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Arkiveringsdatum 220619:

Sveriges Radio Ekot 22-06-11:

USA och stor del av Latinamerika enas kring migrationen till sidans topp

USA, Kanada och 18 länder från Latinamerika har under toppmötet i Los Angeles enats om en gemensam migrationsstrategi.

Bland annat blir det hårdare tag mot människosmuggling och fler lagliga inrese-möjligheter. Det kommer också att bli lättare att utvisa dem som inte anses ha asylskäl.

Migrationen från Latinamerika och Karibien till USA nådde förra året rekordnivåer.

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Arkiveringsdatum 220518:

ECRE News 22-05-13:

Rescues and tragedies as Spain strengthen migration cooperation with Morocco till sidans topp

Despite numerous rescue operations by Salvamento Marítimo, at least 28 people died in the Atlantic on 9 May - another 44 lives lost off Western Sahara on 8 May. Spain and Morocco has agreed to strengthen cooperation on migration deterrence.

On 9 May Spanish rescue helicopters from Salvamento Marítimo managed to rescue 13 people clinging on to an inflatable boat in the Atlantic off the Canary Islands. However, at least 28 people from the boat, that had been at sea for four days, had disappeared in the Atlantic ocean when it turned over due to harsh weather before rescuers arrived.

The day after on 10 May Salvamento Marítimo rescued 57 people including three children of sub-Saharan descent on an inflatable boat attempting to reach the Canary Islands. Further, Salvamento Marítimo reported of an emergency landing of one of its maritime rescue planes on Lanzarote - the plane had lost an engine while searching for people in distress on the Atlantic.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220429:

Sveriges Radio Ekot 22-04-14:

Storbritannien skickar asylsökande till Rwanda till sidans topp

Personer som tar sig till Storbritannien på vad premiärminister Boris Johnson kalla olagliga vägar ska nu kunna skickas till Rwanda, där de om de bedöms ha asylskäl ska kunna ges asyl i Rwanda i stället för Storbritannien.

Samtidigt ska flottan ta över gränspolisens arbete i Engelska kanalen, infrastrukturen ska utökas med fler flyktingcenter, och flyktingsmugglare hotas med livstidsstraff i Storbritannien.

Den brittiska regeringens besked har mötts av kritik från människorätts- och flyktingorganisationer, som både pekar på brister i Rwandas respekt för mänskliga rättigheter och på att liknande program i länder som Australien inte fått effekten att färre asylsökande kommer till landet.

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TT / Squid 22-04-15:

Kritik mot förslag om asylsökande till Rwanda till sidans topp

Storbritannien ska skicka migranter och asylsökande som tagit sig över Engelska kanalen till Rwanda, enligt en överenskommelse.

FN riktar kritik mot den kontroversiella uppgörelsen, medan Danmark tycker att idén är intressant.

Beslutet är ett försök att minska antalet flyktingar och migranter som kommit till Storbritannien via Engelska kanalen.

FN:s flyktingorgan UNHCR uttrycker "starkt motstånd och oro" över uppgörelsen, och uppmanade London att inte fullfölja planen att förflytta asylsökande till det afrikanska landet för utredning om uppehållstillstånd. Människor som flyr ska inte behandlas som handelsvaror enligt UNCHR.

Flera människorättsgrupper avfärdar projektet som "barbariskt och omänskligt".


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Sveriges Radio Ekot 22-04-20:

Danmark vill skicka asylsökande flyktingar till Rwanda till sidans topp

Danska regeringen bekräftar nu att man för samtal med Rwanda om att skicka asylsökande flyktingar dit.

En lag som gör det möjligt att flytta hela den danska asylprocessen till ett annat land antogs av danska Folketinget ifjol, men vilket land danska regeringen hade i åtanke har inte varit klart.

Planen är att asylsökande som kommer till danska gränsen omedelbart flygs till Rwanda, där deras asylskäl prövas. Beviljas de asyl är det också i Rwanda, och inte Danmark, de erbjuds att bo. Vad Danmark är beredd att betala Rwanda för tjänsten är inte känt.

