillstånd reflekterar, skriver Gabriel Itkes-Sznap.

Läkarna kunde inte göra något för Avin Irfan Zahir, som dog för drygt två veckor sedan på ett sjukhus i den lilla polska staden Hajnówka. Volontärarbetare hade hittat den 38-åriga kurdiska kvinnan förfrusen och uttorkad i skogen. Hon låg på rygg och skrek av smärta, bredvid henne satt hennes man med korsade händer och parets fem barn. På sjukhuset konstaterades att hon varit gravid med ett sjätte; i tjugo dagar hade hon burit det döda fostret, sedan la kroppen av.


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ECRE News 21-12-10: Poland celebrates its border guard and restricts border access amid deadly crisis (Extern länk)

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AYS 21-12-30:

AYS Special from the United Kingdom: Rhetoric vs Reality till sidans topp

In the fifth of our Winter Specials, our own Hannah Parry look at the situation for people on the move in the United Kingdom, with the Nationality and Border Bill looming over 2022. Now set apart from the European Union, the UK has continued to calculate exactly what that means for people claiming asylum, whilst also failing those who are already caught in the complex system.

The Nationality and Borders Bill - a piece of legislation aimed at rewriting how the UK assesses not just asylum claims, but also how refugees are treated after their claims are accepted - was strongly opposed by Amnesty International, the Joint Council of the Welfare of Immigrants and many other groups. Even UNHCR criticised the Bill for undermining international human rights law.

"UNHCR believes the UK's Nationality and Borders Bill would penalise most refugees seeking asylum in the country, creating an asylum model that undermines established international refugee protection rules and practices." UNHCR

The Bill, which successfully passed through the House of Commons in December, makes a distinction between those who arrive by small boats and trucks from mainland Europe and those arriving by other ways - for example those who have obtained a visa from their home country to visit the UK for another reason (studying or holiday) and claim asylum once here. It also gives powers to remove those already granted citizenship from those born and brought up in the UK.


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Rekommenderade länkar:

Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants (Extern länk)

Refugee Action (Extern länk)

Royal National Lifeboat Institution (Extern länk)

NACCOM The No Accommodation Network (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 211122:

Sveriges Radio 21-11-17:

Fransk politiker inför rätta för uttalande om ensamkommande till sidans topp

Franska politikern Eric Zemmour, som inom kort väntas offentliggöra sin presidentkandidatur, ställdes i dag inför rätta.

Orsaken är ett kontroversiellt uttalande om ensamkommande flyktingbarn.

Uttalandet har redan lett till att tv-kanalen där han gjorde uttalandet fått motsvarande två miljoner kronor i böter för hets mot folkgrupp.

- Man vill göra Eric Zemmour till en brottsling, men han vill bara ha hårdare tag mot kriminella, sa Eric Zemmours advokat Olivier Pardo i dag till franska BFMTV.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210921:

The Guardian 21-09-06:

For Afghan refugees Britain's warm welcome will soon become cold comfort till sidans topp

In reality, 'helping those who helped us' will mean leaving them to languish in the Home Office's cruel immigration system

For a brief moment, it would appear that the UK isn't quite so "full up", as the government launches Operation Warm Welcome to relocate refugees from Afghanistan. As the name - evocative of bold military action in the face of the Taliban's triumph - suggests, this change in attitude is a result of a unique combination of guilt, media attention and a sort of colonial obligation to help those who helped us.

There will be photos of grateful families arriving in the UK, and earnest promises from politicians that Britain will do its part. But soon these headlines will fade; and as Afghanistan recedes from our consciousness, those we have let in will be left to the cold business of building a life in the UK.

In the war movie script of the Taliban's dramatic takeover, the film ends with the British showing compassion and selflessness by saving thousands of lives. But once the credits roll and the audience leaves, no attention will be paid to what comes after the welcome. Refugees will soon find that Britain's generosity extends little further than the point of entry.

What awaits is another trial. In addition to the ravages of relocation, there will be the distress of navigating an immigration system that is cruel and chaotic. Refugees will come up against the intersection of the two most compromised institutions in the country - a punitive Home Office and underfunded local councils.

Already the cracks are beginning to appear. About 10,000 Afghan refugees are currently housed in quarantine hotels across the UK, with little but the bags they were allowed to carry on to the evacuation flights. The infrastructure that has met them has been - as any refugee, immigrant or asylum seeker in the UK will immediately recognise - mostly informal, voluntary and, in the long term, utterly unsustainable.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210701:

AYS 21-06-28:

Government attacks on civil society by forcing journalists to delete footage till sidans topp

Journalists from an as-yet-unnamed international TV channel were stopped by Greek Coast Guard security in Lesvos. The security forced them to delete hours of footage from their memory card, probably of scenes exposing the truth about border practices.

This is far from an isolated incident. The authorities in Greece have been ramping up harassment and intimidation of journalists and other members of civil society, such as NGOs. There have been several incidents of authorities forcing journalists to delete footage or stopping them from freely reporting on conditions in the camps.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210616:

Open Democracy debatt 21-05-28:

The UK's immigration plans are a gift to criminal gangs, traffickers and exploiters till sidans topp

Zoe Gardner

Home secretary Priti Patel seems set on returning public opinion on migration to pre-2016 levels

On Monday 24 May, home secretary Priti Patel laid out the next steps in her department's plan to 'overhaul' the UK immigration system. It followed proposals earlier this year to rip up the UK's refugee protection principles. The next phase of her plans focuses on work, study and family migration routes to the UK and, significantly, seeks to digitalise a huge number of Home Office processes, including 'hostile environment' status checks when accessing both public and private services.

Public attitudes towards immigration have in fact significantly softened in the last few years, and overall the immigration has dropped down the public's list of top priority issues. In this context, Patel had an opportunity to make the sensible, humane changes that are needed, especially when focusing on the relatively popular groups of skilled migrant workers and students.


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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

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