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AYS 22-04-20:

Outsourcing responsibility - a deeply flawed, inhumane and dangerous approach till sidans topp

The UK using Israel as a model for the transfer of asylum seekers to Rwanda, and Greece as a model for detention centres in the UK

In 2014, Israel secretly implemented the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda, knowing that this was breaking the 1951 UN Refugee Convention.

This hidden element is evidently not part of the UK's approach as the UK government has instead tried to justify this policy by stating it aims to prevent people-smugglers from helping to transport asylum seekers across the Channel. However, not only is it clear that the UK simply wants to outsource their responsibility onto another country, this argument is exceptionally weak and the previous implementation of this policy by Israel completely counteracts this argument. Israel gave up on this scheme when it became evident that there was an incredibly high rate of exploitation, human smuggling, and modern-day slavery for those who had been sent to Rwanda and were fleeing once again, on another dangerous journey.

Rwanda further has a long history of corruption and human rights abuses, as seen by Lewis Mudge, the Central Africa director of Human Rights Watch:

"Arbitrary detention, ill-treatment, and torture in official and unofficial detention facilities are commonplace, and fair trial standards are flouted in many cases."

Many who were sent to Rwanda from Israel between 2014 and 2017 found themselves in horrendous conditions and left the country soon after arriving.

It is also important to note that Priti Patel has attempted to make similar deals with countries such as Ghana and Kenya, however these deals were rejected due to criticism from their citizens. The UK government continues to attempt to leverage other countries to take on the responsibility of welcoming and resettling refugees and asylum seekers who are trying to reach the UK.


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AYS 22-04-22:

What lies behind the UK-Rwanda deal till sidans topp

Three major obstacles to the Agreement becoming operational

In addition to the abhorrent ethics and questionable timing of Priti Patel's UK-Rwanda Agreement, the general efficacy of the plan to offshore asylum-seekers, whether or not they arrive "legally," is pretty dubious. The Home Office is presenting the plan as a read-to-go program and not an abstract idea with unpredictable outcomes, a massive price tag, and significant pushback from citizens and human rights watchdogs alike, and its goal is not only to send asylum-seekers to Rwanda for asylum processing but to relocate them permanently. In the horrifying, albeit relatively unlikely event of the Agreement overcoming any legal and financial challenges, the Migration Policy Institute outlines three major obstacles to the Agreement becoming operational:

First, the UK is bound by international law to offer protection to specific categories of asylum seekers, including those from Rwanda. Sending Rwandan asylees back to their home country would constitute refoulement, which is prohibited under a bunch of international laws to which the UK is held accountable. Avoiding refoulement would require significant pre-screening processes that would likely disqualify many more people from the relocation scheme in the first place.

If the goal of the Agreement is to relocate asylum-seekers before they even begin the application process, significant legal challenges and prequalifications of individual asylum-seekers would delay or even rule out relocation.


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Arkiveringsdatum 220125:

AYS 22-01-10:

Attacks and detention as the latest fruit of the EU's deal with Libya till sidans topp

The exacerbation of the horrible situation and state people are being pushed back to in Libya as a result of the futile arrangement between Libya and Italy/EU is leading to more tragic events. The raids of last October were not the end of Libyan torture for people on the move who are currently in the country. More than 600 people were attacked and detained by Libyan authorities in front of a former community development centre in Tripoli this Monday. The government and police forces were reportedly burning down tents and trying to move people to detention centres by force.

As the already weak trust in the UN agencies is disappearing due to the lack of consideration for the people's concerns in the country, the question remains what the UNHCR's purpose on the ground is, in the middle of the Libyan restrictions, the EU's (well funded) wish to keep the people on the African continent, and the needs of the people whom the agency representatives simply refer to as "protesters"s they reportedly said that the only thing they can is organise evacuation flights (Niger, Rwanda), but that number has been rather low as well. The deal with Libya is obviously leading only to more victims and constant state of insecurity for the people on the move.


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Dagens Nyheter 22-01-16:

Danmark utlovade vaccin till Rwanda i diskussioner om asylcenter till sidans topp

I samma möte som Danmark diskuterade planerna på ett mottagningscenter för asylsökande i Rwanda, lovade den danska regeringen att donera 250 000 doser vaccin utanför Covax-programmet. Det skriver den danska tidningen Jyllands-Posten.

Under de senaste åren har den danska regeringen aktivt sökt efter länder som är redo att härbärgera asylsökande som skulle flygas direkt till ett tredje land i stället för att vänta på sitt asylbesked i Danmark. Rwanda, en diktatur i Centralafrika som styrs med järnhand av president Paul Kagame, har varit ett av länderna som visat intresse för det kontroversiella upplägget.

Om asylsökande till Danmark skulle befinna sig i Rwanda skulle diktatorn få ett stort inflytande över dansk hantering av asylsökande, samtidigt som dessa personer skulle berövas sina demokratiska rättigheter i väntan på beslut. Danmarks möjlighet att med diplomati påverka Rwanda i en demokratisk riktning skulle dessutom bli kraftigt kringskuren.

Nu skriver den danska tidningen Jyllands-Posten, att danska diplomater lyft upp en "förväntad vaccindonation" på 250 000 doser från tillverkaren Johnson & Johnson, i samma möte som man talat om asylcentret.

Jyllands-Posten har begärt ut korrespondens och mötesanteckningar från danska myndigheter. Tidningen skriver att Anders Tang Friborg, som är särskild migrationsambassadör med uppdraget att starta asylcenter i tredje land, i september landade i Rwandas huvudstad Kigali för att träffa representanter för den rwandiska regeringen. Det var vid dessa möten, där även migrationsdepartementets Grith Nørgaard deltog, som diskussionen kom att handla om doserna.


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Arkiveringsdatum 210904:

The Guardian 21-08-22:

UK plans offshore asylum centres in other countries for Afghans till sidans topp

Britain plans to establish offshore asylum centres for Afghan refugees in countries such as Pakistan and Turkey, as ministers admit that the UK will not be able to rescue those eligible for resettlement before troops leave Kabul.

The defence secretary, Ben Wallace, said in a newspaper article on Sunday that the UK planned to establish a series of processing hubs across the region outside Afghanistan, for Afghans it had "an obligation to".

At least 1,429 Afghans have been evacuated from Kabul since last Friday, as part of the Arap relocation scheme designed to help interpreters and others who have helped the British during their 20 years in Afghanistan.

But it is estimated that a similar number - or more - remain in the country. The emergency airlift was continuing on Sunday, with RAF flights operating despite a crush at the airport gates as desperate Afghans try to flee.

Nato believes 20 people have died around the airport in the last week, but Britain's armed forces minister, James Heappey, said the flow outside the airport had improved because the Taliban were "marshalling people into separate queues for the US evacuation and the UK evacuation".

A total of 1,721 people - Britons, Afghans and people from allied countries - had been evacuated from Kabul on eight flights in the past 24 hours, Heappey said, with the RAF receiving help from its Australian counterpart in getting people to safety.

But British officials already acknowledge that it is virtually impossible to evacuate people coming from outside Kabul, although Afghans with a claim have told charity workers they would risk crossing the country if they knew they had a flight.


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Svenska Magasinet 21-08-24: 4.000 afghanska flyktingar planeras till Andalusien (Extern länk)

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Arkiveringsdatum 210616:

Refugee Law Initiative 21-05-14:

The dangers of penalising irregular arrivals: - Lessons from the Australian model till sidans topp

Maria O'Sullivan, Monash University

The UK government's New Plan for Immigration sets out proposals which have distinct parallels to the Australian asylum system. Australian migration law is focused on penalising irregular arrivals through the use offshore processing, temporary visas and fast-tracked procedures. The New Plan also incorporates these features (albeit with slightly different requirements). Due to these similarities, it is essential that UK policy makers are fully aware of the difficulties and complexities which have been caused by the deterrent model utilised by Australia.

UK policy makers may be attracted to the 'Australian Model' because the Australian government has portrayed the 'Stopping the Boats' policy (via the penalisation of unauthorised arrivals) as a success story. However, this is far too simplistic a picture. In this blog post I strongly argue against the use of the proposed measures in light of the experiences in Australia - not only due to the human rights concerns they raise, but also because of their high cost, the legal and bureaucratic confusion they have caused, and the diplomatic relations controversies they have occasioned.

Features of the Australian asylum system - Complexities and Concerns

The central feature of the Australian model is that it is designed to inhibit the operations of people smugglers by stopping people arriving by boat. As part of this, Australia has transferred responsibility for processing and protection to Nauru and Papua New Guinea and has outsourced detention, security and medical services to multinational companies contracted to operate in those offshore places. This is done via bilateral arrangements between Australian and those countries and by contracts between Australia and the relevant corporations. These arrangements have caused much legal confusion and complexity (and attendant litigation).


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Open Democracy 21-06-03: Australia's abandoned refugees: nine years of exile in offshore purgatory (Extern länk)

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The New Humanitarian 21-06-02:

A Sicilian fishing town, and the perils of Italy's migration deal with Libya till sidans topp

We follow the law of the sea. For us, these are not migrants; they are simply people stranded at sea that we must help.'

Over the past decade, the Sicilian fishing town of Mazara del Vallo has had a front-row seat to witness escalating EU efforts to curb migration across the Mediterranean, but its fishermen have paid their own high price for Europe's strategy and its dealings with Libya.

Mazara's fishermen have rescued thousands of asylum seekers and migrants in distress. They have also been targeted by the Libyan Coast Guard for fishing in waters that Libya considers its own.

Pietro Russo, a 66-year-old fisherman from the town, has been sailing the central Mediterranean since he was 17. "Even we, as EU citizens, have experienced the brutality of the Libyan Coast Guard on our own skin, so we know what migrants desperate to leave Libyan prisons feel," Russo told The New Humanitarian.

2021 is shaping up to be the deadliest year in the central Mediterranean since 2017. At least 640 people have drowned or gone missing following shipwrecks, and more than 14,000 asylum seekers and migrants have reached Italy - a ratio of one death for about every 22 people who survive the crossing.

In comparison, around 1,430 people had died or disappeared in the central Mediterranean by the end of May 2017, and more than 60,000 had arrived in Italy - a ratio of 1 death for every 42 arrivals.

This year, more than 8,500 asylum seekers have also been intercepted by the EU-backed Libyan Coast Guard and returned to detention centres in Libya, European navies have largely withdrawn from search and rescue activities, and NGOs trying to help migrants - facing numerous bureaucratic hurdles - are struggling to maintain a consistent presence at sea.


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Statewatch 21-06-14:

UK continuing operations against "illegal immigration" in Libya till sidans topp

A report by The Libya Observer looks at a meeting between UK and Libyan officials at which issues concerning immigration, terrorism and human trafficking were discussed. The UK's defence secretary reportedly said that the UK is working with Libya on "anti-terrorism and illegal immigration training programs".

"The Libyan Interior Minister, Khalid Mazen, said there are about 700.000 illegal immigrants in Libya, adding in a meeting with the British Defense Secretary, Ben Wallace, and Secretary for Middle East and North African Affairs, James Cleverly, in Tripoli that what Libya is going through due to the phenomenon of illegal immigration is challenging.


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The Libya Observer 21-06-10: 700.000 illegal immigrants residing in Libya, Interior Minister says (Extern länk)

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Källor: Informationen på denna sida är hämtad från följande källor (externa länkar): EU (kommissionen, ministerrådet, parlamentet och domstolen), Europarådet (mr-kommissionären, domstolen, kommittén mot tortyr), FN:s flyktingkommissariat UNHCR, FN:s kommitté mot tortyr m.fl. FN-organ, Sveriges Radio, SvT, andra svenska media via Nyhetsfilter och pressmeddelanden via Newsdesk, utländska media till exempel via Are You Syrious och Rights in Exile, internationella organisationer som Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, ECRE, Statewatch och Picum, organisationer i Sverige som Rädda Barnen, Asylrättscentrum, Svenska Amnesty, FARR och #vistårinteut samt myndigheter och politiska organ som Migrationsverket, Sveriges domstolar, JO, Justitiedepartementet m.fl. departement och Sveriges Riksdag.

Bevakning: Hjalte Lagercrantz och Sanna Vestin. Sammanställning: Sanna Vestin. Asylnytt är ett ideellt projekt. Sponsring avser prenumerationsavgifter. Tips emottages tacksamt.